Capture a Code - Best Sky High Screenshot [RESULTS]

  • Greetings, Pirates and Lubbers alike!
    Deckhand Lootin' Lizalaroo here!

    May I say again, what an excellent array of screenshots posted for last weeks mission!
    Such a hard decision to make, but make one we did!

    The winner of the 'Best Sky High Screenshot' was.....

    @michaelj91701 with this beauty...

    Congratulations me matey!
    Remember to keep an eye out for a direct message on the Forum for your code!

    Lootin' Lizalaroo

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  • @lizalaroo Nice screenshot, but how do you choose winners?
    Like do you want us to send well thought thru photography or just ones of some random funny moments?
    Asking because ive seen some very nice screenshots in both ''Capture a Codes'' that I feel like were kinda looked over.
    For example this one '''' by @PorkFury or especially this one '''' by @BeepBoopsheep.
    I know you could save some people a lot of time by making this clear.
    Also please dont see this as an offense, I have great respect for you making these little events possible and understand it can be quiet overwhelming at times.
    Also, please excuse my bad english :()

  • @lizalaroo Thank you so much! This was a fun competition to be a part of, and some of these pictures had me amazed!

  • @gurkenknalla it’s just a bit of fun, us Deckhands have a few codes to share with the community. The best 10 are picked and popped into a randomiser to produce the winner. If I could give a code to everyone who’s been picked I would, but then there’d only be one competition lol

  • Congratulations to the winner!!

  • @lizalaroo I see, congrats @Sea-of-Water

  • @lizalaroo said in Capture a Code - Best Sky High Screenshot [RESULTS]:

    @gurkenknalla it’s just a bit of fun, us Deckhands have a few codes to share with the community. The best 10 are picked and popped into a randomiser to produce the winner. If I could give a code to everyone who’s been picked I would, but then there’d only be one competition lol

    When the list is narrowed down to 10 do any of those 10 (besides the one picked at random for the prize) get notified?

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