The Devil's Breath (Naming the Fog)

  • Okay, I wasn't sure where I should post this, as it isn't a tale to tell in the Tavern, nor is it helpful hints for other players. Rather, I'm posting a statement the I hope catches on quickly!

    Today, Rare teased Shrouded Spoils and how they'll be adding more ship customization, but most importantly, it will add fog to the game!
    I'm here to give this fog a name, and the name is, "The Devil's Breath"! Until/Unless Rare names the fog themselves, I'm planning on spreading this name around, telling everyone I meet to make it catch on! So spread the word, Captain Blackeye is setting down the name, "The Devil's Breath"!

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  • @blackeyethe2nd This name sounds very good for the events upcoming fog. The Devils Breath.

  • beats Devils flatulence and the Devils Toot.

    Would be fun to say...... (who pulled the Devils finger?)

  • @barnacle-blake That's just a strong wind around Plunder Outpost! Well, that's what my captain tells me anyway... hehe.

    @BlackeyeThe2nd I love that name! Definitely makes it sound the eerie occurrence I think it will be.

  • @blackeyethe2nd

    Yip... really, really like that.

    Fun Fact
    In the Uk/Ireland fog can be named ( colloquially known as/described ) as a real "Pea Souper"
    Wonder if that's used else where in the world?

  • @piratecraggy

    Can't really think of a (nick)name in Dutch other than "mist" (translation for fog).
    In Belgium however it is known as "OMGWTFBBQ-TURN-ON-YOUR-FOG-LIGHTS" xD

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