Please remove gold from Duke

  • I have heard a lot of new players foolishly buy gold from Duke with their doubloons because they want to buy some cosmetic they simply cant afford because starter voyages pay so little.

    Its a real jerk move to have such a love value reward for the doubloons. I feel like it was there for legends to be like well you dont need rep so you can always dump the doubloons on gold. Yet you get far more gold from doing a fort or an athena and you can never replenish the doubloons, once they are gone they are gone.

    I think having gold as an option just hurts new players who dont yet realize how much they are going to want to buy the last reputation levels. I think even a notice when buying reputation levels that they should save them till higher levels just so you dont see poor kids buying lvl 10 rep ups. Its just one of those things people dont see in game how low value it is to use doubloons at certain lvls and how extremely low the gold payout is for the doubloons. If you look at the cost of ship cosmetics and compare them to how much they cost in doubloons and how much gold trading in doubloons would get you its clearly not even equal value in that regard. Younger players are impulsive and I feel the doubloon vendor right now kind of punishes that fact. You get to the point where I am athena 10, every cosmetic the vendors have to offer and sitting on 3 million gold. Seeing Duke offer 10k for far more precious currency hurts. Im saving my doubloons for the last levels of arena rep because I hate pvp and am not looking forward to that grind

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  • @magus104

    Using doubloons for anything other than time-limited cosmetics is a waste. I can understand buying your last level or two to make Pirate Legend. People get excited. It's only natural. But you will make it to PL with just a bit more time. You'll earn plenty of gold just by playing the game. The only thing you can't buy with gold or time are the time-limited cosmetics that Duke sells. Those are the only things worthy of your hard-earned doubloons.

    That said, I don't think they should remove the options entirely. Maybe they could double the gold you get for your doubloons. It still wouldn't be worth it, but at least it would better reflect their value.

  • @magus104 That’s an option, they do whatever they want with their doublons, you saying that they spending valuable doublons, that in the future could buy them levels, when game just released there was no doublons, which means no free level ups, so if new players decided to spend it on gold that’s his thing, I don’t get how is that a problem. Never seen someone complaining that you can get gold for free. Only you for first time.

  • @magus104 Don't see how new players spending their dabloons on Duke's gold is a problem for you. It's not a game breaking mechanic, doesn't give anyone a real advantage in the game, they earned the dabloons, if the would rather spend it on gold instead of the cosmetics that's their choice.

  • The first time i got dublons and see duke i immediately buy the cosmetic gold package it was a great idea but its bugged it counts toward me digital account and i never got a cosmetic pile of gold :(

  • We are veterans... and I spend all my doubloons on cash.. so absolutely not. The game still takes a good while to aquire anything so if players have everything that fast then they simply need to put the game down and go outside. And if I use it all on cash t I have none to buy doubloon related ship anyway so either way the money's getting spent

  • Maybe the gold should be increased, I for one would never buy any gold with doubloons. Although saying that I have never bought anything but cosmetics with them.

  • Have to say, yeah I agree that doubloons to gold shouldn’t be offered right off the bat. Maybe put it behind the wall of doing the mercinary quests to allow that. 🤔 That way they know what they are doing, know that dublooms are valuable and such. Maybe 10 dublooms for each quest completed. Then on the 10th they are offered a guided quest. Then after completion of that they are allowed access to dublooms store and 50 dublooms. Would be a great way to help younger players learn the value of gold and stuff. But I also really wish there was a trade back currency, like gold to dublooms. Just because I’m tired of wanting to buy an item with dublooms only to have wasted it on the previous updated items. Like maybe including the mercinary quest line, they could implement a while dlc store where any dublooms item is on sale but it rotates out based on the week and each update could get a chance to shine just a little brighter.

  • SoT isn't about holding your hand. Figure it out or get skallywagged.

  • It's just cosmetics, a silly purchase doesn't prevent players from enjoying the gameplay.

  • Would like to see the reverse.... doubloons for gold.

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