Music customization

  • Hi ! I recently bought SOT and I really enjoy this game. I love the way the players interract with each other, especially when they play music together. And I have a suggestion about that. First, I think it would be great to be able to chose the music we play.

    Secondly, I think more songs would be really appreciated by the community. References to others pirates universes would be nice. One Piece songs for example (arrangement using the instruments of the game of course).

    You could also add jukeboxes or things like that instead and we could choose different songs by using it.

    I also think more instruments would be great. to have 4 instruments would be great since we can be 4 in a single crew.

  • 8
  • I still want this.
    More Carribean riddim please :-)

  • I think we will surely see more music in the future, seeing that the devs also enjoy playing music together :P

  • There is a drum that you can get if you play some missions given by an npc located at Shark Bait Cove. He should be on the shore of the outter ring. Since you are new i'm not sure how familiar you are with the island but you will know what i mean when you get there. The island is located south/south-west from the center of the map. Besides that, there is or was a speculation about adding a banjo to the game since there is one npc that plays on it with 2 more pirates. If they will add it in the future then we will have 4 instruments and that would be really cool.

  • @biostructr said in Music customization:

    There is a drum that you can get if you play some missions given by an npc located at Shark Bait Cove.

    Wait, what? Merrick is not in the game anymore and the drum and his shanty were made available for everyone after the Hungering Deep!


    I think at the moment Rare is trying to fix an issue that prevent them to add more shanties but they are working on it! We have seen in the Content video of Forsaken Shores there is already a new shanty ready so it's probably a matter of time until we see more shanties introduced into the game! :)

    That being said I agree on having an easier way to select the shanty we want to play!

  • @skulliah oh ok then my bad, i got it when it came out i didn't knew they just made it available for everyone after the event ended.

  • I would like some system that lets you play your own music (put a text file with note names somewhere or something, and play that).
    I don't think SoT can use music that is not in the public domain, but if their players add it themselves... who's to stop them?

  • @nanane19994u aye shot outs to pirates of the Caribbean

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