[MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback

  • @tak225 said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    @captain-taben yep the moderation does feel very one sided but to be fair me and cells did get cautioned both I think

    They have to side with anti opt outers on some issues lol. Also its probably just because they get upset more so comments get flagged more.

  • @princessasuna96 possibly I have no idea how it really works

  • @captain-taben

    You seriously wondered why you got modded? A good number of yours and @PrincessAsuna96 posts have been smug trolling and baiting.


    The issue is the hypocrisy from the community. PC is black listed from controller opt out only because they are on PC. Controller is controller on any platform.

    Then the crowd that screams lets wait for Rare to release the numbers gets the numbers but ignores it or says thats just not true.

    What's true is that when I play opt out for arena the games start almost instantly. Cross play take an hour. People have said it never used to tale that long before opt out.

    Opt out for adventure is full of noobs that still complain about PvP and PvE being too hard. Players aren't good at the game and @Captain-Taben complains about toxic PC but never mentions toxic Xbox players like all arena matches in opt out are hippie circles of love and peace and that's not true because I play a lot of toxic arenas, open mics of players just screaming profanities into there mics.

    We got a free FoTD the other day by pretending to be PC players that somehow glitched the match making system, the other crew believed it, cried cursed and threaten to report us for hacking and then just left. All because my friend killed their whole crew. He plays with such a high sensitivity that they believed it.

    Honestly the argument would just end if players just said it that whatever the reasons they don't want to play with pc players because that's all I ever see or read from these fights.

  • @monkeyshishan The issue is the hypocrisy from the community. PC is black listed from controller opt out only because they are on PC. Controller is controller on any platform.
    Disagree and I have given 3 good reason why the console controller opt out is he best solution and should remain as it is
    1 I believe pc players will exploit this with software or hardware like xim 2.console players pay for Xbox live and should have the option to opt out 3.would find it very unlikely for someone to buy a Xbox and buy Xbox live and buy a xim to exploit this and I have asked this question a few times and not gotten a credible answer I have always said forced cross play is wrong and I have asked anyone this outside of Xbox games studio games and co op or some card type game to give me a list of any cross play game that does not make cross play optional with any competitive aspect like this game does and perhaps a few other Xbox games to be clear I am not against cross play I think it's great in Alot of games but it should always be optional if I perceive myself to be at a disadvantage I should have the option to turn it off something Xbox games studios have not been great in this regard

  • @monkeyshishan I make you completely right mate.

    The value of gold to solely play online is arguably nil. Access to online play is free on PC, there is also no such gold paywall for the online play element for xcloud which is xbox hardware, you dont receive the 4 free games, the branding isnt gold, therefore it is not gold. This is why the gold arguement is contradictory. What do you think pays for your 4 free games per month? It certainly isnt good will I can assure you.

    The hardware 'advantage" argument is essentially a folly as well.

    Hardware disparity already exists within the xbox eco system, and that disparity is only going to grow in time. Essentially it's a disingenuous arguement.

    The only point I agree with is input disparity.

    Thats why input based matchmaking is the fairest way.

  • @troubled-cells the phone is not Xbox hardware and it gonna require gamepass to play the game and is not released yet and from what I have played they will be a disadvantage and people streaming will need there own opt out and will need a Xbox controller or dual shock to even play I am in the previews and I really don't think game streaming is the big deal these companies think it's gonna be just look at stadia and sure there is hardware disparity between consoles but at least they are in controllers for the most part and pay for gold and as I have said before totally fine with them being seperated if it is a issue for players when series X launches seperated the community so series X players are in there own pool match making input is open to exploitation current method is the best if anything the game should have released with input matchmaking like call of duty and have a opt out for all players aswell I know console players can opt out don't know about pc tho and Xbox live has always been paying to have online access and not about the free games the free games was only added when ps+ was intraduced on the PS3 Xbox has always charged to play online since the first console

  • @tak225 nope runs great for me as long as you configure it properly and have a reasonable connection, you are still connecting to rack mounted x box's with zero charge of gold in sight, microsoft themselves have even stated numerous times that the tech is a addition to normal game pass.

