Please add friendly servers

  • I, and many others, have jobs and families, and don't have the time to run in circles from players with way too much time on their hands. I'm not interested in PVP, I'm interested in doing quests without being chased for 30 minutes as soon as I get the loot that would finish said quest. Let the sad, socially awkward, scurvy little pirates float around in their echo chambers. When I lose everything after "working" for an hour or two, I stop playing. That side of the community drives people away.

    Please add a docking method for ships similar to rowboats

  • 236
  • @a-few-moose I was just on a friendly server. Did a few quest, met up with a sloop, helped them do a quest then ran into them again and got drunk. I do not understand how some people seem to only have problems when they play.

  • @a-few-moose

    Be a good sport. Sea of Thieves is a pirate game, and stealth, stealing and the battles are all part of the fun. All pirates on the seas accept that, but be a good sportsman in both victory and loss.


    Following we have someone that asked the question on twitter aimed at Mike Chapman (creative director at Rare) here is his answer:

    If that still isn’t enough to make you see that Rare isn’t going to add PvE servers the following URL is of the live stream they did on February 4th 2020, at 55:18 the big question gets asked, “PvE servers coming” which Jon answers with e stern “No”

    Private servers are coming however, these just are mostly useless for most people, why ? Because there will be completely no progression as these servers will be meant for people and communities that set up events like but not limited to:

    • Race of Legends
    • Sea of Champions
    • The Cursed Captain
  • I think people want a pirate game that isn't SoT. Might I suggest the Monkey Island series? You won't be disappointed for sure!

  • Wow, another less than a day old account making a post about PvE servers.

  • @callmebackdraft Do you just have this saved so you can paste it whenever? If so, well played.

  • I would also like to have friendly servers. I enjoy the game and playing missions or sometimes just sail around or do some fishing. But I always have to fear that there are more experienced players than me as I only play a few hours a month. So the joy of this optical beautiful game is broken and playing it gets anoying.
    Just add friendly playzone servers - no risk at all - there also can be others, just no damage / stealing can be done. You might catch a much bigger and longer lasting community by that. People who want to fight each other can still use the normal servers.

  • @mferr11 said in Please add friendly servers:

    Wow, another less than a day old account making a post about PvE servers.

    "Hmmm, Sausage-San would also like friendly servers and recommend to samurai buddies!"

  • @mferr11 yes i have, and each time i find more info i just add it to the notes i have saved on my phone.

    Saves me from alot of typing every time another one of these threads rears its ugly head

  • i Hope, really hope one day you will stop to ask about pve server, what dont you understand about pirate game? you have a server that can be filled at max whit 6 ship, many time i make full session just seeing one far away, for my opinion ther would be more ship in the server but i know the way the devs wants it so its ok, but relly, the problem is not about getting chase by other ship, the problem is that you cant defend your self, in any multiplayer game whit pvp you are suppose to learn a bit how to pvp , even if you dont like it, so instead of running from other ship you can sink them while they are trying to chase you.
    Guys this is an advice for every one that wants pve server, always run from pvp ecc, my BIG suggestion is to jump into arena before the next patch that i think will be the anniversary one, and train train train in pvp, ship fight , gun fight and sword fight if you like.
    Or leave the games, becouse i think its goint to be an hell out ther in the seas.

  • PvP is the essence of the game. If there are no ships threatening in the horizon this would be Sea of Farmers instead of Sea of Thieves. You will just dedicate to take loot and cash it with any kind of problem (Yes, PvE encounters are not difficult enough to be considered a real threat).
    Maybe you also have the difficulty of playing solo, in which case I recommend you to join some affiliate discord servers and try to find players over there. Game is much easier and enjoyable with friends.

    You may need to change your behaviour and be more focused on the horizon so you can spot enemy ships with enough time to take your loot and cash it in.

  • @juan-823 Thats the funny part, cash it while being chased , i had to farm duke legend mission in this days , but its annyoing becouse no one come to steal, the problem is that most of this pve guys doesnt want to improve, they just want to have easy life, those are the same that are blaming about bunny hoping , double gun, sword dealy/stun , and now the combat is just full of blunderbabe jumping around and spamming shot. I WANT PVP BACK AS IT WAS, where if you were good whit sword you could kill also ppl whit blunder .

