How much would you pay for a pet?

  • @troubled-cells said in How much would you pay for a pet?:

    @triheadedmonkey said in How much would you pay for a pet?:

    @troubled-cells Some of your posts have been edited as they go against the Forum Rules.

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    My apologies

    Rare may wish to edit the "Posting Unreleased Content" section though as this entire thread is centred around content that is unreleased, as have many more on this forum.

    On another note which pets are people hoping to get?

    I'd want the cat. Similar in style to the one in concept art. All cool and scarred a little

  • @tre-oni said in How much would you pay for a pet?:

    @troubled-cells said in How much would you pay for a pet?:

    @triheadedmonkey said in How much would you pay for a pet?:

    @troubled-cells Some of your posts have been edited as they go against the Forum Rules.

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    Do not share data-mined information as the post will be removed and a warning issued. Ignoring the warning will result in a permanent ban.

    My apologies

    Rare may wish to edit the "Posting Unreleased Content" section though as this entire thread is centred around content that is unreleased, as have many more on this forum.

    On another note which pets are people hoping to get?

    I'd want the cat. Similar in style to the one in concept art. All cool and scarred a little

    Realistically , a goat lol

    If i could choose, it's gotta be an alpaca

    But only if it's free ;)

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie , matey, gonna name my pet Toto, and give it afro haircut. Hail!

  • @troubled-cells I'd pay whatever asking price for a ragged old Irish Wolfhound!

    (or a Malamute pup)

  • @troubled-cells would you pay if you could ride it for jokes?

  • I like to pay to support the hobbies I enjoy and would gladly buy some pets to help sustain what I enjoy over having the servers shut down. I hope they keep it to pets and pet related items such as pet toys or cosmetics for the pet to wear. Since player cosmetics are the main draw to the game I hope they are kept to in game gold.

  • @tre-oni said in How much would you pay for a pet?:

    @troubled-cells would you pay if you could ride it for jokes?

    Nope , why pay extra when I can get the real thing for free

  • As someone who has been appreciating this game and all it’s free DLC since launch, I’ll be happy to pay for a pet in the game. If anything, just to support the game in hopes that it stays alive just a little longer

  • @troubled-cells said in How much would you pay for a pet?:

    @tre-oni said in How much would you pay for a pet?:

    @troubled-cells would you pay if you could ride it for jokes?

    Nope , why pay extra when I can get the real thing for free

    Idk man, theres just something magical about picturing a pirate sitting proudly on a llama, on the deck of the ship as it sails

  • @tre-oni said in How much would you pay for a pet?:

    @troubled-cells said in How much would you pay for a pet?:

    @tre-oni said in How much would you pay for a pet?:

    @troubled-cells would you pay if you could ride it for jokes?

    Nope , why pay extra when I can get the real thing for free

    Idk man, theres just something magical about picturing a pirate sitting proudly on a llama, on the deck of the ship as it sails

    magic ain't real ;)

    And real in my case is still free

    So I'll take my chances thanks very much

  • I wouldn't pay a single thing and id be very disapointed with rare, microtrasactions are disgusting, the pet idea is good though if it is purely cosmetic, but if pets are going to be implemented they should be implemented like commendations giving people another reason to go back out there on the seas to earn these new pets in a interesting fun and challenging way don't just make it something you throw money at which is just meaningless.

  • @johnnykappow said in How much would you pay for a pet?:

    @troubled-cells I'd pay whatever asking price for a ragged old Irish Wolfhound!

    (or a Malamute pup)

    My sister has a Malamute... You don't want one of them on a Sloop!

  • @sshteeve then I choose a pet ferret instead!

  • @dr-katman's happening regardless lol

  • @johnnykappow lol good choice!
    Seriously though I could imagine Balto (sister's dog) on the sloop.

    The dopey mutt would be knocking us into the water all the time!

