Custom Server Update Discussion

  • @x-jonnyt-o said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    @genuine-heather said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    @ool-kratos-loo said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    guys are yous for real XD why do you care if people make progress in a private server that they pay for? what does it do to. theres literally no point of having a private server if it doesnt progress to anything. absolute nerdy freaks on here like

    The reason we "nerdy freaks" care is because a PvE server with progression breaks the game. Everything in the Sea of Thieves is balanced with PvP in mind. Everything. If you're going to remove PvP, you might as well remove skeletons, too. Other pirates are the primary threats of the game, the unpredictable elements. The point of whole game is about seeing masts on the horizon and not knowing whether they're friend or foe. The PvE is not intended to be played without the ever-present danger of PvP. It is literally the main challenge of the game. Take it away and the entire balance is broken. I can't imagine why you'd expect to reap any rewards in such a game. It's a selfish and unreasonable expectation.

    @x-jonnyt-o said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    Imagine subscribing to a Fallout 1st Server on Fallout 76 and have no progression. Absolute joke. Hopefully will be changed in the future.

    Sea of Thieves is not Fallout '76. Sea of Thieves will never, ever have PvE-only servers with progression. The game is not balanced to be played that way. The only way private servers can be implemented is without progression. That's the best you're ever going to get, so be thankful and move on.

    That's the best you're ever going to get, so be thankful and move on. How old are you? xD

    A lot older than you, obviously. Did you read and comprehend any part of my comments aside from the last sentence? Or was that too much effort?

  • @x-jonnyt-o said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    That's the best you're ever going to get, so be thankful and move on.

    Funny, that's exactly what this announcement seems to be translating as.

  • @lem0n-curry

    This is true, I stand corrected. I forgot the number was based off total player pop, not just the console. Thank you for pointing it out.

  • Where is capitancy update?

  • With this it’d be awesome for you to crack down on server takeovers from discord groups. It may be tough but honestly it’s keep the game from dying.

  • So my post got shut down cus RARE saw I was talking to much sense loooool, this is a bad idea and the fact they shut down my topic and directed me here is a clear “shut up and get lost in a sea of comments no one is gunna read” nice one rare :) just like the direction of the game u only care about the PVP :) bye bye

    This is a salt post but after I made a very clear and valid point in a topic in which people could have had a discussion and argued the points for then to do this is then just saying a big [mod edit] to me, it is clear they don’t give a monkeys

  • @itskingbertie Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.

    Circumventing the Forum Profanity Filter

    A profanity filter is in place to support our commitment to our community to create the world’s friendliest multiplayer game. Topics and posts which attempt to circumvent the filter will be edited or deleted and the users involved warned. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • @triheadedmonkey saying that you “shut down my topic” isn’t me trying to swear it’s me saying u dropped anchor on my post looool u guys really hate the fact that most people can agree that the new servers are a bad idea and that you guys were wrong about PVE like you were AI ships?! Sorry it hurts to be wrong but why not just accept it make PVE then continue to make content of the back of selling PVE servers?! Or is it a bad look that u went back on ur word even thou since the beginning PVE has been the most talked about topic since it’s the most wanted suggestion since the start aswell?!

  • @triheadedmonkey and for you guys to have a generic message that reads “ to make the most friendliest player base” when u have literally the most toxic one out of the entirety of every game I’ve ever played speaks volumes

  • @ItsKingBertie Your previous thread was locked because there is a dedicated thread (here) to discuss Custom Servers, which is why I redirected the discussion to the correct place.

  • @itskingbertie Breathe my fellow pirate. Arguing with another ain't gonna get you anywhere, especially arguing with a Mod. Restate your opinions on the matter so your voice can be heard.

    EDIT: Sorry. You did kind of restate your view but do it with a bit less salt. People tend to notice the salt more than your view.

  • @triheadedmonkey yeah cus all the PVE arguments will get lost in a crowd of “yay I can race five times before I realised that the server I paid for is pointless” and therefore makes this look like a good idea when in reality it’s just rare being stubborn and sticking with no PVE yet they have to sell emotes which makes the game pay to win - even if it’s the slightest little pay to win- still is.

  • @venomous-sloth7 thanks man but this is the closest I’ll ever get to someone’s hearing my point - advising with a mod and it don’t matter this game don’t want me or anyone that enjoys pve it only wants streamers on it that way people watch think it’s a great game after seeing the streamer do some stuff on their private server and then become cannon fodder for the super FPS PC users that have an advantage over everyone else but at that point RARE don’t care they already made their money if u buying the game.

