Custom Server Update Discussion

  • @fattyblunt420 why would someone even play a PvPvE game if they hate PvP THAT much?

    PvE ain't happening.

    Not only my sentiment, but rares also.

  • @fattyblunt420 a dit dans Custom Server Update Discussion :

    You try to force people who dont enjoy the stress of pvp into pvp they will quit your game I promise.

    I'm tired of people like you thinking they know better and playing Nostradamus with that kind of assumption.
    Open your eyes: you don't know better. No really, I assure you, you don't.

    We've been hearing this "people will quit the game" nonsense countless times since the game's out, especially when talking about the PVP side of the game.
    And you know what ? The game is still here and it's doing pretty good.

    Now, I don't know if the game will still be successful in one or two years, I don't know if people will continue to play it and, if people actually quit the game, I sure don't know what would be the reason behind it... I'm not going to pretend, like a lot of people like you, that I know better.
    But if we take into account everything that has happened (and with data) in the last years since the game was released, I think we can safely assume that this game being a PvPve game is not a problem to many people. That's an actual fact based on the success of the game and not on personal opinion.

  • @papy-pitch it is a dying game.

  • @fattyblunt420 said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    @papy-pitch it is a dying game.

    So that somehow equates to a PvE mode being the solution ?

    I dont think so.

  • @fattyblunt420 said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    @papy-pitch it is a dying game.

    Facts say otherwise - consistently in the top 20 played games on Xbox in any given week for 2 years now, leading daily player counts on Steam and one of the top sellers on that platform as well. Save the Chicken Little act.

  • Seems pointless to lock out commendations and rank progression as it affects no-one. If it's a leaderboards thing just make two separate leaderboards, one for custom and one for adventure. It'd only makes sense if players unlocked new weapons or abilities through progression, which it doesn't.

    It'd be nice just to sail the seas with all five of my friends instead of telling two of them they can't play because the Galleon's full. Perhaps a "Prefer to play with friends" option just to make that easier; the servers always feel empty to me.

  • @karloss00 strongly disagree with commendations not affecting anyone.

    By default they risk more in the PvPvE world.

    No risk no progression or rewards simple

  • no need for custom servers if we won't progress.

  • @lnfectedxgamer said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    no need for custom servers if we won't progress.

    Then you've misunderstood the goal of those servers.

    @karloss00 said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    It'd be nice just to sail the seas with all five of my friends instead of telling two of them they can't play because the Galleon's full. Perhaps a "Prefer to play with friends" option just to make that easier; the servers always feel empty to me.

    And what's preventing you to do that with custom servers? You will totally be able to do so, at the simple and fair compromise of having your progress paused for that time. Be grateful you are getting that possibility in the first place.

  • @lnfectedxgamer said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    no need for custom servers if we won't progress.

    I think you missed the intent for the custom servers completely.

    They are being created to allow users to get creative with the sandbox, not for a PvE easy cheesing mode, infact rare has made it crystal clear they want to avoid this.

  • I think the only thing I am genuinely curious about - if we have to pay for these servers (whether its a monthly payment, per session payment, or what have you) what benefit will it serve the community base at large, if they are just the sandbox with no progress?

    Why create a payed feature, that gimps the games systems and only benefits players who want to stream. IDK. I mean I am happy an option to play a proper PVE only version of the game is available in some form, but I still stand that at some point a full PVE mode will be made.

    Wont be when this launches, wont be the day after, week after, year after etc etc, but it will come.

  • @surveyorpete

    @surveyorpete said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    I posted elsewhere Some Thoughts on Custom Servers because I did not know this thread existed. I will now repeat, expand and modify on what I wrote there, because this seems to be place the do it. I started to skim through the seven pages of this thread and got to about page four before I gave up looking for constructive suggestions as to what Custom Servers should offer. It was all arguments about PvE servers and other stuff not relevant to this topic. C'mon people!!! Why can't you be more constructive?

    PvE Servers vs Custom Servers

    Before I start to talk about Custom Servers, I will put in my 2 gold pieces here. As Humpty Dumpty said, in Alice in Wonderland, "When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less." So, let me define terms:

    • Open Servers - The original Sea of Thieves server/s in which pirates may encounter other pirates, and have their ship sunk, and their loot taken, by people they don't know.
    • PvE Servers - Some sort of Sea of Thieves server, where you cannot be killed, sunk, or have your loot taken away by other people, whether friend or foe. The only true PvE Server is one where yours is the only ship on the seas. This is because there are ways to kill people, do damage to ships and steal loot that do not rely on swords, cannons and handguns.
    • Custom Servers - Whatever is it that Rare is offering here; and the subject of this thread. We are told there will be the ability to customise "ship numbers and types prior to starting" but "no gold or reputation progression from Custom Server sessions".
    • Private Servers - A server that someone rents from Rare/MS for their private use, and what I think a Custom Server should be!