    At least you admit now that the hardware arguement is false.

    The gold arguement is a folly as well.

    Cheers Matey

  • @troubled-cel not sure what you mean by hardware arguement I don't agree with you about game streaming it not the flawless experience you seem to think it is it has input lag and is inconsistent in performance and I have played if with fibre and mobile data and again I ask this question name me some competitive games not co op or Xbox game studio games or some card game that you can't opt out of cross play should you choose to infact most if not all games i play cross play you have to opt in rather then opt out except Xbox game studio games yet to receive a answer to this question a credible one anyways all future Xbox games should be automatically out and you should opt in should you choose to

  • @tak225 final fantasy 14 and pso2



  • @troubled-cells 2 games where the main focus is co op and I have no experience with final fantasy don't own it as it has its own seperate sub phantasy star in not even out on console and they are both mostly known for there co op your clutching at straws you must have had to Google that and after a quick watch of PvP on final fantasy seem one of those games where input don't really matter as your just spamming powers pso2 I will try once released fully but a quick look at pso2 seems to have some auto lock on for weapons and again spamming of powers a wry weak list when you consider rocket league,pubg,modern warfare,gears 5 ranked,paladins,street fighter 5, minecraft,fortnite,ark,dauntless,smite, Roblox,all allow you to opt out

  • @tak225 said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    @troubled-cells 2 games where the main focus is co op and I have no experience with final fantasy don't own it as it has its own seperate sub phantasy star in not even out on console and they are both mostly known for there co op your clutching at straws you must have had to Google that and after a quick watch of PvP on final fantasy seem one of those games where input don't really matter as your just spamming powers pso2 I will try once released fully but a quick look at pso2 seems to have some auto lock on for weapons and again spamming of powers a wry weak list when you consider rocket league,pubg,modern warfare,gears 5 ranked,paladins,street fighter 5, minecraft,fortnite,ark,dauntless,smite, Roblox,all allow you to opt out

    Hardly, if anything it's you who has done the quick google search mate with regards to my examples, im merely just presenting you with factual answers to your poor points of contention/questions, i don't need you to agree here, i cant even see any valid points against these games from yourself, they exist, that's all i need here. I been playing PSO2 for 7 years on PC, it's been out on console since 2013 and 2016 respectively both have co op and PvP events with cross play and no servers specific to a single platform.

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  • @troubled-cells all games listed i have personally played so no need to Google search it pretty sure there is a good amount I have missed a Google search would add to your list is weak and further discussion with Younis pointless and adding to games with auto lock and button pressed for spamming powers are not really a ideal comparison where input really don't matter and discussing things further will only lead to more moderation or ban

  • @tak225 i am specifically referring to the two examples i gave you, not the games you listed.

  • @tak225 have you played any tab target mmorpg games before ?

    If you had you would know input makes a difference to efficiency.

    PSO 2 also makes use of free range attacks in a hack and slash manner.

    The tab targeting is more dependant on the loadout you choose, there is a fair amount of loadouts that are free range.

  • @troubled-cells personally no I ain't really played but I would guess that having a keyboard to hotfix abilities to would be a advantage I prob will give phantasy star online 2 to my knowledge it's still not released in consoles so no idea how it is cross play now I will a try when released but they are typically not the type of games I play or have played before and a quick look from what I have seen from the gameplay seems to me that input method is less important in these games as team work and mashing your abilities and seems to have weapons lock in like crackdown 3 does

  • @tak225 no offence, but it's really obvious that you haven't just by looking at the arguments you made.

    I would also welcome input based matchmaking for both of these games.

    Pso 2 has been out on conosles since 2013 matey.

  • @troubled-cells I have no issue with input based matchmaking I am pretty sure I have said this before aslong as the console opt out remains much like modern warfare and where is phantasy star 2 online released on console my understanding is it's a timed exclusive to Xbox and is only in beta via invite

  • @tak225 it released on vita in 2013 and PS4 in 2016.

    You wanted examples of games with forced cross play that met your criteria.