  • @venomous-sloth7 also thanks for seeing the points if anyone reading these things “god he’s salty” find the topic “why not cash in” and see my real points none of this anger at the mod who directed me to this to get lost in a sea of “yay what a great idea” topic so it doesn’t seem like a bad idea.

  • Thank god the developers have finally stated publicly “ No PvE servers”

    Rare have finally put the issue to bed.

    No ifs, buts or maybes.

    Start sharpening your cutlasses boys and girls, looks like the PvE die hards are going to need some PvP lessons.

  • @pabio-escobar indeed start sharpening your cutlass boys and girls cus u gunna be fighting eachother we off to other games, I have been off this game since the anniversary update and have been very vocal last few hours as I noticed a announcement about Customs servers then read the article and wanted to voice my opinion on it one more time to try gain traction on a mode many people would enjoy and come back to seeing as it will be met with this- a valid u enjoy PvP post - means that it won’t happen and I got my last chance to ask/ demand a better mode before finally leaving this game thankful I didn’t invest a penny:)

  • @ool-kratos-loo said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    guys are yous for real XD why do you care if people make progress in a private server that they pay for? what does it do to. theres literally no point of having a private server if it doesnt progress to anything. absolute nerdy freaks on here like

    You want to pay so you can grind away all by yourself on a private server on what is supposed to be a social open world risk and reward game? Yet we are the nerdy freaks? Yeah ok....

  • @combatxkitty he buys that server then invites me I join and do my own PVE and we run into eachother hell eachother and have cool interactions as we would actually approach and help eachother knowing the chance of PVP is taken away means ONLY PLAYER INTERATIONS and PVE just no lost of time/ progression as someone can literally farm u and move onto the next easy target - especially as a solo player can get caught off guard by 4 players

  • @combatxkitty if u want risk and reward go on a normal server if u want to enjoy every other aspect of the game other then fighting then PVE is a valid game mode

  • @itskingbertie

    You know game figures and sale revenue work from unique players, not current player base. That’s why Rare always talk about the 10 million number. There are not 10 million that play the game.
    Making statements like “ Rare don’t care, so I’m leaving” or “ I don’t want to play this game anymore” don’t make the blindest bit of difference.

    So as sad as it is that you can not deal with the fact that Rare won’t bend to your will and make a game that you want instead of the dream they had and produced, you won’t really be missed.

    Hope you have as much fun playing whatever you go to, just make sure you know what it is your playing before starting so you don’t have to go through this again.
    Cya 👋👍

  • @itskingbertie said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    @combatxkitty he buys that server then invites me I join and do my own PVE and we run into eachother hell eachother and have cool interactions as we would actually approach and help eachother knowing the chance of PVP is taken away means ONLY PLAYER INTERATIONS and PVE just no lost of time/ progression as someone can literally farm u and move onto the next easy target - especially as a solo player can get caught off guard by 4 players

    Yep and gamers like that are exactly why Rare is saying no rep or gold.

  • @itskingbertie It's all good. Just wanted you to know the salt stood out and it did seem you were aimed at the Mod. They are just doing their job.

    I play PvE the main part of the time unless I am going for a commendation but I watched videos and learned how to be better at PvP because I knew it was built into the game. Now, although I don't actively seek it, I do enjoy PvP. I enter all sessions knowing I may walk away with nothing. I'm OK with it. Streamers do bring in people and their content is generally PvP based because that's what people find interesting to watch. PvE can be interesting to watch but PvP more so. A streamer wanting to make a living off playing a game will make the content people want to see. Some will even tell you that when they are not make content and playing for fun they actually help others out. I myself truly do believe they are making this purely for people to let their creativity show. It's not just for PvP practice or show it so that amazing things like the Race of Legends and events of the sort can be set up easily. I do believe these events will make their way out for all pirates to have the opportunity to take part in through these servers. As far as the main game it is very well balanced for what it's intended for. I hope you can give PvP a chance and practice it more. You may not do it all the time like me but you will grow to see the appreciation for it and the way the game is. Also, you may disagree with me on every word I said and so may others but that's fine. People will always have different views yet it's how you discuss those views that makes or breaks progress. Enjoy the seas matey!

  • @itskingbertie said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    if u want risk and reward go on a normal server

    Exactly! No risk, no reward. Glad you understand the dev's decision :)

  • @bloodybil there is enough of you on these topics to make it risk and reward on the normal servers and enough players to play PVE at 20% gold and rep rate meaning everyone’s happy?!

