Crossplay options need to be brought into this game

  • Crossplay should either have an opt out feature or something better. Xbox players are at a real disadvantage when it comes to PvP. Another option that I would prefer is distinct advantages for Xbox players during close quarters fighting. Aim assist for your guns, damage increases with blunderbuss, or guaranteed sword block when you are blocking.. This needs fixed or taken out.

  • 19
  • @waynelmg I understand a very slight aim assist might help, but damage increases and guaranteed sword blocking?

    Why not just disable the new ship damage for them as well? or even better, give them 100% aim lock since aiming is too hard.

    What you suggest is removing all forms of counter play in PVP, and if that was implemented , I would very quickly stop playing this game all together since xbox players would be unbeatable.

  • OP is taking this game way too seriously.

    /raise tankard

  • @spartem Thanks for the feedback. I was just throwing some ideas out to emphasize the issue. Aim assist would be my favorite choice. I love this game and I like crossplay but balance is the goal. Aim assist would at least give an advantage to Xbox over pc. PC would still own sword PvP.

  • @waynelmg you must be new here...cross-play option off/on for xbox players is coming...don't know when exactly

  • I'd rather have an XBox player who knows what he's doing than a PC player who doesn't. That matters more than aim in the Arena - just check out the open crews if you want examples.

  • @d3adst1ck open crews are toxic most of the time. I love playing with more of a pool of people. I hope they really choose to balance rather than opt out. Arena is a blast with the right crew.

  • @schwammlgott I am hoping for the balance adjustments. I don't know if they'll stick to the opt out. But, something needs done. Thanks

  • @waynelmg it was planned first to launch with the anniversary update, but was delayed...I'm pretty sure this comes soon...maybe a month or so...

  • @schwammlgott Thank you

  • @waynelmg said in Crossplay options need to be brought into this game:

    @d3adst1ck open crews are toxic most of the time. I love playing with more of a pool of people. I hope they really choose to balance rather than opt out. Arena is a blast with the right crew.

    Open crews is how I built my SOT friends list, and through those friends connected with other friends. You would be surprised how many people are looking for the same thing as you. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of toxic and bad players in open crew but you never know!

    One person I met in open crew was Jackie, she was on the Devs first SOT stream. She even has a sign on Golden Sands in honor of her participation. She has become a dear friend of mine and me and my wife crew with her a lot on the weekends.

    So you never know who you will meet!

  • @waynelmg said in Crossplay options need to be brought into this game:

    Crossplay should either have an opt out feature or something better. Xbox players are at a real disadvantage when it comes to PvP. Another option that I would prefer is distinct advantages for Xbox players during close quarters fighting. Aim assist for your guns, damage increases with blunderbuss, or guaranteed sword block when you are blocking.. This needs fixed or taken out.

    What do you mean? Didn't they already allow xbox players a crossplay opt-out option in this very anniversary update?

    I was sure it was getting added in this update. :o

    Regardless, of whether or not it has been added already, Rare has said they will add that feature in one of their weekly dev updates on Youtube, you can stop asking for it, it's coming. You're getting what you want. xD

  • @sweltering-nick said in Crossplay options need to be brought into this game:

    @waynelmg said in Crossplay options need to be brought into this game:

    Crossplay should either have an opt out feature or something better. Xbox players are at a real disadvantage when it comes to PvP. Another option that I would prefer is distinct advantages for Xbox players during close quarters fighting. Aim assist for your guns, damage increases with blunderbuss, or guaranteed sword block when you are blocking.. This needs fixed or taken out.

    What do you mean? Didn't they already allow xbox players a crossplay opt-out option in this very anniversary update?

    I was sure it was getting added in this update. :o

    Regardless, of whether or not it has been added already, Rare has said they will add that feature in one of their weekly dev updates on Youtube, you can stop asking for it, it's coming. You're getting what you want. xD

    Right? It baffles me people still ask for this, despite having the confirmation it's coming. I can understand some people being out of the loop, but they could at least search the forum for it, there is even a stickied megathread about it and it's been debated for months.

    As for those moaning that it's not implemented yet, should have been implemented sooner, or during anniversary, blablabla; Sit the hell down and be patient instead of acting like a petulant child. YOU ARE GETTING WHAT YOU ASKED FOR. Its like god damned children asking "are we there yet?" and complaining all the way to Disneyland. If I were Rare I'd have turned that car around sooner. It will be ready when it's ready, now you can zip it.

  • Like @BloodyBil said "YOU ARE GETTING WHAT YOU ASKED FOR!"

    It's coming, we just don't know when exactly...

  • @kiniko said in Crossplay options need to be brought into this game:

    Like @BloodyBil said "YOU ARE GETTING WHAT YOU ASKED FOR!"

    It's coming, we just don't know when exactly...

    If it was so simple to implement, it'd be there already wouldn't it? Therefore, it takes more time than expected to be added, and has been confirmed to be worked on RIGHT NOW.

    Now, if you are part of those that requested that feature, a feature that will be catering to your group only and totally useless and unwanted for the rest of the community, you say "Thank you" and you either wait for it's implementation to come back to the game if things are soooo unbearable, or you show some patience like a reasonable person.

  • @Waynelmg

    You'll find the information you're looking for at 3:24 in this video

    Crossplay opt out is supposed to go in for testing late May with a priority on The Arena, and will go in for Adventure soon after.

    There is not a firm timeline for release, but the general time frame for when the ball starts rolling is "late May" at this point.

  • Hey I found the thread you are looking for.

    talk about it here

  • forgot to tag you guys. @deckhands here's another for your redirection

  • Ahoy maties!

    The feature to opt out of crossplay if you're using a console and controller is delayed for the time being, but Rare are working hard to bring this to us as soon as they can, I believe in one of the recent Dev Update videos this was mentioned.

    In the meantime, we have a mega thread set up specifically for discussing this topic - this is to prevent other discussions being overwhelmed by multiple threads on a popular topic and to make feedback and opinion easy to locate for anyone who wishes to read. It also cuts down on the necessity of having to repeat posts the community may already have made.

    I'll close this down now and let the discussion continue over there.

13 out of 19