  • @sshteeve ahhh I presumed you meant cause it was maybe not so potty trained, and well, sloops are rather.. confined ;)

  • I like to pay to support Rare

  • I'm down for supporting rare but if they charge any more than £5 each pet I'll probably only get one and that'll be it. You guys saying more than £10 are crazy

  • I think they should cater their prices on what those who can't afford much can afford, I see so often games being cash grabs and charging more than is reasonable and definitely targeted the youths with parents credit cards. I'm quite stingy when it comes to mtx if it's any more than a tenner I ain't buying 1, but if it's under a tenner I might buy 3 or 4 (twisted logic I know) making them cheap would not only allow those aren't swimming in money to buy them, but it would mean people would probably spend more often than if they were a few quid more. Personally I don't know what the pets are gunna do or what other purchasables they plan bring out but they need to remember to not he lazy, put the extra few hours in, make everything distinguishable from the other, as people want to stand out! But don't ignore those who put hard hours into the game and forget to give us some distinguishable features or cosmetics we can earn in game coz otherwise it's just another crash grab and people will kick off

  • 0 dollars
    100 000 gold att least probably 500 000 gold

  • Probably £5 for the base pet model and £2 for each colour option. Don't really want to be paying £5 every-time I want a different coloured Octopus. You are doing Octopuses aren't you?

  • $0.
    I don't think the game should cave to the cancer that is micro transactions just because everyone else does. It will anyway, but it's my wishful thinking that it doesn't.

    At the very least $5 for the base variant of a pet, but you have to spend ingame gold or achieve certain commendations for extra colours / features. That way you'd at least be able to show off your in game achievements through your pet without it just being a 'hand over your wallet and we'll hand over the shiny thing' sort of deal. Even then I don't think I'd buy one since the game cost me $80 AUD to begin with. Ideally I'd like them to be obtainable via gold but I don't see that happening at this point.

  • @captain-conroar said in How much would you pay for a pet?:

    I don't think the game should cave to the cancer that is micro transactions just because everyone else does.

    Well, that's not why. So at least you've got that going for you.

  • @tre-oni
    Oh ok, cool. I feel much better about their inclusion now.

  • @captain-conroar said in How much would you pay for a pet?:

    Oh ok, cool. I feel much better about their inclusion now.

    Well.. they're not doing it to gouge you. On a completely cosmetic piece of flair that would realistically provide no benefit or sway gameplay benefits in someones favour.

    The games had plenty of free updates throughout the year. Going into launch they said at some point they'd offer the selling of pets as a way to help push newer content going forward. (Since lets be honest, games aren't cheap to make or maintain, especially if you give all the new content out for free)

    I'm sure pricing will be fair, and if it isn't to you, then atleast you know you aren't screwed because you don't want to buy one.

  • 10€ could be reasonable if it's a really cool pet.

  • @kiigelheart 10€ is a bit too much...let's say 5 for each pet is fair

  • @tre-oni
    It's obvious they were going to add microtransactions from the beginning, as it's what makes the most money. But that doesn't mean I need to be happy about it. I'd rather voice my discontent. I want them to be in game rewards much like anything else in game.

    Games aren't cheap to make or maintain sure, but they aren't too expensive. These companies just want to make as much money as possible even if it means taking out what would be great in game rewards and repackaging them into micro transactions.

    It's great for the shareholders but it's my wishful thinking that companies start pushing away from the 'we need all the money, not just some of the money' unsustainable mindset.

    If this game were free to play I'd be fine with mtx, but it isn't, so I'm not.

    Thanks for elaborating by the way, replying to me with what can be summed up as a "nuh uh" was pointless and didn't raise any meaningful discussion. And this forum needs as much meaningful discussion as it can get.

  • If the game was free, I'd consider paying for something.

    As this game came with a nice £60 price from release , why the hell should I be forced to pay micro transactions?

  • @japollo-93 said in How much would you pay for a pet?:

    If the game was free, I'd consider paying for something.

    As this game came with a nice £60 price from release , why the hell should I be forced to pay micro transactions?

    No one will be forced.
    You can choose to do, or not to do.

  • @japollo-93 said in How much would you pay for a pet?:

    why the hell should I be forced to pay micro transactions?

    Amazing thing about that..

    You aren't.

    If you don't care about the pets dont buy one.

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