    My view is, for Custom Servers to be the best they can be, they should true Private Servers, allowing PvP-free play if the subscriber is willing to pay for that. I don't care if someone wants to pay $120 USD (or $600!) a year for a Private Server in which they grind their way to Pirate Legend and beyond; provided they cannot come back to the Open Servers with their purple coat, their ghost figurehead, and their Legend of the Sea of Thieves title. If people are willing to pay for a private, safe space to play, why not let them? If people are willing to pay $600 a year for a Sea of Thieves server where the Kraken never appears, why not let them!?

    Allow Private Servers but keep gold and progression private to that server, too. Imagine some bloke - let's call him Bob - driving a F1 car around his private racetrack on his private ranch. Even if Bob beats all his mates, it might make him a legend on his ranch, but it does not make him the F1 World Champion. Conversely, though, if Lewis Hamilton is invited to mess about on Bob's private racetrack, he is still the real F1 World Champion.

    Now... Let's talk about what a Custom Server (or Private Server) should be. My interest in Custom Servers is using them for content creation: exploring, mapping, photography (screen shots), and machinima (movie making on the Sea of Thieves). But, I would like to see much more control than setting ship types and numbers.

    Basic Features

    • All voyage types, including all Tall Tales, should remain. This would allow content creators like me to provide things like my Riddle Guide or machinima makers to make movies of pirates doing a Tall Tale. This would also allow Private Servers to be Captain Bob's own private PvE-only safe space. But as I said before, if Bob is willing to pay for that, who cares?
    • It should be possible to hand in a chest to the Gold Hoarders, or a skull to the OOS, etc. All NPCs should remain and interact as fully as they do now.
    • Duke should offer what he currently offers on the Open Servers. Time limited events should be the same as they on the Open Servers.
    • No progression towards XBox Achievements.
    • The server instance should be named by the subscriber (e.g. "Bob's Safe Space") and that name should appear prominently on all reputation screens. This will prevent people posting screen-shots of their achievements, presenting them as being earned on Open Servers.

    Session Configuration

    Session creators should be able to set the following features as they configure the server:

    • Turn on or off world events, such as Skull Forts, appearances of the Megalodon, Flameheart's ghost fleet, the Kraken, etc. There should be individual controls for each such event.
    • Choose what cosmetics or equipment pirates enter a session with:
    1. all the cosmetics or equipment (and titles) they have earned on Open Servers, OR
    2. cosmetics or equipment and titles they have previously earned on THIS Custom Server instance, OR
    3. with nothing, but with a fixed allocation of gold and/or doubloons to buy the quests, costumes and props they may need for the session.
    • Control the supplies that each ship starts with.
    • Control the frequency and strengh of island skellies: from "Never" or "Easy" to "Annoyingly Constant" and "Hard"
    • Control whether Storms and Fog appear.
    • Allow a number of ships greater than six... up to what is technically possible without killing the server.
    • Some control over spawn points for ships that are sunk.
    • Allow/disallow pirates to enter "Flying Camera mode"

    In-Session "Cheats"

    In addition to configuration of the server before the session begins, it would be cool to be allow the server controller to tweak stuff during the session:

    • Control the weather. Turn Storm or Fog on (centred on a location), or off; and set the direction of the wind!
    • Control the time of day, and perhaps allow the ability to "stop time" (providing consistent light for photos or machinima).
    • Trigger an PvE event: ranging from the popping up of an island skelly, to the appearance of Flameheart and his squadrons of ships on a chosen island.
    • If a megalodon is triggered, it should never be the Shrouded Ghost. After all, it never appears on Open Servers. But seriously, we don't want YouTube filled with videos of people "defeating" this mythical beast because they triggered meg after meg until they got the Shrouded Ghost.
    • Toggle "Flying Camera mode" (if allowed by session config). This would make the player invulnerable, disable their HUD and their ability to interact with objects in the world, but would allow them to fly. This is intended to provide a mobile camera for machinima and screen shots.


    If we could have all this, I would pay good money for a Custom/Private/PvE Server. Which brings me to pricing. I imagine a subscription style pricing model, which allows an individual to spin up a Custom Server any number of times in a month. If the server was wanted permanently, the subscription price would be paid each month, perhaps with a discount if paid for 12 months. I imagine something like $20 USD (discounted to $200 per year) or €20 per month to be about right. For me that would be about $30 AUD per month (or $300 a year). If the subscriber fails to keep the server subscription active, all (privately earned) gold and progress is lost.

