Fan Art Compendium

  • Just thought I'd share some of the fantastic work from twitter posts I've noticed this last couple of weeks - if you've seen any others, share them here!

    Starting with these epic sketches of crewmates, inspired by a previous poster below but looking amazing!

    Adding in the work done here, a Meg pirate crew!

    And if yer wantin' time to relax, check out this Sea of Thieves ambient video!

    If'n yer lookin fer a little jewellery then feast yer eyes on this gem!

    Or d'ye fancy a crate to store it in? Make yerself a Captain's Chest!

    Ye can find the template here!

    The collection wouldn't be complete without an offering from our resident craftspirate @lizalaroo, take a look at her latest!

    Daily art is always worth checking out from Fenrir -

    Not to mention some kraken artistic screenshots from Captain Ballzonia!

    As well as this 'ere artist -

    Or how about creating an album cover?

    If questing be yer heart's desire how about this art piece?

    And of course, pirates...

    And their weapons of choice...

    The collection wouldn't be complete without a look at this adorable cuddly crab -

    Adding one more here, the work of Freya Catherine singing Belcalmed, the lyrics can be found on Mermaid's Hideaway!

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  • Wow some truly amazing creations here! And then there’s me who struggles to draw a stick man! 😂

  • @knifelife

    We really do have some amazingly talented folks in the community :)

  • Thanks @KattTruewalker it’s great to see some of the ways Sea of Thieves has inspired others with some amazing creations!

  • Awesome compendium you put together @katttruewalker we could definitely expand it and make it really cool and easy to access for any pirate that finished sailing and now is chilling in the tavern looking through the forums. I'd say this can also be a cool addition. I can keep looking through social media and add more of them if you want!

  • @biostructr

    Haha! That's so awesome :D Thanks for sharing it and absolutely, if you find anything else out there, add 'em here!

  • These are all truly awesome!!!
    I was particularly inspired by RobTinBC.
    Thought I would make his creation.....
    So a spare 10 minutes, a sharp knife, & some tape.
    Ta-Da! Now proudly adorning me desk.
    Thankyou RobTinBC

    Must in a moment of inspiration create something meself.

  • I have a new piece of kit for my 3D modeling. A side benefit is being able to do rotating gifs of my projects.

    This is one of my personal favorites...the Fish Skeleton Trophy :-D

    alt text

  • Couple of bits I've done so far....

  • @piratecraggy Hey!! My Template!! I have to give rare credit for making the concept art in such a way as I could manipulate it to get the cut outs!!

    In really making a go of Spectrum Gamer Family channel on youtube and have been streaming a Regular AM stream of #sotrush and pushing it out to my channel which I use to raise awareness of High Functioning Autism in the Gamin community as it may help some gamers who are social misfits understand maybe why they are are who they are and that they may be on the spectrum and that there is no shame in it and can actually give you some real gifts like my Son who has a gift for piano and patterns and a videographic memory I believe.

    I do it for fun and to leave him something he can push into when he is older if he wants so love to see people coming and sharing in our fun!

    I had fun figuring out this template and seeing the community make it, thanks so much for posting the picture and wat to improve on the gold colour to make if more shiney!!

  • @katttruewalker Thank you for including the captain's chest template in this compendulum, if anyone has made it I would love photo's. I am compiling them if I get enough into a video, if you want to make a little video on yours and how you enjoy it and how you use it, if its inspired you I would love to have that and be able to use it in the video. (anyone, not just aiming that at Kat)

    Love the SoT community! hugs yall

  • We can't forget this awesome prop made by @JESSETATTOO made from a wicker trunk found at a thrift store! Love this!

    We all need to show Jesse some love for this!

  • @robtinbc

    Still on me desk matey.. really loved how it turned out. Kudos for the design!

  • @robtinbc

    If you like... PM me, and I could send you the re-colourised version (Gold Gradient one) that I made from your design.
    Seriously love it..kudos..again! Let me know sure.


    edit: I like your idea of making a video, and getting other members of the community to help out.
    I'm not much into video work myself ( done bits.. I'm no expert )

    But I have a random thought.

    We need to get your "Captains Chest" out there!!!

    Here's maybe a suggestion along the lines of the
    "New & Interesting Ways" philosophy.

    "Strange & Unusual Places"

    ... get community members to make your inspired design, and have them take a pic of "discovering" them in "Strange & Unusual Places".... I have an image in me mind of seeing one pictured on the hand rail at the top of the "Eiffel Tower".... lol

    Just a thought & a little fun :)
    I'd be glad to help out in what ever way I can.

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