Kraken, megladon and Skelton ship

  • All three of theses encounters happen at the same time and it’s overkill and is so unfair the kraken stops you from moving while crushing the ship while the megladon and the skeleton ship and constantly putting holes in the ship and this has happened twice causing us to lose everything

  • 9
  • Overkill or exciting? Because I love those moments. Big test of might and your crew. Will you make it out alive or fall to the depths.

  • BurnBacon key word there is "crew", remember people play this game solo too, and when it happen's as a solo player it's annoying, even frustrating, and defiantly not fun!

  • @mooopheus But as a solo player these PvE Content isn't that strong as a galleon crew.
    To defeat the kraken you need to kill 2 tentacles. So there is no problem in my eyes.

  • @Capt-Jenkinz A single event is fine, but multiple all at the same time is a little much, and most definitely when playing solo. Happy to see I'm not the only one who things this.

  • I've survived MegaKrakenton (Kraken and Meg) while fighting another player on my Brig by myself!

    Rare, I am okay with the current events :)

  • @mooopheus Even if you get storm, kraken, meg and skeleton ship it isn't a real problem. You need 10 cannonballs to defeat the kraken. You need 1-2 hits on megalodon to stop his attack and the skeleton sloop is that dangerous that you need to worry about it.
    In my eyes it is fine how it is.

  • These multiple encounters when you're playing solo is just unfair. My fiancée had all three spawn yesterday at the same time, and I've just had the Kraken and a Ghost Ship spawn simultaneously. No matter how good you may be at PvE, you can't steer, shoot, patch and bail all at the same time as a single player. And the Kraken takes more than 2 tentacle kills to be defeated, I just had to kill 4 of them before it de-spawned, by which time the boat had multiple holes in it from the Kraken and the Ghost Ship.
    To be honest, I don't think Rare want players to PvE anymore, Solo or otherwise. The whole game is now geared up for PvP and in my opinion has been totally ruined since the Emissary Update last month :(

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