Human enemy A.I

  • Some people may think this is bad due to this making the the game more violent.
    I and i'm pretty sure some other people think human A.I that attack you should be added.
    There is already human A.I such as the ones in the shop etc.
    But the one's i'm talking about are more dangerous lets say like military or something like that trying to put all the pirates down.
    To avoid getting an M rating I'd suggest making them die like the players instead of them falling to the floor dead.
    This might give it an M rating but i'm just hoping this might be a thing.
    Sorry for lack of detail iv'e never been great with it.

  • 13
  • We don't need human A.I. because we already have real human players who are far smarter and deadlier than any A.I. could ever be. While I personally think the PvE is great in Sea of Thieves, the predominant threat isn't skeletons, it's other pirates. That's one thing that makes Sea of Thieves truly a unique experience.

  • @rustyfire346

    If you’re talking about an additional land based AI then I’m sure many would welcome the idea. Skeletons are OK as an adversary but they’re highly repetitive with every encounter being much the same. So long as alternative AI were given a different MO.

    Having human AI may help make the SoT world feel a little less deserted.

  • Human AI enemies would be fun. Any enemy AI other than skeletons would be refreshing.

  • Don't know why rating is such a worry, with the art style it would be fine and all souls on the Sea of Thieves go to the Sea of Sorrow upon death, and return through the Ferry.

    Some navy trying to colonize the Sea of Thieves wouldn't work, as large ships and fleets can't traverse the Shroud and as such cannot enter, and that is if they know the location of the SoT and the path through the Shroud at all. Any smaller forces sent in would be destroyed by pirates.

  • @rustyfire346 said in Human enemy A.I:

    Some people may think this is bad due to this making the the game more violent.
    I and i'm pretty sure some other people think human A.I that attack you should be added.
    There is already human A.I such as the ones in the shop etc.
    But the one's i'm talking about are more dangerous lets say like military or something like that trying to put all the pirates down.
    To avoid getting an M rating I'd suggest making them die like the players instead of them falling to the floor dead.
    This might give it an M rating but i'm just hoping this might be a thing.
    Sorry for lack of detail iv'e never been great with it.

    Bad due to making the game "more violent"...? What? No, there's already explosions, murder, and betrayal... Adding human AI enemies wont make the game more violent, it will just add human AI enemies... end of story. Only way to make this game more violent is to make the entire sea have infinite perpetual explosions, rofl.

    Violence isn't the problem here, buddy... The main problem is that this suggestion is redundant... the players are the human enemies, smarter, and more unpredictable than the AI could ever be... Resources at Rare should rather be dedicated to creating new content.

    Not to mention, your idea of a military, or in this case, marines of some kind being the lore-perps behind this human AI enemy, doesn't go well with the lore of this game... There is no military in the Sea of Thieves, it's called the Sea of Thieves, precisely because, lorewise, there are no authorities there, only pirates, only thieves... hence the name "Sea of Thieves".

    Immortal figures like the Pirate Lord himself, and the Ferryman, apparently have influence and/or social standing with some kind of god or something that has power over life and death, and are adamant about having the Sea of Thieves remain a paradise for pirates. : /

  • @Sweltering-Nick

    Not to mention, your idea of a military, or in this case, marines of some kind being the lore-perps behind this human AI enemy, doesn't go well with the lore of this game... There is no military in the Sea of Thieves, it's called the Sea of Thieves, precisely because, lorewise, there are no authorities there, only pirates, only thieves... hence the name "Sea of Thieves".

    Actually, the Grand Maritime Union and their fleet of large ships (and yes it's from the lore) is kinda trying to reach the Sea of Thieves and they might not be very happy with what Mollie did...

    Yes, all the trading companies in the Sea of Thieves have to stick to the rules but a war may be coming in the near future! I agree, any authority would go against the freedom we have in the sandbox we all love, but that doesn't prevent Rare from introducing human enemy AI in another way and that is compatible with the game's lore.

  • @skulliah said in Human enemy A.I:


    Not to mention, your idea of a military, or in this case, marines of some kind being the lore-perps behind this human AI enemy, doesn't go well with the lore of this game... There is no military in the Sea of Thieves, it's called the Sea of Thieves, precisely because, lorewise, there are no authorities there, only pirates, only thieves... hence the name "Sea of Thieves".

    Actually, the Grand Maritime Union and their fleet of large ships (and yes it's from the lore) is kinda trying to reach the Sea of Thieves and they might not be very happy with what Mollie did...

    Yes, all the trading companies in the Sea of Thieves have to stick to the rules but a war may be coming in the near future! I agree, any authority would go against the freedom we have in the sandbox we all love, but that doesn't prevent Rare from introducing human enemy AI in another way and that is compatible with the game's lore.

    That's the thing, they can try, but they're never going to reach the Sea of Thieves...

    The Pirate Lord, The Ferryman, and whatever godly forces they are aligned with, actively keep them out of the Sea of Thieves with magic and divine power.

