[Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0

  • Forget the awkward mechanics. I absolutely hate how one barrel can hold multiple types of items. It makes zero sense. It’s a barrel. Why would anyone mix bananas (soft and squishy) with cannonballs (hard and heavy)? If each barrel contained only one item type, the new system would work a little better, and make a whole lot more sense.

    It’s also ridiculous that we can carry around over a hundred cannonballs now. But that’s another story...

  • @mortarchelle said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    11 pages consisting of an extremely high percentage of players who despise this new barrel system (rightfully so) and the post isn't even 12 hours old...

    ...your move Rare.

    They'll ignore us just like they ignored the testers. They have our money already. They won.

  • @khaleesibot What I am thinking is, for barrels on island, it will simply say under "open barrel" whats in it, and "empty" is nothing. That way we can still see stock quickly.

    For on-boat barrels, Rare could leave them as is but add a new button. So when next to the wood barrel, I would press X to open and see how many I have. Or press Y to just yank out wood.

    For putting stuff in quickly, we would hold wood then press the left trigger like handing to a player and press Y to store. Even though this is an extra button, it would be far easier than the full inventory system.

    For cannonballs, I would say you yank out whatever is in the first slot on the inventory on that barrel. That way, ships could put two barrels with their preferred cursed first and then one with regular. Allowing for a risk/award system in combat. Reward cause anyone can pull that one quickly, risk becuase they are more easily stolen.

    What do you all think?

  • I played with the new UI for a day now and can tell you that you can adapt a little bit to it. So it is not that bad as I thought in the beginning, but still, it is not good either. The most concern I still have is about looting multiple different Items from one barrel. You have to move your mouse over the next Item to loot that and sometimes it happens that your mouse hovers over the other side and instead of looting, you start pumping your whole Inventory into the barrel. (Which happened to me on a sinking ship costing me 5 Cursed Cannonballs -.-).
    Secondly I can't understand why you would close the loot menu by pressing "X". This is not consistent at all since you leave a Cannon by pressing "F" or when you switch your Weapons you have to press "escape" to leave the menu. Also why don't we just have the same keys as before where you press "R" for storing and "F" for taking supplies?
    Also like some people mentioned here before, you have to go through every barrel to see if something is in it which is very inconvenient. There needs to be an indicator for which resources are in it, for example little pictures of the stored things. Atleast something that will tell you that the barrel is empty!
    And last but not least, there are Banana- Cannonball- and Woodcrates which still work like before where you have to store or take them by selecting the options from a conversation window. Atleast make that consistent too! (can't even leave that menu by pressing "X"...)

  • @murkrage The way GTA and Red Dead handle weapons would work, you bring up the wheel and press left and right on the Dpad to select the different types.

  • @theothervillain sorry, my post probably didn't get what i was trying to say across. i dont think rare is trying to force pvp, i just think that with new tweaks and updates like the ones we've seen with the new patch, the odds are more in favor of those who want to attack, rather than those who want to play peacefully.

    like i said, i respect the pvp aspect of the game and would never complain about it. if i'm attacked, i'll deal with it. it's part of the game. updates like this just bum me out because i know it'll get harder and harder for me to play the game how i like to play it, since people who have a different play style would have the upper hand, even if its a small one. i wasn't making a huge issue of it, just... rattling on with my small little opinion.

  • @treefittymonsta said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    @mortarchelle said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    11 pages consisting of an extremely high percentage of players who despise this new barrel system (rightfully so) and the post isn't even 12 hours old...

    ...your move Rare.

    They'll ignore us just like they ignored the testers. They have our money already. They won.

    I'm hoping not :/

  • I hate it so much.
    It's a game breaker.
    Inventory games suck.
    Text is to small for console players.
    If it ain't broke don't fix it.
    Played everyday since pioneer.
    Will have to cancel game.
    Is it even working. Seems broken.

  • @gattagosanic said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:


    But then we get official releases like this one. I'm not discrediting pioneers, I'm discrediting Rare and their misuse of the program. Surely the same feedback that we are leaving in here was addressed and discussed at length by pioneers. What I'm saying is, Rare deliberately ignored that feedback and pushed this build out, and LATE, I might add.

    I have to agree constructive feedback does get ignored. As an original pioneer my only request was to make the text larger for console players. We still can't read chat etc.
    This blows. I quit.

  • Im with 99% of the pirates out there... this update takes a quick 2 minutes to be total c**p. I have been grinding since day 1. This is unplayable.

  • @therealmcl0vn said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    Please incorporate a "take max" and "store all" button. I think that would be a huge improvement over how it is now.

    Also an "empty" prompt when walking up to an empty barrel would be a huge plus!!

    Don't forget xbox doesn't have the luxury of extra buttons.
    So essentially the PC vs Console debate is now dead. PC wins.

  • Cursed cannonballs should have been in crates. Problem solved. Bring old looting back and put them in crates. New looting reduces the skillgap of the game thereby rendering solo legends who love challenge and robbery of big crews obsolete.

