Server Merge without Dropping Anchor?

  • This is either as PSA or a question - last night while sailing, I pulled up to and outpost, raised my sails and came to a stop near the shore. Unexpectedly, I server merged. I thought that only happened if you dropped your anchor (which is why I rarely do so). Anyone else had this happen?

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  • @alaskagrown49 Ahoy matey!

    Aye, that is now a thing... only at slow speeds and where you are out of danger...

    All helps to keep the servers fresh and full!

  • As @Musicmee said, they've changed server merge criteria in this update to try to merge crews that had been previously sailing alone for long periods of time because they never drop anchor and never stopped moving long enough to trigger a merge.

  • Got it. Thank you! This must be one the "tweaks" Mr. Neate mentioned in the Dev Update video.

    Happy Sailing Pirates!

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