key masters super rare now

  • i have been hitting island after island and havent found one all day.are they just that rare now?

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  • @blixz Nope, encountered a random one this morning myself. But I will admit it was after I was cleaning out my voyage queue of a key journey, having already defeated the one there (that gave up no key BTW). After I had respawned after dying from other skeletons on the island, there was one there alone....and he did give up a key.

  • I dont know the answer to your question, although I did find one emergent key master yesterday, but as you sail between islands throw an unbaited fishing line into the water. You can fish keys out. In twenty or so casts yesterday I fished out two keys. Hope that helps some.

  • @tangus-00

    A use for fishing again lol

  • @tangus-00 said in key masters super rare now:

    I dont know the answer to your question, although I did find one emergent key master yesterday, but as you sail between islands throw an unbaited fishing line into the water. You can fish keys out. In twenty or so casts yesterday I fished out two keys. Hope that helps some.

    wow i had no idea thanks for the info

  • I said in another thread, fishing in the roar seems to provide an easy stock of keys. They aren't extremely common but common enough that you can one when needed.

  • Had the same problem earlier. Was about to get off and had a locked ashen chest from a meg, so I went searching for a key master. Looked for one for over an hour and gave up and just turned it in to stitcher Jim for 5 doubloons. I’ve heard you can fish without bait for one, but I haven’t tried. I’d expect it to be just as hard to get as the treacherous plunder.

  • @dlchief58
    I put down a key voyage that I had in my inventory today and when I defeated the key master I didn’t receive a key either or orders, just a villainous skull.

  • @j2thaaenn I expected it to do that so wasn't surprised. Luckily as I said an emergent one spawned right after that and did drop a key.

    Also while clearing out the queue, I threw down my last Ashen Chest voyage and it did spawn an Ashen Guardian. But I died, he went away and since I had to go to work I couldn't try the next island or finish the one I was on. Probably should have saved that one for when I had more time this evening.

  • @fadingtojosh @Tangus-00

    Never got to fish one yet, do you cast your line at islands only or in open water as well?

  • @blixz just killed 3 in a row and finished my slayer achievment

  • @bloodybil said in key masters super rare now:

    @fadingtojosh @Tangus-00

    Never got to fish one yet, do you cast your line at islands only or in open water as well?

    Haven't tried on islands, was fishing between islands while sailing to pick up presents.

  • @j2thaaenn we had 12 key Voyages left over and one of them did that. The rest where fine. Got all our tomes no problem by buying chest stashes at the out post. Had 22 keys all in.

  • @bloodybil said in key masters super rare now:

    @fadingtojosh @Tangus-00

    Never got to fish one yet, do you cast your line at islands only or in open water as well?

    I tend to do it sailing between islands if I need a key. I probably wouldnt do it at an island since you have a greater chance of an Islehopper spawning.

  • I have gotten a few on random islands i've been to, they're still there.

  • @satanicnemesis Lucky! I only had 1 key voyage left 😑 I’m sure it was just bad luck for me today!

  • I fear this is going to be one of those things. I tend to solo-sloop and doing fortresses is just almost unthinkable. There's always the inevitable betrayal in the end, or 2-3 other crews running off with the loot. And you know that key is exactly what everyone's after. It's unfortunate that the second half of my favorite set seems locked behind a part of the game i don't enjoy.

    So i've taken on fishing. I've fished up 2 keys in about 2 hours the last few days. (led to the same tome in the end though. Sad.)

  • @fadingtojosh Presents?

  • @dlchief58

    The master of a key voyage never drops a key.
    It will drop a skeleton orders for the island u are on.
    This map will have a X with 1 key. The moment u try to dig it a new key master will spawn to defend. If u beat that one u get a 2nd key.

  • @presidentstarry sagte in key masters super rare now:

    I fear this is going to be one of those things. I tend to solo-sloop and doing fortresses is just almost unthinkable. There's always the inevitable betrayal in the end, or 2-3 other crews running off with the loot. And you know that key is exactly what everyone's after. It's unfortunate that the second half of my favorite set seems locked behind a part of the game i don't enjoy.

    So i've taken on fishing. I've fished up 2 keys in about 2 hours the last few days. (led to the same tome in the end though. Sad.)

    Where do you fished them out, tried it yesterday at an outpost 15-20 times and only splashtails :(

  • In ponds with pondies theres keys too 🥳

  • @weakdexx They do drop a key sometimes

  • @somali-plrate i fished up one on the new Reaper's Hideout, and one on twin groves. From what i've read it's mostly shallow waters and ponds that seem to work well, but 2 keys is hardly a pattern.

  • i found 3 key masters super fast on small islands but just one ashen guardian.last playsessions i found on every second small island a key master

  • @weedstar-deluxe said in key masters super rare now:

    i found 3 key masters super fast on small islands but just one ashen guardian.last playsessions i found on every second small island a key master

    Small islands have definitely been better for me.

    Hopping between small islands and fishing on the way should yield a decent amount of keys.

  • @weakdexx Yeah I know that, but he never dropped the order which is what I should have said - only a skull. I think you know what I meant though. I actually had one do that the night before the event ended as well.

  • Luckily I hoarded a few Ashen Key voyages just for this very reason :D

  • @musicmee I did also, however I now have one left and still missing No. V 😭. I'd happily pay 100Ds for a Key Master voyage.

  • @fadingtojosh said in key masters super rare now:

    I said in another thread, fishing in the roar seems to provide an easy stock of keys. They aren't extremely common but common enough that you can one when needed.

    I can't locate your other thread.

    Do you mean you can "Catch keys" while fishing. I'm a little confused. ;)

    EDIT: Never mind I just read the rest of this thread and saw that fishing in a pond without bait may land you a Key. Cool bananas.

  • I keep winding up with multiple chests and no keys.... getting a little frustrating.

  • @blixz They are feeling a bit rare these days. I have four ashen chests and no keys. Usually it's the opposite. Hopefully somebody looks in to it. Kind of annoying when there are commendations and achievements riding on finding certain books.

  • They are there but 9/10 times its ashen guardians for me 🤣

  • Rare: adds achievements that require ashen keys

    Also rare: makes ashen key masters super rare

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