    Even if they somehow manage to force their way into the sea of thieves, once they die in the sea of thieves by being run through by a pirate's cutlass, that's the end for them... 'cus the ferryman himself won't let them come back to life. :P

    Yeah, there isn't gonna be any authorities in the Sea of Thieves. xD
    The pirates in the Sea of Thieves, are literally immortal, for as long as they WISH to remain immortal. xD
    The fate of the Morningstar tall tale reveals that, once a pirate dies in the sea of thieves, they may choose to return to life, or move on... The crew of the morninstar chose to move on, but they were dead for decades if i remember correctly, and they could easily return to life, if they so wanted.

    Non-pirates aren't given that choice, because this immortality was arranged by The Pirate Lord himself, for pirates only.

  • @sweltering-nick

    Well, I think it's better to prepare for a war and store ammunition if they manage to reach the Sea of Thieves... Mollie succeeded and she's very worried about them. She says “they have more money and more men to throw at a problem than the whole of Sea of Thieves combined” ;)

    Being somehow immortal is a good point but this could apply to the GMU as well once they reach the Sea of Thieves. That's not the Pirate Lord who arranged that deal with the Ferryman. He died long before the Ferry of the Damned was here. It's not the Ferryman who allows him to stay on the Sea of Thieves as a ghost but his Reaper's Mark necklace.

    Also, the Ferryman says that the door will not always be open in the future, so I'm not sure that being immortal will still be a thing... :P

  • I personally like that the only humans moving about are players. It makes it easier to identify them as such.

    I'd much rather see the wanderers make a return. (Old alpha enemies as discussed by Gregg Myles who swarmed the player)

    As @Skulliah has noted, the grand maritime union is trying to get in. And maybe they will...

  • Even Demarco and Lisedi, as children of the Pirate Lord, must have a special agreement with the Ferryman for pirates in the Arena transition right back to their ship without the Ferry.

    One thing the AI cannot do is transition from a ship to shore, and vice versa.
    This is why pets got postponed, and skellie ships dont have boarding parties.

  • @skulliah said in Human enemy A.I:


    Well, I think it's better to prepare for a war and store ammunition if they manage to reach the Sea of Thieves... Mollie succeeded and she's very worried about them. She says “they have more money and more men to throw at a problem than the whole of Sea of Thieves combined” ;)

    Being somehow immortal is a good point but this could apply to the GMU as well once they reach the Sea of Thieves. That's not the Pirate Lord who arranged that deal with the Ferryman. He died long before the Ferry of the Damned was here. It's not the Ferryman who allows him to stay on the Sea of Thieves as a ghost but his Reaper's Mark necklace.

    Also, the Ferryman says that the door will not always be open in the future, so I'm not sure that being immortal will still be a thing... :P

    Dude... The pirate lords ghost has exactly three daggers/swords in his back, perfectly lined up, like it was planned... and when he died... a few years later, the ferryman was contacted to become the captain of the ship of the damned.

    The pirate lord gave the ferryman his job, dude... After he managed to win over whatever mystical force gave him the power to give the ferryman his job... Or maybe the Pirate Lord asked this mystical force to directly give the ferryman his job to begin with? : /

    Also the Pirate Lord's necklace isn't a reapers mark... And also, the other ghosts hanging out in the legendary hideout are not in posession of a necklace of their own, 'nor a medal of any kind... So the necklace/medal has nothing to do with why they can walk around the Sea of Thieves freely as ghosts.

    I'd argue the reason they can do that, is because they are best friends with some kind of god that the ancients used to worship... or maybe the pirate lord made a deal of some sort. :O

    What i do know, is that it doesn't matter how many resources a military force has... It cannot conquer an enemy that is immortal. :P

    Another point to make is that the ferryman said "the future", he didn't specify any specific time... Assuming that this will take effect just in time for a military to conquer the place is ridiculous, and also, fyi, without immortality, pirates will lose against militaries, full-stop, no debate... So if that happens, this games lifespan ends, as the Sea of Thieves ceases all thievery, and the invading authority establishes its version of modern civillization in its place. : /

    Pirates only win against authorities, if they have some sort of advantage... Especially romanticized pirates, they usually rely on magics/voodoo to win against marine fleets and such... Because the one thing pirates don't have, is a leader they all obey, mostly because they can never agree on who should be the leader... That's why there aren't any pirate kings/queens.

  • All the fiction is cool. However, getting back to the OP. We’ve just got to get some new stuff into this game. There’s precious little to do and it’s boring. Human AI would be a great addition. I’d never pictured naval or militia characters anyway. Indigenous characters is what I’d like to see. Alternative weapons like spears and machete and ranged weapons like blow darts, bows etc. I’d like to see stealth become a thing together with laying and avoiding traps.

    And please, non of this “real people provide the human threat” stuff. I can share an entire server with 5 solo sloops. That’s 6 players covering the entire map. SoT is getting lonely.

4 out of 13