Watch out for the "Friend" request

  • So, last night I was out sailing with two of my best mates. We had been sailing for a while and as happens when playing for hours, my mates needed a break for various reasons. While they were afk and subsequently disconnected from the game, I came across a galleon and sloop at an outpost. They were clearly working together as before this I saw them at the skelly ships. Knowing that they were willing to work together I figured why not see if we can't expand that alliance for the benefit of all. So I approached, with caution, at half speed to make sure they didn't feel threatened. When I got there, several of them boarded my ship. At first all was good. They saw that I was a legend and began asking me to give them some voyages (any legend voyage since we weren't sure if the athena had been fixed yet). I said sure, it only benefits us all anyways since we were now in an alliance. One of them asked me to friend them in case we needed to communicate over distance. I saw no harm in that so we friended. Now is when things go sideways, and I am not sure how I feel about this. Part of me is upset at what happens next, and part of me is wondering if this is the pirate thing to do. Anyways, that person then joins my game/crew without asking me. I explained to them that they needed to go back to their ship as my friends were coming back soon. They wouldn't leave. Instead kept asking me to drop legend quests. I told them once they leave the ship I would do so, but not until then. I happen to notice one of the other crew climbing my mast, I told them to stop but it was too late. They dropped gun powder on the deck and blew up my ship, costing me my time stocking my ship. At the new ship, that player was still there, and would not leave the crew, in fact they brought another of their friends in game and put me in the brig. What now, I have been hijacked. They began berating me with insults and told me to give them my ship. They were taking over the server so the ship was now theirs.

    Well, I am very stubborn. So, instead, I put some loud music on, at first love songs, then hip hop, then to jazz and blasted it over my mic. They couldn't figure out how to mute me at first, so I was interrupting their communication and making it impossible for them to sneak up on anyone else. They sunk the ship again with me in the brig, but again I didn't leave. They brought others on-board to kill me while in the brig. I just kept going from death ship to the brig, sometimes hanging out at the death ship. All the while barely able to hear them throw my loud music as they through insults at me and even message me in xbox app that I needed to leave. Sorry, but this is still my ship. After about half an hour of this, they realized I wasn't going to leave and unless they wanted me getting credit for anything they did, they were not going to get my ship. Along the way they got another ship from someone, a sloop. Not sure how they accomplished it, as they don't seem the type to bribe people. But they got another ship and left my ship. Just in time for my friends to be ready to rejoin.

    Funny thing is, I was still in their alliance. They never thought to remove us from the alliance. So now we knew where they were at. They went to a skull fort and at first, we were going to go there and sink them (they had two sloops). But then I thought, why not let them do all the work while we continue on our OoS stuff for the commendations. If they don't notice us still in the alliance, we will simply gain profits off them for my time wasted. Sure enough, they finally defeated the skull fort and sold. Profits in hand, and not selling anything of ours we watched them. They went after a ship with the reapers mark. So we sailed in, and helped the other brig (with the mark) sink them. And they kept coming back, and we kept sinking them and sending them to the death ship. After three tries they realized we were still in the alliance and dissolved it. But we knew their last location. So we set off again, but this time allowed them to stock their ship. Once they set sail, we approached and sunk them again, making up for my sunken, stocked ship.

    So after all that, was justice served? Did we grieve the grievers? What do you think of their actions. Was it a pirate move, or were they grieving and should this type of action be banned? Was our response appropriate?

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  • @nofears-fun I'm shocked, but not shocked that happened to you. There are alot of people like that on Sea of Thieves. Being a Pirate imo is different (Sink your ship, steal your loot, laugh away to the settlemetn). That's just trolling you for troll's sake. Sorry you had to go through that! I would have left but indeed they would have taken another ship and eventually the whole server.

    If I were you I would also report them. That person/group will do that again, and again, and again without remark. Although you should be weary who you add to your 'Friends' list, they totally abused the system.

    One way I have been able to filter the really bad players is to socialise and see what their character is like. I have a chat to the crew I'm going in an alliance with. If they don't like talking or are unreasonable, I leave them/sail away. No friends requests are accepted. If I join an alliance, I wait to see what they do on the map to see if they're trustworthy. This two step process has given me 80% success rate at joining alliances. Most trolls or such unworthy folk dont like talking, make stupid jokes or that kind of thing.

    I'm happy I have a good group of people on my Friends list to ask to join a game - the friends list is invaluable for that c/f joining a random crew. But indeed be prepared for possible trolls

  • @nofears-fun Mate, I would have lost my cool way before then.
    Kudos to you for seeing it through.

    What perfect timing for your mates to re-join you.

    I don't know if their actions warrant a report. If anything it would fall under unsportsman type of behaviour.

  • It has happened to me before and I report them every time.
    If they join my crew and start dropping our own gun powder barrels onto our own ship, or drop chests off the side; they are reported. If I joined their crew and they brig me, I usually leave as it was their ship I joined.

    If they just brig me, I don't report them. I will do my part such as let them know there is water on the hull, and I'll ride the voyage out. Turn on the tv and check on the PC to see if they let me out.

  • @nofears-fun

    Well done to you! Wish I had your patience to put up with that rubbish. You should get a commendation for your efforts. Sad, but there are way too many people like them in the online gaming world.
    I applaud your efforts. Well done!