    I gave them to you.

    That's all there is to it.

  • @troubled-cells is this something to do with region as I have searched on ps store and came up with nothing I own switch,PS4 pro and Xbox one x and there is only a phantasy star skins for gravity rush I can find a psp version

  • @tak225 certainly is.

    It's just not out in your region.

    The western release has timed xbox exclusivity.

    Xbox first, then PC , then a PS4 release.

    All maintaining forced crossplay.

  • @troubled-cells fair enough it's something that I will try once released still don't think it change my mind about cross play being optional especially from the gameplay mechanics I have seen of this game

  • @tak225 it's not a solely tab target game, it has free range melee combat as well.

    I aint trying to change your mind, just presenting you with the facts on your incorrect points of contention.

    Like I said many many comments ago to you, all you have is a disagreement on implementation with me.

    Please realise this.

  • @troubled-cells fair enough agree to disagree further discussion will only get us moderated or banned

  • @tak225 Excellent.

    If you wish to discuss anything further, please do via the DM function in this forum and not on this thread.

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  • Couple of bugs I have noticed:

    • My friend wasn't able to vote on the Fate of the Morning star. He hasn't completed number 5 yet but I thought it was possible if someone in your crew (in this case me) has completed a certain amount, then they could still vote on the tall tale. This could be down to my second point bellow but I don't know.
    • When I used to play on my Xbox I voted to opt out of cross play. Now I have moved on to PC and sold my Xbox. However, when my friend, who is also on PC, tries to join my game, it tells him that I have the opt out setting turned on. The settings on PC don't allow me to change the opt out setting so people can no longer join my game unless they are playing on an Xbox.
  • @j4k3789 firstly, welcome to the dark side lol

    With regards to your settings for opt out, is there someone you can trust why plays on console, to login with your account and get it disabled?

    It's a bit of a rubbish and incompetent oversight on rares behalf.

  • @troubled-cells I will probably get someone to do that for me. Thank you.

  • @tak225

    I never understood why you would force new pirates to play at a competitive disadvantage. Wouldn't it make more sense to let all pirates opt into crossplay?

    No one new is going to know or expect to be thrown into crossplay. Furthermore if my friend played xbox and I played PC. Atleast we're use to looking for opt in options.

  • @lm-robin-hood said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:


    I never understood why you would force new pirates to play at a competitive disadvantage. Wouldn't it make more sense to let all pirates opt into crossplay?

    No one new is going to know or expect to be thrown into crossplay. Furthermore if my friend played xbox and I played PC. Atleast we're use to looking for opt in options.

    Exactly, opt out is so much better for xbox. Crossplay puts so much people off this game.

  • @lm-robin-hood I am still telling people on Xbox and twitter and even these forums opt out exists

  • @lm-Robin-Hood @TAK225

    You mean to tell me the big popup at the beginning of every session is still not enough to give a hint?

    The players are big boys and big girls, they can figure out how to turn the crossplay off. Not like the first reflex of people having trouble with crossplay isn't to lookup and/or ask if the possibility exists, like they have done for the past year.

    They will find it out, don't underestimate your peers ;)

  • @bloodybil still finding myself telling people exists on the mentioned places as I was following it's progress and waiting for.it I have never gave it much thought about finding it really but I have had to tell a good few people of its existence

  • @tak225 said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    @bloodybil still finding myself telling people exists on the mentioned places as I was following it's progress and waiting for.it I have never gave it much thought about finding it really but I have had to tell a good few people of its existence

    Keep going then. They already announced it alongside all the changes on the day the patch came out, it's up to the player to look it up if they need to activate it.

    There is a popup already telling you which pool you are part of at the start of every session. The devs mentioned in the past that they wouldn't make it enabled by default for anyone, and they wouldn't make an extra step on the startup menu to choose which pool you want to play in either.

    Keep up the good work on informing your brethren of the existence of the preference!

  • Did it ever occur to anyone that maybe, just maybe, most console users don't care about the preference as much as the pro opt out camp would like them to?

    Because so far statistically, it certainly seems that way.

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