Enlisting Pirate

  • Anyone getting “Enlisting Pirate” hanging around for a long time when they start a game of SoT?

  • 11
  • @xraylexx Yes, last night I was stuck on that for about 2 minutes. Eventually it let me into the game though.

  • @xraylexx sagte in Enlisting Pirate:

    Anyone getting “Enlisting Pirate” hanging around for a long time when they start a game of SoT?

    Yeah it’s normal nowadays! The Patch brought some issues!

  • @xraylexx yes

  • @xcalypt0x me too

  • It mainly happens when you boot up the game for the first time, but if you leave a session without exiting the game then you shouldn't get it when joining a new one.

  • Yes, this is also happening to me.

  • Yeah its worse if you have an external hard drive running the game on your xbox. Takes about a minute or two to clear thru that screen.

  • Glad its not just me then.
    I eventually get in but it sort of offsets the quicker load times :)

  • I have this issue as well. It may be a server issue as I have seen in older post. But we probably won't know or see a fix until after January 2nd

  • Ahoy, @xraylexx!

    Aye. Ever since the recent patch, I find it helps if ye don't skip the into movie. It takes me less time than waiting for it t' load in (plus, the theme song gets me in the mood t' plunder). Ye should be good after yer in, though. Cheers!


10 out of 11