  • @venomous-sloth7 I was PL the PVP in this game is sloppy extremely poor, there is some things to learn. It generally just play with 3 PC people on a galleon and u don’t need to “learn” anything thus why is rather have a PVE server - I’m glad u like the game and fair play for u I wouldn’t want the game u like to change other then the people on your preferred server to be other people who want to be on that server and people who want to play the same content without the worry of cheaters and grievers, not all players are bad who take part in PVP but for the most part it’s just a repetitive cycle of run or fight - no “ every interaction is different” I got to PL and have never had a friendly player approach me and maybe I have had a few but because of having to watch the horizon then go and cash in before they catch up I wouldn’t have known if they were so doesn’t this game go against its own principles?! And fair enough if you want risk and reward but risk and reward come form an actual risk not just a bunch of people on the server, having dedicated servers would mean that PVPVE would actually pose as a threat not just a chance for pros to prey on noobs and thus I feel PVE is needed, also it’s refreshing that ur not just a “get gud” guy and nice having some decent tone of message to tell me the same point “you need a threat to add to the games intentions of a shared world”

  • @combatxkitty said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    @itskingbertie said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    @combatxkitty he buys that server then invites me I join and do my own PVE and we run into eachother hell eachother and have cool interactions as we would actually approach and help eachother knowing the chance of PVP is taken away means ONLY PLAYER INTERATIONS and PVE just no lost of time/ progression as someone can literally farm u and move onto the next easy target - especially as a solo player can get caught off guard by 4 players

    Yep and gamers like that are exactly why Rare is saying no rep or gold.

    So in your opinion their is enough people that want to play the content and would be a friendly interaction that rare feel to make sure to punish them and make them only suffer one repetitive interaction - combat ?!

    I think that’s exactly the opposite in fact they wanted it to be random chance of not knowing what’s around the corner but u already know “watch the horizon and don’t let them get close” meaning they isn’t any so in your ideal mode they core idea of the game is gone?!

  • @bloodybil increase the risk within AI like leave PVPVE how it is but turn AI accuracy back up on PVE and make skeles and other enemies have higher health creating a much higher risk from PVE and recreating a “risk and reward” system on a mode that doesn’t allow players it game you ( 4 players actively looking for easy prey which in turn actually makes a lot of PVPVES arguing against OVE the ones who want their easy mode to not be taken away but pretending that PVE is easy mode?! )

  • @itskingbertie said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    @combatxkitty said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    @itskingbertie said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    @combatxkitty he buys that server then invites me I join and do my own PVE and we run into eachother hell eachother and have cool interactions as we would actually approach and help eachother knowing the chance of PVP is taken away means ONLY PLAYER INTERATIONS and PVE just no lost of time/ progression as someone can literally farm u and move onto the next easy target - especially as a solo player can get caught off guard by 4 players

    Yep and gamers like that are exactly why Rare is saying no rep or gold.

    So in your opinion their is enough people that want to play the content and would be a friendly interaction that rare feel to make sure to punish them and make them only suffer one repetitive interaction - combat ?!

    I think that’s exactly the opposite in fact they wanted it to be random chance of not knowing what’s around the corner but u already know “watch the horizon and don’t let them get close” meaning they isn’t any so in your ideal mode they core idea of the game is gone?!

    I dont think Rare is trying to punish anyone. Rare is not forcing anyone to play their game. I think Rare just has a specific vision for their game and it seems important to them to keep in tact.

    There are ways to meet people in main game mode. I personally do not approach ships out at sea because I dont know if they have treasure, I dont want to seem like a threat.

    Let me share with you how I meet people maybe it will help you:

    1)At islands- I will shoot over to an island from my ship and see what people are up to. I always offer a coconut. A coconut is a great peace offering. I then will help them kill skellies or whatever.

    1. Drunken parties at outposts. Had many of these. Will shoot over and stand far, play music and let people sell. Then when they are done will offer a coconut then we pirate party, my crew mate will sail over sometimes, I am more social one lol.

    Do I get shot sometimes, yeah lol but whatever I dont take it seriously. Like I have said on here I met my two best friends on this game there are lots of nice people like me who wont kill you on site.

  • @pabio-escobar that’s fair enuff and I play red dead online - risk and reward but made in a way that u can’t gain of people and off the state of the game, the advantage of he open world - u can lose to players and u can steal of players but also has a win/win system where players can steal from u and u can still cash the other half Of your goods in yourself meaning u both gain - no lost time and energy - no one gets fed up and leaves the game (I know rare don’t care cus they made their numbers already) but having a active fan base is better then just saying they had 10 million try it but 100,000 stayed compared to saying they have 1 million active users ( all examples I don’t know the totals).

