Supply Ships in Adventure

  • Ahoy mates I have an idea yet again! I enjoy seeing ships on the sea and I'm sure a lot of you feel the same. I suggest a human npc ship kinda like the skeleton ships but the difference is you can purchase materials (worms, cursed cannons,food,wood) OR you can fight them for it. To purchase the materials you use your gold but it's fairly expensive. We've all been in a predicament where we are in the middle of the sea with little to no supplys, just a flare gun away and your supply ship will be on the way but be careful your flare gun will expose your position on the map, and who knows for a fair bargain any supply ship captain will allow your enemies to hide in their boat and surprise you.

  • 52
  • We need to be able to purchase supplies from the shipwrights

  • @manbearpig7xx said in Supply Ships in Adventure:

    We need to be able to purchase supplies from the shipwrights

    No. It would easily be abused.

    @SirTreeThaChief You already have a flare gun - it's called the flintlock pistol; its bullet fires more slowly than the other firearms specifically for this purpose (because it allows the streak of the fired bullet to stay up in the air for far longer).

    Also, why would we need a supply ship when you can already get supplies from:

    • outposts
    • forts
    • islands
    • sea posts
    • shipwrecks
    • floating barrels
    • player ships
    • cursed ships
    • other players
  • @galactic-geek I don’t see what’s wrong with paying like 5000 gold for 50 cannonballs. Also I’m not the one asking for a flare gun, but I don’t see what’s wrong with that either. Tools not rules.

  • There are players with millions in gold, and you don't see this as a problem? Specifically, for newer players?

    Nope, Rate has been clear about this - everyone starts a session on equal footing and has to earn their supplies by working for it.

    @MANBEARPIG7xx Fixed the quote. 😅

    Also having an actual flare gun would be redundant.

  • @galactic-geek of course there are plenty of materials on islands but you would have to stop and load up on islands or even send one person while the others sail the boat. The supply ship will come to you where ever you anchor. You never been in a predicament where you needed materials in the middle/end of a kraken or meg fight?

  • @sirtreethachief said in Supply Ships in Adventure:

    @galactic-geek of course there are plenty of materials on islands but you would have to stop and load up on islands or even send one person while the others sail the boat. The supply ship will come to you where ever you anchor. You never been in a predicament where you needed materials in the middle/end of a kraken or meg fight?

    Yes, because why? Because I failed to gather more supplies. I've since learned from that mistake. Prepared pirates are successful pirates.

  • I wouldn’t have millions if I could buy supplies, because you lose them when you sink or log off.

  • @galactic-geek islands can give you a lot of one material, but not the other. The supply ship guarantees the supplies you need. It's another boat in the water and a different way to sneak into another person's ship

  • @galactic-geek you won't have unlimited materials sailing the seas off one island

  • @sirtreethachief Islands may not offer a whole lot in some cases, but they definitely make up for it with variety. On any given island, I can easily find:

    • food
    • planks
    • cannonballs
    • bait

    If I'm lucky, I might also find:

    • bonus bottle voyages
    • cursed cannonballs
    • gunpowder barrels
  • @galactic-geek also in regards to the flare gun, it would be the only way to call the supply ship, it would also act like a reapers mark for a short period of time. It will promote more pvp. That's the main focus on the supply ship. Its another beacon or even a Express ride to pvp action

  • @sirtreethachief said in Supply Ships in Adventure:

    @galactic-geek also in regards to the flare gun, it would be the only way to call the supply ship, it would also act like a reapers mark for a short period of time. It will promote more pvp. That's the main focus on the supply ship. Its another beacon or even a Express ride to pvp action

    Nobody would use it then. Why would anyone risk threat of attack unnecessarily when it's already so easy to gather supplies?

    A good crew can empty an outpost or fort in under 5 minutes and a shipwreck or floating barrels in under 3.

    You also have to consider the fact that ships are resource hogs on the server. Why slow the game down unnecessarily?

    Don't be a lazybeard! Get back to work!
    ...and bring me a 🍍while you're at it!

  • @sirtreethachief I've loved the idea of a flare gun with a consequence for firing it (such as revealing your location on the map). It could work with this idea but as others have stated it's could be seen as abuse if players can potentially resupply themselves infinitely so perhaps there could be a balance by forcing a cool down on how often a crew can use it, perhaps 30mins between firing it?

    I came up with a similar suggestion for a flare gun many moons ago as a way to invite pvp upon yourself (kind of like the reapers mark, but more like turning yourself in to a temporary pvp event). I think it could have potential as a way to encourage players to engage a little more!

  • @galactic-geek Scared pirates dont make good captains. It takes risk for reward, like I said it's not just for supplies. The people calling it could be looking for salty sea dogs. Why do people wear the reapers mark?

  • @SirTreeThaChief & @MANBEARPIG7xx

    Purchasing supplies is unbalanced for a couple of reasons. One, is that players with millions have the ability to get far more supplies than newer players with a few thousand gold (@Galactic-Geek has briefly mentioned that). The other is that in battles, one ship can sink, then buy many more resources than what remains on the other ship and come back again, and again, and again. This is especially a problem for things like strongholds and skeleton fleets, or just a battle for the remains of a ship of unlucky hoarders.

