Legendary Captain Idea

  • @adennarue5773 sagte in Legendary Captain Idea:

    @bugaboo-bill I genuinely hope you reread your post because of how stupid it is. PL is meant to be useless and lvl 50 in everything is meant to be a waste of time with no reward? A meaning to pixels? Based on your post alone, I gather that your one of those guys that claims "video games causes violence" on fox news. The whole point of this post in the first place is because I want there to be a meaning and reward to when players have hit this stage. Just because I have claimed that I am already there doesn't mean I am comparing myself above others, as I am just using it as a reference point as I have firsthand experienced the total boredom someone has once they reach full completion. Monthly events don't cut it anymore.

    you dont get it because you do not nderstant it.

    I am PL A10 as well and nothing has changed to me, all happened by the way playing, i didnt grind anything, i didnt buy levels, i just played the game and got everything completed by the way.

    You are working it off to get rewarded, you want specials for those who put more effort in and you are playing for achievements, at lest you sound like this, because now as ther eis nothing to accomplish anymore you are bored.
    See i play the game, because i like the gameloop and i didnt get bored although there is not much to accomplish for me.
    500 skeleton Ships and Legendary Seamiles.
    I dont care, it will happen by he way while having fun playing the game.
    You sound as if you are working it off and if here is nothing more to work off you get bored!?

    Well thats your problem an the way you aproach playing a game.

  • @bugaboo-bill Woah woah wait a second sir! Isn't this game a play how you want it game? People play to grind, believe it or not. Just because you have fun sailing around with no real goal in mind doesn't mean that others have to play like you do. And by saying "I am PL A10 as well and nothing has changed to me" you prove my point. The grind in this game is useless and they need to change it up so theres actually a point in hitting PL or Legendary Captain. So far you have argued literally nothing of value, called me special because I put more time in the game than you, and claimed that you don't care. Oh, guess what? Some people enjoy games more than others. Its cool and all that you don't care about the levels or any content this game has to offer, but thats far from a valid argument.

  • @viperishemu2992 Ok? Doubloons are getting nerfed and PL is meaningless at this stage.

  • The level 40-50 sea dog grind is real..lol took forever to do. I don't know about the fishing thing, I don't have it maxed yet

  • @mc-leggers Both are a long grind that are quite dissatisfying when achieved.

  • @adennarue5773 said in Legendary Captain Idea:

    @viperishemu2992 Ok? Doubloons are getting nerfed and PL is meaningless at this stage.

    I wouldn't say PL is meaningless.

    I mean. Anyone who has reached PL has at least put some hours into the game. That shows a little dedication and effort. And I am assuming that they must have done something right along the way. So they should at the very least be a bit more competent than your average player.

    But I do understand your point that it is getting progressively easier to reach PL. PL is not what it used to be. "Everybody gets a gold star!"

    Personally I'd be happy with any new PL challenges. Hunters Call is kind of boring and I just don't like Arena. Not the PvP part, just the whole way that it works in general.

  • @britishmango05 said in Legendary Captain Idea:

    Before cursed sails when you saw a legend it was an exiting rare experience and you would say

    “DUDE your a pirate LEGEND!!!! That’s so cool can we do a Athena??????”

    Man, I must of been playing a different game. I don't remember Legends getting anywhere near that kind of respect.

    Mostly they just seemed like cart horses for other players to get Athena quests off of. But that's mostly based on what I saw on the forums, so maybe it's different in game.

  • @triheadedmonkey haha, aight

  • @adennarue5773 said in Legendary Captain Idea:

    @reapinglegion They are restricting it to one in each faction every month. [mod edit]

    I know.

  • @adennarue5773

    You do not understand.
    It's made extra this way.
    It's intended like it is.
    Useless by design.
    You just dont get it and you are the one complaining who want to change the game when you do not understand the design of the game.
    So no! it has to stay useless and meaningless!
    Everybody can habe fun with it, if you cannot and are bored your problem not getting the design of the game.
    You want something else what makes it usefull and have more meaning for the grind.
    But this is not what it is about and you dont get it still and ask for changes.
    An my opinion is no, get the game right or realize you are on the wrong track.

  • Think the game aspect is at a point where some people still enjoy it an others are not enjoying at all. I am personally liking the game less an less overtime. Original Pirate Legend, Maxed athena, Max almost everything except hunter's call at this point. Doing the same types of quest and grinds without an actual new idea is feeling like a task. Plus if your mates are not on good luck finding a fun crew in open. Might be time for some of us to back off.

  • @adennarue5773 said in Legendary Captain Idea:

    To make the game feel more rewarding to players how have reached max reputation in every trading company, Rare should add a new area with new cosmetics and maybe access to a new boat type. The problem with pirate legend is people usually get it from PvE servers and lack PvP skills. Having them reach rank 50 in arena will force them to go into combat and build skills over time while still getting the PvE they want such as hunters call and the new voyages that come out. Also, adding a new motive to rank up in the game will cause some players to return and much more activity in both PvE and PvP.

    Bruhhh how much grog did you drink last night ? You're clearly in need of some rest

  • I agree there should be something for achieving 50 in everything (I have achieved this)

    "Having them reach rank 50 in arena will force them to go into combat and build skills over time"

    Not sure I really agree with this though considering you can buy levels with doubloons although this is being nerfed a little soon, but in all fairness in my experience the best PVP i've had has actually always been in adventure mode, arena has always been quite lacklustre for me and regarding skills, again I learned from my time in adventure having played SOT since launch when arena didn't exist.

  • @KhaiFX Totally agree with you, Rare shouldn't add more boat types, maybe some exclusive cosmetics or ship customization parts. But the game was and is mainly PvE and some people preffer Fishing and finding treasures rather than sinking others' ships.

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