One Week Into Game. Good and Bad

  • @darkcobrabws
    You dont know what that crew saw. As @Ghostpaw said, its an old tactic of pvp players to act like a new guy with no paintjob or fancy sails.
    Like i said they could have been wanting to turn in without other players around. So they got rid of a potential threat.

    Reguardless, you are not safe just because u just started and are at an outpost. Its your job to log in and get a look around. First thing.

    You died and lost nothing. Its really no big deal. Hop servers and start over. I have played since the beta and never been attacked at an outpost after logging in. Not once. It happens, but it is rare.
    You already said you spent 10 mins there so u didnt just log in.

  • @darkcobrabws said in One Week Into Game. Good and Bad:

    @ghostpaw Oh ive lost a full 2 hours of work ship yesterday the issue is not about losing a docked ship, its the reason why. I was using today as a blatant example of the issue. As my previous post mentions i got killed yesterday with full ships. I had little issue with that. But out of the 5 times ive been sunk yesterday and today, 4 out of those i was griefed or sunk in port. First time they stole my loot then stayed on my boat for 5 minutes, i figured id wait until they stole everything and left and id just respawn back on my ship and finish my job. I respawn on my ship and they were literally standing there waiting for me to come back and kill me.

    The problem is people going out of their way to have fun by griefing other players including new players trying this for the first time because of the new gamepass for pc

    How is it you dont have a problem losing hours of loot, but get mad when u get spawnkilled and have nothing? You can scuttle and avoid all this. So that means you were not griefed. You had a way out and chose not to use it....

    You have unlimited lives and unlimited ships for a reason.

  • @nwo-azcrack What do you mean scuttle? Every single time i was forced to respawn on my ship and they could just keep killing me over and over until they decided to finally sink the ship

  • @darkcobrabws
    There is a note on the ferry of the damned next to the door. It lets you scuttle from there. You will spawn with your boat somewhere else

  • @nwo-azcrack Yea, probably would have been a good thing to know.

  • @darkcobrabws
    I think you can go to menu and scuttle from there anytime too. Dont be afraid to ask anything else. I wasnt tryin to be mean earlier, i know its a cutthoat game, but once you learn it all you can avoid all pvp entirely if u want

  • @darkcobrabws said in One Week Into Game. Good and Bad:

    @nwo-azcrack Yea, probably would have been a good thing to know.

    In addition to the note on the Ferry of the Damned, you can also choose to scuttle your boat from the crew management menu. It sinks your boat and spawns a mermaid nearby to take you to a pristine new boat at an island somewhere else.

  • Yay! Another thread on PvE servers with all the usual suspects on both sides (myself included).

    My two cents = the game is a shared world adventure where the main antagonists are the real people playing the game. You learn to overcome, adapt and improvise on your journey to becoming a formidable pirate.

  • @blazedrake100 said in One Week Into Game. Good and Bad:

    But the freedom to pvp or pve is one of the pillars of this game. Some things can be changed, but not that or being progression free. That's like saying a strategy game will never grow because it doesn't have twitch combat

    That's a straw man, btw.

    I'm not saying it has to change. It's just that as is, it only fits for a niche audience. If everyone is ok with that, then we're good!

  • @lethality1
    Isnt every game like this though?
    I mean racing games are only for players who like racing. Same with fortnight. Knly for players who like battle royales.
    Are those not niche games like a pvpve game?

  • @nwo-azcrack
    After some suggestions in here from some players I have changed a few ways I play now and though I still think there should be key PvP activation events like the Black Powder Keg Adventures do, there also should be a mode to protect new players maybe.

    I often sell more now, also I hardly ever anchor if Solo and always park my Sloop in a position that will protect me.

    I still dont think waiting for someone to clear fort then you sneak on their boat and blow yourself up and everyone else then spawn at your boat again while theirs sinks and they spawn back on a trading post somewhere is a Pirate act, its abusing the mechanics of the game.

    Anyway I have learnt a few things over the last week and often can get out of people chasing me now knowing that the Sloop goes faster into the wind....

  • @kobra4killz
    I dont think we need protection for new players. Ppl have to learn from their mistakes to get better.

    I agree about the fort campers. I usually go out of my way to sink players who camp the next island over waiting for someone else to finish the fort

  • As someone earlier stated, yes this game would become stale if it was fully pve. The gameplay is like gta online. You have choices on how you'd like to play.

    If there was a pve mode implemented into adventure, then there'd have to be some form of penalty such as less payouts. Or perhaps some voyages wouldn't be available. I love the current state that SoT is in, but I wouldn't mind a bounty system on pk'ers. Wouldn't be mad if they never released a mechanic like it either. Like many others have stated, "it's a pirate game."

  • @nwo-azcrack said in One Week Into Game. Good and Bad:

    Isnt every game like this though?
    I mean racing games are only for players who like racing. Same with fortnight. Knly for players who like battle royales.
    Are those not niche games like a pvpve game?

    World of Warcraft is for PvE and PvP players... it even has open-world PvP. It manages to strike a balance.

    What Rare is doing here though is more along the lines of hardcore survival PvP, and that's just a tiny niche audience.

    Additionally, the world Rare created attracts players who have the idea of doing things in it as if they're spending time there in a persistent world.

    So they're attracting 2 distinct player types - much like WoW - but do not have the proper systems in place to support them both.

  • @lethality1
    Its also a much older game with a much bigger player base. Also its an mmo.
    I dont understand why every game has to cater to all players.
    Even without pve servers this game has done far better than Rare expected. The population is still growing after a year

  • @nwo-azcrack said in One Week Into Game. Good and Bad:

    Its also a much older game with a much bigger player base. Also its an mmo.
    I dont understand why every game has to cater to all players.
    Even without pve servers this game has done far better than Rare expected. The population is still growing after a year

    Again. I'm not saying it does! And I don't believe the population is growing. Anecdotal evidence of my own play circles as well as interest on Twitch indicates otherwise.

    But it just remains that SoT will see an extremely limited player base... and that's fine if you're an indie studio with a grassroots budget, etc.

    But Rare is a triple-A studio owned by Microsoft... and there are certain "expectations" from a business performance perspective there, that I personally believe SoT cannot ultimately meet due to the lack of designs in place to offer both PvE and PvP players a chance to get what they're after - not just PvP players.

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