  • @luciansanchez82 I agree. Sometimes I'm on a island with my crew mates and it's difficult to find each other.

  • @sirtreethachief Why not just use the Reaper's Mark then? It's guaranteed to bring you a ship or 2 laden with supplies - along with all of the risk that implies.

    Again, it's unnecessary - as I've just described, the tools are already in the game for you to do this.

  • @ultmateragnarok there can be such thing as a cap to the amount you purchase. Theres a cap on the resources on the boat right?

  • @sirtreethachief I was thinking it would only be usable from the ship. There are plenty of ways to locate each other on islands by using the compass, lantern, firing in to the air.

  • @galactic-geek because a flare gun can be used to locate other people on the island you are on. The reapers mark can not

  • @sirtreethachief

    There was once a 100 item cap to ship resources. There no longer is. However, even a cap to the resource you can buy wouldn't work. People want to restock after they sink with it, so blocking it in large time blocks wouldn't work. Blocking bulk buying wouldn't help the other balance issue, as new players may not be able to afford anything at all (5000 gold, as suggested before, is a lot at that level).

  • @luciansanchez82 a flare gun takes the hassle out of that extra time it takes to see a lantern light or the bullets of a blunder. While the flare remains lit for a brief moment instead of looking for ammo when you run out of shots to find someone

  • @sirtreethachief said in Supply Ships in Adventure:

    @galactic-geek because a flare gun can be used to locate other people on the island you are on. The reapers mark can not

    The flintlock can already do this! Again, the tools are already provided for you! Stop asking for unnecessary, redundant solutions and start being creative with what you already have!

  • @galactic-geek I am simply making suggestions, maybe they wont keep everything working the same later down the road.

  • @galactic-geek the flintlock does not remain lit for longer than a second or two

  • @sirtreethachief Suggesions in themselves are not bad - I'm just asking you to put a bit more thought into it before posting.

  • @galactic-geek sorry, didnt know you were a game dev and this post effected you that bad

  • @sirtreethachief said in Supply Ships in Adventure:

    @galactic-geek the flintlock does not remain lit for longer than a second or two

    False. I've tested this myself - depending on angle and visibility, it can be seen for up to 11 seconds.

  • @galactic-geek and how many times till you gotta find a ammo box before someone find you?

  • @sirtreethachief You have 5 shots, which should be enough since there's only 4 major cardinal directions, and that's assuming you only have 1 gun equipped. Also, you're not accounting for the sound of the shot, which can also be used to determine not only direction, but the relative distance as well.

  • There are pro's and con's to this idea

    1. I always do 3 trips to supply from the outpost I spawn on, then one sunken ship and 1 fort for powder kegs. This can take up to 30 minutes before I am ready to play. Yes prepared pirates make hard to sink pirates. But the stocking up process isn't overly enjoyable, so being able to buy stuff would remove the need for this repetitive task
    2. If every pirate is able to stock up to the max at the beginning of the session you're making everyone harder to sink. This isn't necessarily a good thing, just more time consuming. If everyone is able to start at a maxed position then everyone may as well start at the position we are at now.
    3. trading in crates of wood, cannonballs & fruit. If you're able to buy these stock items you could just buy the stock you need to fill these crates and instantly turn them in. It would make them a bit pointless.
    4. pirates with a lot of cash would have an advantage over the new player. Don't you start with something 100g? that wouldn't be enough to buy stock

    I do like the idea, because it enriches the world, and it makes sense... Why wouldn't an NPC sell these items? If there's a supply and demand then a business normally grows because of it. But I don't think it would help the game play. Even though that 30 minute stock up at the beginning of the game isn't fun for me, I should be in a better position for doing it. If this game was solely PvE I'd say yes, but it would detract from the PvP.

    I would however like to be able to buy Food, Wood and Cannonball crates from the merchant. At least that would increase the 10, 5 & 5 carry limits when I'm stocking up and would reduce the 30 minute stocking time.

    I do like the idea of a flair gun. Even if it doesn't have a specific use, I just think it would be cool. You'd get pirates banding together to make their own firework displays and using the tool in imaginative ways.

  • @galactic-geek 5 shots and whose to say you didnt use them for a skeleton or a enemy pirate. Flare goes up, team comes to the exact location, no need to continue to fire shots in the air. Plenty of thought there buckaroo

  • @sirtreethachief said in Supply Ships in Adventure:

    @galactic-geek sorry, didnt know you were a game dev and this post effected you that bad

    Nowhere have I said that I was a game developer.

    What I am is a:

    • teacher
    • veteran gamer (since the '80s)
    • XBL member for over 13 years
    • XBL Community Ambassador
    • XBL United Enforcer
    • FG tournament competitor
    • HS academic/debate team member
  • @sirtreethachief There are already supply ships all around the sea of thieves. Some are Brigs, some are Galleons, some are Sloops.
    Some put up a fight some scuttle before you can load up on supplies, but in general the takings are good.

    No need for NPC supply ships.

10 out of 52