I Can't Seem To Find Other Players...

  • Hello there! I hope your day is going well, and that I'm finding you at a good time.
    I have been playing Sea of Thieves for a few weeks now, and I have realized that I cannot find any other players out on the seas. I have looked at the main map that is found on the ship, but I still cannot find other players. Upon opening the game, I select a sloop, and open crews, hoping I will see other players. I invite my friend and load into the world. Still, I can't find other players... Does anyone happen to know the fix to this? I have always wanted to get into a ship vs. ship fight, but I just can't find anyone. Does anyone know the fix to this? Please let me know! I would be quite grateful!

  • 13
  • @Rezurrect07 Honestly I would like to know your secret for being able to avoid all the pesky pirates! Not sure where you are sailing for most of your playtime but stay near any outpost long enough and you should see players. It is my experience that during the new update, many players are trying arena and or tall tales and less people frequenting the popular islands and outposts. If you truly have no luck, start doing skull forts. You will either get rich with no competition or you will quickly discover you are not as alone as you think!

  • @rezurrect07 did you throw down the anchor from time to time? If yes, did the game stop for a monent and a text came up on your screen? If not, there are other crews on the same server...if yes, you got merged to another server, where other crews are...

  • You don't need to do "Open Crews" if you are planning on playing with friends only. In fact, you shouldn't. Choose Closed Crews.

    As for finding other people; it sounds like you had bad luck. Sometimes a server is empty. The game will migrate you to a new (fuller server) if it thinks there is a good chance that you won't run into someone for the next 20 minutes. But it can't migrate you unless your anchor is dropped.

    If you are really convinced a server is "dead" and have nothing to lose just quite and start again. Otherwise, use you anchor as often as possible.

  • @rezurrect07 you aren’t going to be able to see other players ships on the map in adventure mode, in arena you can.

    In adventure mode its just a matter of start sailing and you will eventually find someone.

    In arena mode there will always be enemy ships

  • Me an 3of my friends got the game yesterday and we didnt see anyone we played about 5-6hours? Honest question does anyone play this game or are we late to the party? On pc

  • There is a limit of 6 ships per server. The amount of players playing has little to do with server population, but yes, lots do

  • @j11mz Tons of players on the game speaking from my experience. I do a lot of Skull Fort-ing and I run into at least one player vessel 9/10 times. Not all attack, some just drive by and don't bother me but I find it hard to go without running into players doing that specific activity.

  • The ship battles are quite compelling, and what sets SoT apart from other games.

    If that is what you seek, then Arena is where you want to be.
    Just finishing the match makes you better cash than in Adventure (for the time spent), and gain precious pvp experience.

    As much as you can stand.

  • Tons of players... They're just usually not near your starting island. You'll have to travel a little to find some people.

    Keep in mind, mist people don't want to be found. Look behind islands for the mast sticking up, ride around the backs of islands, travel to another outpost and sit around that area for a few minutes.

    Once you've played a little more and know the islands that tend to be higher traffic, you'll be able to find players more easily.

    Generally when I play, I'll start with a cargo run (get the stuff from the starting outpost) then I'll drop a gold hoarders quest before I even leave the outpost.

    Then I'll decide the best route and head out. Almost always, before I finish both, I will have seen a couple ships.

    Some islands that seem to be higher traffic areas (and surrounding islands) are Lone Cove, Shipwreck Bay and Plunder Valley. Devil's Roar just ride N/S... if anyone's out there, you'll find them.

  • That can't be right, you are supposed to be attacked by 7 ships simultaneously from the moment you dip a toe in the water outside your starting outpost. You sir are clearly lying!

  • @Rezurrect07 I suggest looking in your settings. I play sot and in my settings I had "Prefer Xbox and Controllers only" (On) and I never found anybody. But I turned it off and I found waayy more people. Also, try skull forts. You'll have better luck there! But avast! You don't know what ye drivin urself inta!

  • @xgrimreaperx313 Where did you find "Prefer Xbox and Controllers only" at?

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