A Simple How-to guide on the new Barrel System

  • Here is a quick how-to guide for the new barrel system so you are quick and efficient as before!

    PC Users that use Mouse and Keyboard

    Press (F) to open the barrel, highlight the item you want to grab with a (mouse point), press (F) and viola! Done deal! Easy peasy eh? :)

    Xbox and PC users who use Controllers

    Press (X) to open the barrel highlight the item you want to grab with the left stick, or the D-Pad, then press (A) and voila! Done deal! Easy smeasy eh? :)

  • 20
  • @mad-jack-ketch most patronising post ive ever seen

  • @captain-fet You should get involved in a crossplay thread then aha that’s where it’s really at xD

    @Mad-Jack-Ketch Pretty much anything along those lines would suffice. I was thinking maybe have it where you can select a default item in a barrel and can grab a stack without having to enter the UI.

  • On PC it is bugged and if you move the mouse to fast it wont recognize you changing item and will try to deposit instead of withdraw. and the other way around

  • @captain-fet I don't understand how it is.. but sure...

  • @thesurk I've not experienced this and I'm rather quick. Has this happened more than once?

  • Yes i am able to reproduce the error, i tried filming it but it does not seem to show my pointer in the video.

    try to jump back and forth to bananas in the inventory/storage for example and move your cursor very fast and stop on the bananas.

    It is not a 100% all the time bug but i can make it happen often if i try to and it does not require fast movement every time, it just makes it easier to reproduce.

  • That new barrel system absolutely sucks. I hate it.

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  • -Get locked in when you try to walk away.

    -New update meant to keep you from leaning your way out of interacting with the barrel will straight up keep you from using the barrel at all.

  • A surprisingly little known fact for pc is that you can hold F to give or take resources quickly.

    Supplies can be dropped quickly into your ship's barrels from your inventory by tapping Q to change to the your inventory side of the menu then holding F.

    Unfortunately, this doesn't work on xbox /controller. Even doing the equivalent holding X.
    Take all and store all buttons should be coming soon to help level the balance in this respect.

  • I knew this but, good work mate.

  • @xadrasyl i dont want a take all button for barrels, to prevent enemy pirates taking all ur cursed cannonballs in a second...

  • @eggamer13 I posted this the day it came out :P

  • @zannarii hence you don’t store your cursed cannonballs l, you keep them on your person at all times.

  • Remember when you just pressed x and immediately had 1 of whatever you wanted in your hands ready to use?... ah the good old days...

  • @mad-jack-ketch no u can loose them all if u get a bearderror for example, so i store some in the barrels...

  • @mad-jack-ketch

    PC Users That Use Mouse, Keyboard and Touchscreen
    Press (F) to open barrel. Tap what you want grab. Press (X) to close barrel. Done!

    Before "Barrels 2.0" I didn't find many uses for the touchscreen in Sea of Thieves. Now it's very helpful, indeed. :)

  • @zannarii I’d rather lose them then let them get into enemy hands ;)

8 out of 20