Tall Tales Greifing and Extending item despawn

  • @edemardil said in Tall Tales Greifing and Extending item despawn:

    @dlchief58 said in Tall Tales Greifing and Extending item despawn:

    @edemardil said in Tall Tales Greifing and Extending item despawn:

    @reapinglegion If they could have gotten something for it or kept it on their boat, fine. But everyone knows you can't do anything with it. That's why they dumped it in the water.
    I rob people all the time and if I see tall tale stuff or something I dont need, I don't take it. There's a way to be a thief without being and utter numbskull about it.

    And if there was value assigned to the relics, then the "griefing" as you call it would increase as people would have reason to take them from you. The current implementation is better all around as there is no incentive for them to take it unless they just want to (and there is nothing wrong with it, no matter how much you want to cry over it).

    Haven't you noticed the biggest supporters of adding value to the relics in Tall Tales are those that primarily participate in PvP?

    Like I said in other comments, if they had a value, I'd have no problem with it. My problem is that there isn't any value. People steal it just to be d bags.

    I'm all for adding value and all for PvP or making the items inventory items. Something has to change. Doesn't make people who do it knowingly to be d bags JUST players of the game. That's a sad excuse.

    No, the only thing that needs to change is your perception and gameplay. Play better so as to not let it happen, don't get all bent out of shape when it does. Adding value is the worst idea and will not solve the issue (just your perception of it) but would exasperate it since there would actually be an incentive to do it, making them inventory items unable to be stolen makes them all too easy to complete. The first "solution" increases the difficulty and frustration for players, the second removes the difficulty almost completely.

  • @edemardil some tall tale items actually have value, so they are worth stealing. Any kind of totem sells as a coffer, the skull from tall tale 8 with the blue crystals Sells as a captain skull and then the gold hoarders skull is 10k to whoever Sells it.

  • I can't imagine making a thread every time I lose.

    Play the game. Win some. Lose some. That's how games work.
    alt text

  • @dislex-fx Mic Drop! End of thread lol!!

  • @edemardil said in Tall Tales Greifing and Extending item despawn:

    @dlchief58 said in Tall Tales Greifing and Extending item despawn:

    @edemardil said in Tall Tales Greifing and Extending item despawn:

    @reapinglegion If they could have gotten something for it or kept it on their boat, fine. But everyone knows you can't do anything with it. That's why they dumped it in the water.
    I rob people all the time and if I see tall tale stuff or something I dont need, I don't take it. There's a way to be a thief without being and utter numbskull about it.

    And if there was value assigned to the relics, then the "griefing" as you call it would increase as people would have reason to take them from you. The current implementation is better all around as there is no incentive for them to take it unless they just want to (and there is nothing wrong with it, no matter how much you want to cry over it).

    Haven't you noticed the biggest supporters of adding value to the relics in Tall Tales are those that primarily participate in PvP?

    Like I said in other comments, if they had a value, I'd have no problem with it. My problem is that there isn't any value. People steal it just to be d bags.

    I'm all for adding value and all for PvP or making the items inventory items. Something has to change. Doesn't make people who do it knowingly to be d bags JUST players of the game. That's a sad excuse.

    It is changing. Rare already said they are gonna add value to those items, so they are worth stealing

  • Been sailing the seas off and on since it first began testing and I still stand by my and many others dreams of a PVE server coming someday, especially if we continue to get more Tales type quests. I just want to sail in peace from time to time, plus the game is already a huge time dump and to get nothing, but frustration for your efforts in the end just plain sucks.

  • To be fair, it is a pirate game. Pirates steal. You should have been paying more attention to your ship and the things/people around it, and you didn't, which allowed someone to board and kill you. That was your mistake.

  • @filthymanbeast said in Tall Tales Greifing and Extending item despawn:

    Been sailing the seas off and on since it first began testing and I still stand by my and many others dreams of a PVE server coming someday, especially if we continue to get more Tales type quests. I just want to sail in peace from time to time, plus the game is already a huge time dump and to get nothing, but frustration for your efforts in the end just plain sucks.

    Zero risk should = zero reward , no coin , no doubloons and no commendations for PvE.

  • @filthymanbeast sagte in Tall Tales Greifing and Extending item despawn:

    Been sailing the seas off and on since it first began testing and I still stand by my and many others dreams of a PVE server coming someday, especially if we continue to get more Tales type quests. I just want to sail in peace from time to time, plus the game is already a huge time dump and to get nothing, but frustration for your efforts in the end just plain sucks.

    I doubt doing PVE servers for Adventure is doable. Not beeing able to attack or hit someone would actually open a lot opportunities for actuall trolling and griefing. Can't think any system which can be bypassed or limit the interaction between players too much. The only two things I can see happen is, that the Devs might try to introduce more friendly interaction possibilities between different crews, to incentive more than the current avoid-or-attack mentality or do a very specific designed PVE only mode. Very much like Arena is specific designed for competion.

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