  • Your one stubborn Sailor mate!
    Good on ya for sinking them scaly wags!

  • That's reprehensible behaviour and you should report them. You're not supposed to be actively griefing your own crew.

    The crew bond is sacred after all.

  • @D-Jaguar @SirioNDB The thing is, they weren't my crew to begin with. They just forced their way in through a loop hole I never thought of being used against me. But yes, I am stubborn. LOL

  • Yea this is why we in the discord groups I am in ask the people if we can take over the ship (we generally remove these people soon as we take over and they have left) if they are going to log off and be done for the night or just leave them be until we find the next person when we want to get a fleet going for Athena runs or other runs to make it easier to keep the session alive and rotate people through it.

    That said there is an option in the crew management section where you can stop people from just joining the session without asking that should help in these situations to let you lock down the slots for those that you want to have rejoin on you.

    In regards to the greifing part if you have the evidence for it please submit it to RARE via and they will action those people accordingly since such behavior is against the games code of conduct and most of us main players have a zero tolerance policy for it.

  • So, instead, I put some loud music on, at first love songs, then hip hop, then to jazz and blasted it over my mic.

    This is when you need Rick Astley on high rotation. ;-)

    Oh! And there is an option to stop friends coming on to your boat, uninvited, even if you have a CLOSED crew. I am not sure I would have thought to use it either in those circumstances, but it would have prevented what happened.

  • If this game had an option to kick people like any other game released in 2018 this wouldn't have been an issue.

    Make sure you set your crew to closed at all times to avoid this happening. I think you can even switch it mid-game if you prefer. Sorry you got trolled.

  • I wouldn’t add just anyone you meet on the seas because of that now, thanks for the insight.

    My suggestion would be to start a party and add them to the party, also set your optio for allow friends to join me to hell no.

  • @iduskk said in Watch out for the "Friend" request:

    If this game had an option to kick people like any other game released in 2018 this wouldn't have been an issue.

    Make sure you set your crew to closed at all times to avoid this happening. I think you can even switch it mid-game if you prefer. Sorry you got trolled.

    What would that have solved in this case. Who decides on who gets kicked or not in a crew of 2? The one who uses it first? Bad news, the OP would have been kicked before he even knew what happend. As long as there is no Captain the ship belongs to the entire crew. The OP knows his mistake.

    @NoFears-Fun By the time they locked you up and insulted you, you had every right to report them. When they tricked you to get into your crew, it was your fault and honestly this kind of meta-level piracy is sort of funny, but everything afterwards was griefing. Your response after your crew was back was well deserved and well served, but still report those incidents, because those people usually don't learn otherwise.

  • @surveyorpete said in Watch out for the "Friend" request:

    Oh! And there is an option to stop friends coming on to your boat, uninvited, even if you have a CLOSED crew.


    There is such an option, it can be found under "Crew options". There you can set a private crew to a complete closed one, where nobody can join.

  • @crimsonraziel said in Watch out for the "Friend" request:

    @iduskk said in Watch out for the "Friend" request:

    If this game had an option to kick people like any other game released in 2018 this wouldn't have been an issue.

    Make sure you set your crew to closed at all times to avoid this happening. I think you can even switch it mid-game if you prefer. Sorry you got trolled.

    What would that have solved in this case. Who decides on who gets kicked or not in a crew of 2? The one who uses it first? Bad news, the OP would have been kicked before he even knew what happend. As long as there is no Captain the ship belongs to the entire crew. The OP knows his mistake.

    Well I'm no game designer, but I guess if I had to answer that I would make it so that The player with the most seniority (which can be determined by the player who's been on the server longest) is the party leader, or Captain to keep it nautical. That way if someone just joins your crew to troll, they have the lowest senority since they just joined, so they can't kick you.

    Again I'm not a game designer, but the fact is every other game has a way to kick toxic people. It is absolutely a necessity to avoid trolls and greifing. The brig is cool and all, but it doesn't solve problems. If someone joins your game and starts trolling and being a jerk, you can lock them in the brig, but they're still there getting all the loot and taking that spot from someone else.

    Like for real how many times do you die, only to see someone afk on the ferry of the damned? Not being able to kick people is a problem.

  • Op story just sounds like a normal day of SoT to me

  • @NoFears-Fun Report mate, let Rare decide. That’s so childish of them.

  • Dude I get you, this is a pirate game, raiding is PVP which is fun, but what they did wasnt trolling, there was no joke, they did it to just ruin someones game. I feel even worse since you proposed the Alliance.

  • You admit you're stubborn and chose to stick around. I would just chalk this up to being out-pirated. You let your guard down and got your ship stolen. You have to admit it's pretty crafty.

    In the end you got back at them so all is good. Gotta admit it made for a memorable night that you are probably laughing about now.

    I would report if they used racial or really derogatory words but that's about it. Even then I just usually blow it off. Kids will be kids.

  • @niallofshadows said in Watch out for the "Friend" request:

    Dude I get you, this is a pirate game, raiding is PVP which is fun, but what they did wasnt trolling, there was no joke, they did it to just ruin someones game. I feel even worse since you proposed the Alliance.

    They weren't just trying to ruin his game. They wanted his ship. That's about as piratey as it gets.

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