    This also matches with the fact that u can interact with people and they horse not carrying they entire worth a Available for someone to kill you and steal it all there and then and u lose out means that people will let players approach and have interactions that can be attacked but can also be emotes leading to partying up and “posse up” in the game these kind of player interaction means that u generally find people of your play style and with their ACTUAL combat system with a passive mode aswell means that players are happy to be attacked if they let the player approach because they can fight back completely fairly and creates a healthy environment instead of fighting or flight every single encounter! This is the kind of environment i would like to create in SOT by promoting PVE servers players would be happy to interact and the game would become interesting and not just a solo/team objective and avoid anyone else, having a progress system/ gold system that rewarded you for playing and not just solely cashing in could also promote more interactions but is something that will most likely be frowned upon by people cus they can’t get all the xp for stealing ur loot and doing nothing for it - “yeah but I had to steal it “ in a game that has openly stated that (without the console clash in FPS) u are disadvantaged to the sheer boat size means a lot of people be angry they can’t gain easy rep and gold from easy prey

  • @combatxkitty fair play to you! But in all the scenarios your the one with nothing to lose and thus are happy to take part. If the interaction gets salty and u kill them it becomes a win/win for u, make friends or gain loot - for the other thou it’s a risk, risk it and cash in still or don’t risk it and have to sell elsewhere or potienally have to fend u off( or in many scenarios kill you the bate of being friendly before the rest of galleon come over to steal from them) so u get the point this game breeds toxic cus it always allows someone to gain of someone else - taking that factor away doesn’t take away risk and I have already mentioned many ways to increase risk in a PVE mode, it just takes away the toxicness of the players - u won’t get players meaasging u for stealing (part of the game) and he won’t be deterred form playing since he can’t get a break from pirates

  • @itskingbertie
    But your comparing two different games. Red dead is not sea of thieves.

    Sea of thieves sandbox is how the developers visualised it. Just because you and a few other people don’t like it, is not a good reason for them to change it for you.

    It’s like me saying the exact opposite about red dead. I don’t like it because of all the reason you stated and think you should be able to loose everything and hours of play time when your killed. Doesn’t mean Rockstar should change it because I don’t like it.

  • @pabio-escobar no but u could suggest a “cowboy mode “ where u and other like minded individuals could risk it all and lose it on death and I would support it since I still have the game mode I enjoy online - this is suggestions and the fact this topic is the most suggested would say it’s more then a few of us and therefore will benefit the game - we would pay for our servers and that in effect would pay for more content to be created which would be rolled out to both servers :)

  • @itskingbertie
    Your missing the point.

    I wouldn’t play a game that had a game mode I didn’t like. I certainly wouldn’t buy it and then campaign to have a game someone else lovingly visualised, financed then built changed to suit my preferences because it wasn’t the way I wished it could be.

  • @itskingbertie said in Custom Server Update Discussion:

    @combatxkitty fair play to you! But in all the scenarios your the one with nothing to lose and thus are happy to take part.>

    No its not just fair play to me. I do not steal any loot or try to kill anyone. If I was jumping off with the intention to only be nice if no treasure was around and to kill if there is treasure that would be different. Stop trying to make excuses and see a negative in everything.

    If the interaction gets salty and u kill them it becomes a win/win for u, make friends or gain loot - for the other thou it’s a risk, risk it and cash in still or don’t risk it and have to sell elsewhere or potienally have to fend u off( or in many scenarios kill you the bate of being friendly before the rest of galleon come over to steal from them) >

    Why would I get salty and kill someone? Why would they have to sell somewhere else? I have never had one ship flee an outpost because I was off to the side not bothering them lol. Dont be silly.

    We all play with risk on these servers.

    so u get the point this game breeds toxic cus it always allows someone to gain of someone else - taking that factor away doesn’t take away risk and I have already mentioned many ways to increase risk in a PVE mode, it just takes away the toxicness of the players - u won’t get players meaasging u for stealing (part of the game) and he won’t be deterred form playing since he can’t get a break from pirates>

    All I did was offer you some tips on how to meet pirates. You do not seem interested in even trying. If find the game is this toxic then why bother?

    You talk about Red Dead alot. That was by far one of the most toxic online communities I ever played within. There were actually articles written about how toxic that game is. So many players were tying up females and making sexual remarks ( I actually always had a knife in my hand in town due to that so did my friend) Multiple clans named the KKK and other hate groups going after female, black and native characters ect. I am surprised you enjoy that so much to be honest.

    Its a beautiful game dont get me wrong but its like any online game it has toxic players and my personal experience is the player base was far more toxic than SOT. I stopped playing it due to too many in game bugs though. I would go back once they get their act together.

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