Please fix this

  • Spending hours grinding and getting loot, just to have my boat sunk by my own mega barrel and then to top it off, when I get back to retrieve my loot it’s been way to long and all of it has sunk to the bottom of the sea, this is bull..., either spawn me closer so I can have a chance at the loot I just spent hours getting or don’t let it sink (my god RARE!) , I swear this game makes me grief more than other players do

  • 23
  • Rare should fix you blowing up your barrels? I sincerely hope this is a troll post. But if not try selling nukes immediately. If you can't manage to get to an outpost then don't take them. Also don't drive through a storm while you have em. Try not to fight with em on your ship. If u can't avoid a fight then use the keg on Ur enemy.

  • The timer is pretty long anyways.
    Me believes...20min? Unsure.

    But to help with sink of own ship, always have a rowboat.

  • I just can't do nothing but laugh.
    Rare, please fix, I have sunk my own ship and can't retrieve my loot. LOL

  • @burnbacon

    I believe loot in water has a 5 minute timer before sinking. Once sunk it despawns.

  • @juan-823 sagte in Please fix this:

    I just can't do nothing but laugh.
    Rare, please fix, I have sunk my own ship and can't retrieve my loot. LOL

    Why doesn't this have 100 upvotes already? 👏👍🏻

  • There's a level of risk-reward associated with those barrels and we encourage players to be aware of this when having any kind of explosive on their shop.

    Sucks to hear that this happened, but you gotta be careful!

  • @takuboto You actually had to explain xD. Gotta give you an upvote TakuBoto

  • Noticed the words "spent hours" getting loot. One of the top 3 rules in this game is you carry around hours and hours of loot on your ship and don't turn in then your asking for trouble in one form or another. It will happen. Be it from other players, the environment or an accident you have. Turn that loot in more often matey. If you keep a bunch of loot on board then be prepared to lose it and don't get upset if you do. Many learn this lesson the hard way and those of us that know it and carry loads of loot anyway are already at peace with it should we lose it. That's pirate life.

  • @travoven

    Very good joke 😂😂😂

  • I think its rather intended that loot isn't meant to float for long, or at the very least not long enough for you to sail back and get it again. To me, the loot only floats long enough for your opponent to pick it back up. Call it rights of combat kind of thing. Otherwise, the game isn't their to cater to your negligence. You blew yourself up, why should that mediocrity get rewarded?

  • Try not blowing up your own barrels.

    That should fix your little problem.


    You're awful at managing your loot if you blow up stronghold barrels on your own ship. Get thee to an outpost and offload those ASAP. Avoid storms.

  • @takuboto said in Please fix this:

    There's a level of risk-reward associated with those barrels and we encourage players to be aware of this when having any kind of explosive on their shop.

    Sucks to hear that this happened, but you gotta be careful!

    player shops confirmed. :)

  • If you find yourself blowing up again - best bet is to scuttle before you get the "sink gong" sound. That way you will spawn closer and have a better chance at retrieving your loot.

  • @travoven You are angry at rare for you sinking your ship with a barrel? i mean this is a serious and urgent message that the rare dev team needs to fix right now or they are gonna lose their entire playerbase

  • @travoven Probably shouldnt keg your own ship with a mega keg. Kinda asking to lose all your own loot at that point.

  • It is good that after a while the loot sinks, but it would be good if they increase the time

  • @travoven how did it explode exactly?

  • Don't carry barrels unless you have no loot to sell and are only carrying barrels to blow up player ships.

  • Actually, I just had a Mega Keg blow up on shore. All 4 of us were like ??? I believe there has to be a bug where its blowing up after setting it down.

    They also need to fix the lag and whatever is stopping XBox players from successfully grabbing the ladder when it clearly pops up to give the option. A crew I was sailing with all had the same problem recently. Tired of being by the ladder and getting knocked under the boat by lag. Makes pvp pointless.

  • @simplelyricc my post isn’t about the ship sinking it’s about the loot sinking.....

  • This dumb post is about uniting us all against a common enemy XD

10 out of 23