  • @giangi877 Totally agree with you. I have a friend which was more of a PvE player and when he joined my crew everything changed. Now every time he see a ship he wants to feel the fervor of a good fight.

    Anyway, as you mentioned, they still need to fix PvP to make it more balanced as double gunners (without exploiting, just wielding two guns) are too powerful in many situations. My suggestion for this to be more balanced is that if you were carrying two guns your ammo will be shared between them so you will have only 5 shots.

  • Not gonna happen.
    Pve only servers go against the core vision of the game.

    Atlas is the game for you if you want pve only.

    For the record.
    Most of us work full time jobs and have families too. It doesnt take most of us 30 minutes to escape other ships either. What you have stated is just a huge over exaggeration over what happens in game stemming from a lack of experience. Get better or play another game. Simple.

    You arent going to casualify the game we love because you are too lazy to learn how to play it.

    Brush up on those skills.
    Its not hard! The game is easy!
    Gamers these days....

  • @juan-823 I hope they gonna do something, double gun isn't a problem, I mean you have to be good whit aim, the problem is the blunder that doesn't requires aim, as fix I would put back the sword delay and stun whitout possibility to cancel the delay whit the sword reset, but when you get attacked by sword you are not allowed to realod, many time I was slashing one enemy and he was reloading his blunder for one shot me, and sword needs 5 hit to kill you. That's what I would do, or if they want to prevent the double gun exploit (that's for me it's a mistake to remove it, becouse it's hard to do, requires some skill, and everybody are allowed to do if they want) is to give you chance to have just one gun and on other slot sword blocked.

  • Trade the family for some loot and quit your job. There's plenty of gold on the seas.

  • @a-few-moose

    Want a friendly interaction with others? Talk to them, negotiate a peace treaty from a place of power?

    This is a PvEvP game with a shared world, it is the main reason I play the game as I enjoy PvE and PvP and do not want the game to change the shared world for two seperate ones based on a menu choice.

    If you have no interest in PvP you can sail away, drive by sell at outposts and simply use the tools to avoid the battle.

    If you want a world without PvP there are tons of other games out there that offer that, you bought a PvEvP game... now you feel entitled to have that changed.

    Sorry but I have no interest in a PvP or PvE only world, when I want that I head to Apex, CoD, Mordhau, etc. If I want PvE only, minecraft, fallout, skyrim, etc. No game can be everything and master of all...

  • @a-few-moose "Friendly servers" have been a request since the game's launch, and it goes against the idea of what thos game is about. You're supposed to fight for your loot, just as everyone is fighting for that same loot.

    I don't see these type of servers ever becoming a thing, and I hope they never do.

  • @a-few-moose

    I have a job that sometimes consumes me 12 hours a day. I have a daughter who demands attention, because the time I'm at home with her is very short, I have a house to take care of, a wife who also needs attention and I spend an average of 2 hours a day commuting from home to work and vice-versa. It is not every day that I can play, and when I can play, I play at times that I could be sleeping. There is no lack of time, there is a lack of will.

    Don't get me wrong, but your request for friendly servers has already been made a hundred times here, and it totally shies away from the game's proposal. What you're asking for is basically to remove pirates from a pirate game. "I am a pacifist, please remove the weapons from Call of Duty", there are several examples that I could mention. It would be interesting for you to reflect about your request.

    Not interested in PvP? This is not the game for you. If you don't like PvP, you shouldn't be playing a shared world online game. And it is not difficult to avoid being attacked. No ships appear "from nowhere", they will always be somewhere, and due to the size of the map and the number of ships on the server (maximum 6 ships), clearly what happens is that you do not want to worry about the surroundings . Just keep an eye. Did you see a ship? Set sail and escape.

    Sea of ​​Thieves is not a game that takes your hand and does things for you. Parking methods are not necessary. Knowing how to stop a ship correctly is the basics in this game, you just need training.

    Another tip I will give you: If you have family and work, you could act like an adult. Offending and judging other players for their playstyle (which is correct based on the game proposal), is not cool, this is not what an adult do (or should do). I must also inform you that, when I'm playing, I usually attack other players, when they offend me in some way, I spanwkill them until they give up the game or sink the ship.

