Suggestion :- Human NPC Nation

  • First of all i wanna say that the game looks amazing and the devs have done a decent job of adding content to the game since release but that being said it can still feel repetitive once you get to max reputation so here is my suggestion to spice up the game.
    1:- Add a human NPC nation who is enemy of the pirates and would have couple of non-capturable cities around the map preferably in each corner which we can raid for loot, they would have human npcs and ships of there own. They would also fight us for control of capturable forts around the map which would give rewards to the owner nation or something similar along those lines.

    2:- Different types of Human NPC ships sailing around the map doing merchant trades between there earlier mentioned cities/forts or hunting down pirates (us).

    Adding these two things to the game would make it feel alot more alive and would make the game so much more exciting.
    Now i know these two things might be hard enough to implement but if you guys(devs) are really feeling ambitious you could make multiple nations with there own economy and governament. They would also fight each other and us for control of forts/cities which would give rewards for the nation controlling them.

  • 3
  • Here we go, again.

    The Sea of Thieves is an isolated area. No major navy or fleet can enter, for three reasons - 1: The location of the Sea of Thieves itself, and the path through the Devil's Shroud, is a secret known to few outside of it. 2: The path into the Sea of Thieves is far too small and erratic to bring formations or even large individual ships through. This is also why our galleons are so small. 3: Any large force which does find a way to attempt incursion into the Sea of Thieves is quickly driven off. This was shown when the entirety of the newly formed skeleton armada was fought off in a battle lasting for over a month straight.
    Because of these reasons, the Sea of Thieves is a pirate safe haven. It has bountiful lands filled with treasure, no government to attempt to hunt down all pirates, and few threats beyond other pirates and some natural monsters, which are all but consistent. Should you fall in battle, or in any other way, the Ferryman will (not so) gladly bring you and your vessel back to the world of the living. As for gameplay, you already have roaming skeleton ships loaded with treasure, only attacking when attacked, you already have ambushing skeleton ships, chasing you down until one of you sinks or a significant obstacle hinders them, you already have fleets of enemy ships in open sea, and you already have fortress islands with vaults of treasure within. No need for a navy to add another form, causing both to be neglected further.

  • If that lore is true then that is what devs used because they have that kind of stuff developed to put into the game but that doesn't mean they cant expand the map in time and add those stuff with new lore. And the skull forts and a few roaming skeleton ships is hardly enough and not the same as having human NPC ships around the map in higher quantity.

2 out of 3