Has anyone gotten their Obsidian items from Saturday's Mixpot?

  • I still have not. Anyone else?

  • 28
  • I have not seen mine yet either.

  • It could take up to a week. Just be patient, I'm sure they're on their way.

  • Not yet. I’m sure they will show up later this week

  • @Tedakin It can take a while before this comes through, it was discussed in another thread too.

    @rarecsm said in Obsidian Spyglass and Drum:

    Mixer promotions can take up to 7 days for them to process and appear on your account.

  • nope, wait a week or so.

  • Take note that There were loads watching too!

  • @mad-jack-ketch The last count I saw there were 55k people watching.

    Also, not got mine yet too :)

  • I have not, but feel reassured since I'm not the only one.

  • Still waiting as well, nice that they offered it and I actually stayed to watch quite a bit of the stream. Would be nice if they'd send out an email to alert players about them in the future, since I heard about it in game, couldn't even find it on the forums or website when I looked around to confirm it...

  • I got my Obsidian Drum. Still waiting for my spyglass (and that Forza Horizon 4 t-shirt). I figured they'd be granted all at once...

    EDIT: Literally just got a notification saying I got my spyglass. Now I just need that lousy t-shirt. :P

  • I just had two notifications pop up about watching the stream on my Xbox. So I think they are being dished out :)

  • The spyglass turned up in my chest a few minutes ago. No drum yet, but that's ok, know it's coming.

  • I logged in an have both my drum and spyglass! Hopefully others will get theirs shortly. Take care.

  • I also just got a notification saying that I should have the items. Seems like they have begun distribution!

  • I received the notifications about an hour ago, and logged on to check, just now.
    Sure enough, both items are there in my equipment chest.
    Now I just want the rest of those obsidian items passed out at Twitch Con! :)

  • I still haven't received any notification about the MixPot. But I did log into the game just now and I had the two items added.

  • Got both of mine.

  • @tedakin
    Can confirm both items in equipment chest, no code required. They're on their way.

  • Got the drum yet no sign of the spyglass yet. Hopefully it will be send later on!

  • Yep. Poppped up when I was streaming on Mixer last night

  • just got both mine last night

  • I got them this morning, that's a first.

  • I got them now as well :D at least in the purchase history, did not look into the game yet ;)

  • Confirmed got both the items!

  • Got mine too.

    I started thinking about the items I'm missing and realized that they didn't make a black sea dog/obsidian ship set. It might be a little redundant having them because of similar ship sets that already exist but I'm curious what people think it would look like if it did exist.

  • @testakleze that and a shirt and dress ^^° we only got a jacket/coat (english not my main language so not sure how to call it ;) ) and shoes etc. :)

  • Yes, I have them

8 out of 28