  • In short this game would get a massive breath of life if PVE servers were added but both Rare and the cult of loyal trash talkers actually playing the game are to blind to see it. I play plenty of other pvp games but SoT has a completely different draw for me that is completely destroyed by that one element. Really a shame such a missed opportunity will never be addressed., and all the "community" can do is come up with lousy excuses as to this would hurt their game play or just assume it's impossible for anyone to have fun with without actually considering other types of players. Hope Rare is on a downhill spiral to studio closure and Joe never works in the game industry again.

  • @springotter said in Please add friendly servers:

    Rare and the cult of loyal trash talkers actually playing the game are to blind to see it.

    How dare Rare follow their game's vision and listen to the players that are actually playing and enjoying the game instead of those that might enjoy it IF it gets bent out of the shape to please them?

    Hope Rare is on a downhill spiral to studio closure and Joe never works in the game industry again.

    Have a lovely day as well bud!

  • @springotter said in Please add friendly servers:

    In short this game would get a massive breath of life if PVE servers were added but both Rare and the cult of loyal trash talkers actually playing the game are to blind to see it. I play plenty of other pvp games but SoT has a completely different draw for me that is completely destroyed by that one element. Really a shame such a missed opportunity will never be addressed., and all the "community" can do is come up with lousy excuses as to this would hurt their game play or just assume it's impossible for anyone to have fun with without actually considering other types of players. Hope Rare is on a downhill spiral to studio closure and Joe never works in the game industry again.

    Someone lost a villainous skull yesterday, hmm? 🧂

  • So your not interested in pvp but you buy a game that focuses on pvp.

  • @bloodybil

    Hope Rare is on a downhill spiral to studio closure and Joe never works in the game industry again.

    Have a lovely day as well bud!

    Remember, we are the toxic ones supposedly. That being said, like who should be listened to, the people consistently playing the game, or the people who play it and leave immediately? Why would I as a business invest in people who might be interested instead of investing the people I know who are interested.

  • I think people need to realise that PVE SERVERS WILL NEVER HAPPEN. I understand that you have lots of other things to do but you need to understand that it's a pirate game. We have all lost loot after hours of collecting it but its a pirate game so it's no surprise when it happens. Some people like pirating because that's one of the main points of the game. If you want a pirate game where there's no players going after you I suggest Assasssin's Creed Black Flag. It's a great game.

  • @benedge16 said in Please add friendly servers:

    I think people need to realise that PVE SERVERS WILL NEVER HAPPEN. I understand that you have lots of other things to do but you need to understand that it's a pirate game. We have all lost loot after hours of collecting it but its a pirate game so it's no surprise when it happens. Some people like pirating because that's one of the main points of the game. If you want a pirate game where there's no players going after you I suggest Assasssin's Creed Black Flag. It's a great game.

    Not only that, but multiple times devs have been quite clear it wasn't gonna happen, yet people just disregard those statements because it's not the answer they wanted.

    Peeps: Can we have X? Can we have X? Can we have X? Can we have X?

    Devs: No

    Peeps: Lol ok but for real, can we have X? Can we have X? Can we have X?

  • @a-few-moose said in Please add friendly servers:

    Please add a docking method for ships similar to rowboats

    Let's review. Not only can you not be bothered to learn the game well enough to avoid other ships, but you actually want the game to dock your ship for you, too?

    Here's an idea. Stop insisting the developers dumb down a fantastic game for your personal comfort. If you want to enjoy the game and succeed at it, you have to put in the effort. This is the same with all games of skill, not just Sea of Thieves. When you get trounced at chess, do you demand changes to the rules? Sea of Thieves is a level playing field. Nobody has any mechanical advantage over anyone else. When you step into the world, you're expected to rely upon your skill and knowledge of the game to succeed. This does not happen in a day. There is a learning curve and it takes time to develop these skills. Why do you feel you should be able to hit a great big easy button and skip the hard parts that everyone else had to overcome? Do you think that's fair?

    This goes for everyone demanding "friendly" servers. Stop whining. Put in the time and effort necessary to improve your game so you can enjoy it to its fullest extent. That's how reasonable people approach a challenging game of skill.