    Possible Uses

    • Safe exploration for role players, photographers, and hint guide makers
    • A stable, controllable environment for machinima (movie) makers
    • A configurable environment for planned PvP events (such as a simple ship race, or battle royale)
    • A configurable environment for PvE events (such as a Athena quest race)
    • A configurable environment for PvPvE events (such as an Athena quest & battle royale combined. First to return their Athena chest wins but, if your ship sinks, you are out of the contest!)
    • A configurable environment for streamers to play on, without fear of stream snipers, and to which they could invite friends and fans.
    • Bob's private, safe PvE-only server, where he can be a Pirate Legend all by himself.


  • All some people want is to play without the stress of having pvp players come and take your hours of work away in seconds.

    Today I was hoping to come on and level up my hunters call and I’m the few hours I got attacked straight away from spawn. So I server hopped 4 times in the space of two hours. I just wanted to enjoy my love of the game before work. Got nothing done the whole time. To me that I is a waste of my day.

    People say it’s not a pirate game of you take away pvp. PvP players have arena so they have everything they want. PvP isn’t the only thing making this a pirate game. The sailing in a PIRATE SHIP, the looting and working to find some in the loot with treasure maps. So much of it is a pirate game not just taking someone’s hard work whilst they’ve just came on to steal because they don’t want to put in the effort.

    Pve should be a thing. No restrictions on loot, just take out being able to do damage to other ships and people. More megs and ghost ships if they want. Make it harder whatever. Just let people enjoy the game with the parts they like. Most games have different servers so stop moaning about this one getting one

  • @jmxsparks said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    All some people want is to play without the stress of having pvp players come and take your hours of work away in seconds.

    The only way this happens is if you spend hours at sea without cashing in. You are in full control of how much "work" you are willing to risk, and if you are able to go for hours without running into a PvP ship then you are fully capable of turning stuff in during that time without a problem.

  • @d3adst1ck yesterday before work I spent 2 hours hopping in and out of servers because I was attacked within ten minutes of leaving the outpost. Yes you risk not cashing In but doing a couple of islands can take 30 minutes. So if we do what you say we will spend 1 hour doing two islands and then sailing to an outpost then selling. To just then go back the way we came and carry on. That’s not fun at all. Having to play so safe all the time just because there are pvp players all over the place. Why is it so bad for people to enjoy playing without pvp. It’s forbidden to enjoy a game and just want the Pve side. Yet plenty of games offer that side of play. Games arnt just for pvp players

  • @jmxsparks said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    @d3adst1ck yesterday before work I spent 2 hours hopping in and out of servers because I was attacked within ten minutes of leaving the outpost. Yes you risk not cashing In but doing a couple of islands can take 30 minutes. So if we do what you say we will spend 1 hour doing two islands and then sailing to an outpost then selling. To just then go back the way we came and carry on. That’s not fun at all. Having to play so safe all the time just because there are pvp players all over the place. Why is it so bad for people to enjoy playing without pvp. It’s forbidden to enjoy a game and just want the Pve side. Yet plenty of games offer that side of play. Games arnt just for pvp players

    Games aren't just for PvE players either?

    If you split the game up by adding a PvE mode, you end up ruining the main game that most of us who enjoy both PvE and PvP because players will begin to gravitate towards doing PvE on those servers and then being extra aggressive on the other ones. Right now there is a mix that provides a decent chance that you can be fighting one day and sailing clear and free for hours the next which can vary from server to server. Splitting the game up into PvE and PvP will just limit the variety of encounters you'll run into on a server.

  • @jmxsparks was there a new update?

    If so, give it a week and the seas will calm down.

    This pretty much always happens.

  • @d3adst1ck if you’re like the pve and pvp then you’ll still have your server. The people who arnt aggressive are the people who want to just do the missions and other things, that’s the point 😂if you want to attack people then an aggressive server is what you get, that’s what you want so suck it. Arena is also a thing, there is nothing for pve players

  • @jmxsparks I can see you are having problems understanding the situation, so good luck.

  • @jmxsparks said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    @d3adst1ck if you’re like the pve and pvp then you’ll still have your server. The people who arnt aggressive are the people who want to just do the missions and other things, that’s the point 😂if you want to attack people then an aggressive server is what you get, that’s what you want so suck it. Arena is also a thing, there is nothing for pve players

    Joe Neate: "The whole core premise of SOT is that it’s a shared world. To get to Pirate Legend, there will be danger and there will be other players, the risk and the reward is all part of it …that’s what SOT has always been, it’s a shared world adventure game, there is a purpose to that…it’s all about a shared world and we have no intention to deviate from that."

    Highlighted the important bits to help you understand.

  • @bloodybil [mod edit] but the point here is that the fans of the game love the game itself and would like an alteration. There would still be danger. Events, ghost ships, Megladon, kraken, [mod edit] like arena is completely different, it’s pvp solidly. Pve solidly??? A lot of people would like that. [mod edit]

  • [mod edit]

  • @jmxsparks Your posts have been edited as they go against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


    Be courteous. Don’t insult players you don’t know. If humour is the intent, remember that this can be lost or misinterpreted online, and words can very easily offend. Be mindful of what you’re saying and if someone asks a question, see if you can help them out as you’d appreciate being helped out yourself if the roles were reversed.

