Chest of Sorrow on row boat?

  • Anyone else think the Chest of Sorrow shouldn't fill up the main ship if it's in the row boat? I thought that might be a cool idea. Anyone else?

  • 16
  • @metal-x224 I hope, at some point this gets fixed - however, it still does take a lot of effort to get it back to an outpost by rowing.

  • Chest of sorrow is a pain in the *****, especially when solo slooping!

  • @nikjw One chest not too much of a problem solo slooping,
    Two chests of Sorrows you'll be the one crying tears of joy if u manage to make to outpost without sinking.
    two miserable sods

  • @metal-x224 I've never tried carrying a CoS on a rowboat. Does it fill up the rowboat, even if the rowboat is not attached to the ship?

  • Some players claim the CoS will not fill the boat if you hang from the ladder during transport. Some say it does. I've never tried it mainly because I play solo.

    Does a CoS fill the boat if you carry it while hanging off the ladder? Yes or no?

  • @starship42 Ahoy! I frequently sail solo, and the last time I picked up a Chest of Sorrows, I was able to set my ship going in a reasonably clear direction, grab the chest, and hang off the ladder. I was very fortunate that that particular round of crying didn't last long...

    The key on a sloop is to get low enough on the ladder - you need to be touching or in the water. Otherwise, it will flood the sloop. I think the physics of it are letting the water from the chest in through the window that's right next to the ladder.

    My alternate technique is drop the anchor and pitch the sucker over the side until it stops crying... then again, using that technique it once took me a half hour to get to an outpost that was only two or three squares away! XP

  • @starship42 I know it fills it up if its docked to a solo ship

  • @FrankZappa-fan
    Well played, mate.

    No the rowboat isn't effected by the crying, just the main vessel floods.

    I recently had two chest of sorrows in a second rowboat beside our brigantine's ladder as we were doing a volcanic treasure chest hunt (4 chests) and they cried for ages but never sunk the rowboat. As soon as they're on a rowboat attached to your ship they will flood the ship whilst not flooding the rowboat.
    Unfortunately the volcano erupted and I had to drop sail leaving the second rowboat behind. It was sunk and the chests de-spawned before we could safely get back to the island.
    The idea here is to leave them on the beach instead.

    That's exactly right. The only way to transport the chest of sorrows via sailing vessel is on either of the side ladders, down low.

  • @nikjw It's not so bad if you go straight to an outpost and don't keep it for a nice screenshot.

  • Use a bucket

  • Is easy one take the chest and hang on the ladder in the water just grab the ladder but dont climb. Then you good to go no water will go in the boat.

  • I think if it's not going to fill up the ship then what's the point of sorrow chest?) People we're putting it to the front of the ship so it's not gonna will up the ship, Rare fixed it. If it's gonna happen to the rowboat then this chest will be pointless.

  • @starship42 If you're on the ladder while holding the CoS, your ship won't fill with water.

  • @nikjw I'm solo slooping with 2 of em

  • Ahoy maties!

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