    Now go get busy.

  • @springotter said in Please add friendly servers:

    In short this game would get a massive breath of life if PVE servers were added but both Rare and the cult of loyal trash talkers actually playing the game are to blind to see it.

    Loyal trash talkers? You mean people who bought a game and enjoy playing it as advertised?Why did you buy this game if PvP bothers you so much?

  • There are two other legitimate profiles that prefer PVE only.
    I suggest to you, (and other identical profiles) and the two others, that Lego and Playmobil might offer you what you desire.
    Seriously...What makes you feel so entitled as to come onto a game's forum and demand the game to be changed at a fundamental level for you?
    It is a PVEVP game. That is what you freely bought in to.
    You will be attacked. Loot is not yours until you turn it in.
    We all deal with being attacked and losing what we "worked" for.

  • @springotter said in Please add friendly servers:

    Hope Rare is on a downhill spiral to studio closure and Joe never works in the game industry again.

    He sounds like Summit lol

  • @mferr11 said in Please add friendly servers:

    @springotter said in Please add friendly servers:

    Hope Rare is on a downhill spiral to studio closure and Joe never works in the game industry again.

    He sounds like Summit lol

    The PVE twin of Summit, "Bottom".

  • I find it facinating that when people have a legitimate idea, there are so many people who decide to bully them.

    Sea of Thieves is a fun game, it is fun to need to be on your toes, it is fun to explore, and it is genuinely nice to find friendly people to go on adventures with.

    However, there is definitely a lot of toxic players out there, and I would not call them good Pirates, I would call them Trolls.

    Here is an example of GOOD pirates:

    I was on a pick up crew in a Galleon, we were doing an Athena's run of Thieves Haven. On our Second trip to Thieves Haven, I noticed a Mermaid and found two stowaways hiding behind our Captains Table. We were able to dispatch them fairly promptly.

    On the third trip back to Thieves Haven we were on the Alert, but didn't run into anyone... however when we left a Brig had been waiting for us, and we assume had left a player at Plunder and Ancient Spire. Two of us jumped off to turn in the powder keg (which we did) but the Brig took down our Galleon, and got all of the goods (Well save for the Keg). Those players were great, they took us down, got our stuff, but were solid players, and weren't trying to exploit anything.

    That was a GREAT Pvp scenario, it involved us making choices, both good and bad, and it felt like a solid experience... in total we each got killed maybe twice at most.

    However, I was just on a Solo Sloop, trying to do a tall tale, and a Galleon (Who was in the 4 ship alliance I was on) decided to spawn camp me... with 4 players, just standing on your ship, blunderbussing you the moment you spawn... that isn't fun... I had only a couple small items (which they took of course) but before they decided to stop spawn camping, they sent my ship towards the active fort, and one of them was somehow hiding behind the Capstan in the ship geometry.

    When there is nothing to assist being out manned and out gunned it definitely removes the spirit of the game, and makes it feel less fun.

  • @reverend-toast

    I find it facinating that when people have a legitimate idea, there are so many people who decide to bully them.

    Who has bullied this idea on this post? It boggles my mind when people can't distinguish disagreement and normal discussion with bullying. Mate, this is a forum, its in the nature of a forum where people will disagree with an idea. Not a name has been called, nor a comment deleted by an admin (they are quite strict on here). OP isn't getting bullied, people merely disagree and explain their reasoning here.

    P.S. The only person who is arguable a bully here, using bully like language, is op who is referring to people as "sad, socially awkward, scurvy little pirates."

  • I feel like most of the requests for PVE servers comes from people having Tall Tale items stolen from them because stolen treasure is easy to earn back. Couldn't Rare just make TT items bound to you? Make it so other pirates couldn't pick them up and if your ship got sunk the items would spawn in the cabin of your new ship? I feel like this would be a good middle ground for keeping the game solely PVP while also being respectful of people's time into Tall Tales.

  • I and like many others, have jobs and families.
    Yes, I dont have a lot of time but..I make the most of it and do get things done.

    So like many others, we can do things you just have to find that server with less populated kids who strive to ruin the fun for you, and keep a chin up and eyes open.

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