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • @jmxsparks said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    @bloodybil [mod edit] but the point here is that the fans of the game love the game itself and would like an alteration. There would still be danger. Events, ghost ships, Megladon, kraken, [mod edit] like arena is completely different, it’s pvp solidly. Pve solidly??? A lot of people would like that. [mod edit]

    Enjoy the progression-less custom servers! Danger, events, and PVE solidly(?) awaits you, huzzah!

  • Imagine a place to talk and discuss being so toxic and rude XD just because some People don’t like the idea doesn’t mean everyone doesn’t XD this forum is full on rude kid’s. I’m off to speak to adults who can hold a discussion XD

  • @jmxsparks a dit dans Custom Server Update Discussion :

    Imagine a place to talk and discuss being so toxic and rude XD just because some People don’t like the idea doesn’t mean everyone doesn’t XD this forum is full on rude kid’s. I’m off to speak to adults who can hold a discussion XD


  • @jmxsparks said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    Imagine a place to talk and discuss being so toxic and rude XD just because some People don’t like the idea doesn’t mean everyone doesn’t XD this forum is full on rude kid’s. I’m off to speak to adults who can hold a discussion XD

    Says the person who has his posts edited because (i think) you used rude terms LOL... back to the ball pit for you ...byeeeee

  • I dont want custom servers because I dont want smaller clique-ish player bases that don't interact.

    I dont think this makes any business sense for the SoT model.

    Official servers is where all the money is.

  • @jmxsparks
    I so agree. Almost all games with servers have PvE and PvP servers.

    One guys thing that if you take away PvP that the streamers and other internet trolls will quit. Well those same people are causing people to quit every single day due to their greifing practices. They get a good laugh and taunt and cause another player to waste hours of their time.
    It’s so important that they have their fun.

    Pvp is just one aspect of the game. It’s not essential. So I shouldn’t be forced to participate in it. Especially those toxic jerks that do it just to make others miserable and kicks their rocks off.

  • @papy-pitch
    I’ve only been reading for 20 minutes and so far there’s at least 3 players that have quit due to PvP. So quit thinking that making people waste their time when I’m sure their time is valuable isn’t reason enough to quit. I will not be returning any time soon. So enjoy playing with your like minded PvPers. It doesn’t affect you so why care? Probably don’t understand why you put your lights on in the rain or wear a mask.

  • @g0d-m0n3y

  • @g0d-m0n3y said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    Pvp is just one aspect of the game. It’s not essential. So I shouldn’t be forced to participate in it. Especially those toxic jerks that do it just to make others miserable and kicks their rocks off.

    Joe Neate: "The whole core premise of SOT is that it’s a shared world. To get to Pirate Legend, there will be danger and there will be other players, the risk and the reward is all part of it …that’s what SOT has always been, it’s a shared world adventure game, there is a purpose to that…it’s all about a shared world and we have no intention to deviate from that."

  • Kinda sad that the PvP'ers are so scared of losing their easy pickings that they get up-in-arms at the mare idea of a PvE environment.
    I'm older, I know I'm a bit rubbish and don't mind getting sunk - but I'd love to be able to play with other (largely non-gaming friends) without having 'l33t' players cussing us out and spawn-camping the ship.

    It's gotten to the point that I can stop the ship and invite other people aboard to see there's no loot there (or offer our loot to them freely) and they still sink the boat/kill everyone.

    At this point rare seems set on the whole 'no pve' thing - which is a shame because this would otherwise be an amazing game for families or older gaming groups that just want to relax. I guess I can just hope that one day Rare makes a co-op game based off the same engine/code.

  • @tel-prydain said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    Kinda sad that the PvP'ers are so scared of losing their easy pickings that they get up-in-arms at the mare idea of a PvE environment.
    I'm older, I know I'm a bit rubbish and don't mind getting sunk - but I'd love to be able to play with other (largely non-gaming friends) without having 'l33t' players cussing us out and spawn-camping the ship.

    It's gotten to the point that I can stop the ship and invite other people aboard to see there's no loot there (or offer our loot to them freely) and they still sink the boat/kill everyone.

    At this point rare seems set on the whole 'no pve' thing - which is a shame because this would otherwise be an amazing game for families or older gaming groups that just want to relax. I guess I can just hope that one day Rare makes a co-op game based off the same engine/code.

    Well then, those custom servers will be perfect for you and your friends, why are people still complaining?

  • Will we be able to do tall tales in these custom server ? It's very hard to do right now as a solo sloop since I'm always harrassed by a lot of other galleons. I just want to chill in this game.

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