    If you need to kill a strong player you already have ladder camping as an option, but now we can no longer continuously heal while trying to 3 or 4v1 and this is a big problem. people with the blunderbuss pointed in your general direction will slaughter you slowly but surely while you try to loot a new stock of bananas. This is TERRIBLE. And not just for pvp purposes, but for speed purposes as well.

    Speed of looting, preperation ect. So far I like everything that was done with this game except this. This needs to go. This is the type of looting system that belongs in a non shooter MMORPG like warcraft.

    We need to walk past barrels pressing f and that was it. it was great, we liked it. and that is how it should have always been. (copied from my own topic as requested) Anyone for slowing down combat is for reducing the skill gap and the power gap of big and small crews.

  • @khaleesibot

    After playing a few hours, here are my thoughts on the barrels.

    1. Definitely take some getting used to. I sometimes got confused in the heat of things with regard to which Icon I was supposed to click (inventory or destination.) And, I think it will definitely impact CQB on ships - whether, ultimately this is good or bad remains to be seen... definitely presents a challenge.

    2. The new UI has re-introduced the PC Windows Taskbar/Title Bar issue makes quickly using the mouse to get inventory problematic for me. There were more than a few times the focus went from the game to Windows, and I found myself accidentally minimizing the game on occasion - which is a game breaker in a battle. This issue was the bane of my existence for a while after launch and I hate that I have to deal with it again - it’s infuriating.

    3. I found it tricky in sunken ships to know which barrel I was in and had to check some twice.

    Apart from these issues, it does take a smidge more time to gather things, but I didn’t find it took too much away from my gameplay. And, I have started, slowly, to adapt.

    I’m sure I’ll have more thoughts as I play.

  • I would suggest at the vary least adding a "loot all" button. For instance, on PC you press F to "open" barrels, if the player would like to pick and choose what he/she wants they can hover over the item and press left click. To loot the entire barrel, one would press F to open and the press F once again to "loot all". this would work by quick filling the inventory with the items in the barrel that will fit in the inventory. For example, if the player has full cannonballs, four planks and three bananas, and the player opens a barrel with three planks and five bananas and hit the "loot all" button the player would automatically loot one plank and two bananas. I'm going so far into depth on this because I do like the new looting system, I just feel like it should be slightly faster, for the players sake. Any way, thank you for the great update Rare!

  • I like what they have done, shows that there are more items to come where you cant just have singular barrel for resource e.g cooked food in the food barrel. I think they need a take all/store all and a label on the barrels to say empty other than that it something i can get used to. Just need to be a bit smarter when it comes to pvp.

  • I feel that a loot all/store all is a bit overkill. I like the fact that you have to actually check every barrel, and that you can’t simply grab everything. The time difference in terms of moving items over is insignificant once you get used to it. I was able to get things moved fairly quickly after a while - getting in and out of barrels very quickly. Also, barrels now have more than one type, so, gathering, overall is a bit faster because you can get more varied items per barrel.

    One more thing I noticed is that crates should also have the new UI - they currently use the old one.

  • @bran-the-ent yeah I really like it but even with it it being overkill I think it will make the players that arnt happy with it be able to deal with it.

  • @i-doodles-i said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    I like what they have done, shows that there are more items to come where you cant just have singular barrel for resource e.g cooked food in the food barrel. I think they need a take all/store all and a label on the barrels to say empty other than that it something i can get used to. Just need to be a bit smarter when it comes to pvp.

    Just to add the equipment tab first it a bit annoying if resource could be the first tab you see that would make selecting the curses cannonballs a bit easier and I honestley wouldnt want them adding to the wheel.

  • A suggestion, if I may be so bold...
    The new system isn't the best, as you've already been told.
    So what would be a decent solution, I certainly feel,
    Hold down X when near a barrel, to bring up a wheel.
    This could show the contents of the barrel before you.
    Left and right bumper buttons would be used to choose the quantity of your new fortune.
    On the flip side, of course, hold down the button labelled B, see
    This could be used to store items, instead of being greedy.
    The basis for this system is technically already in place,
    And once again players can battle with swift speed and grace.
    As for the new cannon balls, this may be controversial,
    But rest assured it could work, and would make the player's choice personal.
    Give just one specific barrel for these round debuffs shrouded in purple.
    This means only one type can be stored, one alone, not four.
    Not five, not six, just one and that's it.
    And thus is born a wholly new type of tactic.
    Of course individual pirates may hold alternatives in their own inventory,
    So variety's still possible, but quantity's a different story.
    Though I'm hoping for the opposite, this rhyme is sure to be overlooked,
    So I may as well end telling all the griefers to go get f*...

  • @i-doodles-i I think they should deal with it. Give it time and learn to adapt to the change in gameplay, IMO. The new system is a bit more immersive - which is a good thing.

  • @i-doodles-i said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    @i-doodles-i said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    I like what they have done, shows that there are more items to come where you cant just have singular barrel for resource e.g cooked food in the food barrel. I think they need a take all/store all and a label on the barrels to say empty other than that it something i can get used to. Just need to be a bit smarter when it comes to pvp.

    Just to add the equipment tab first it a bit annoying if resource could be the first tab you see that would make selecting the curses cannonballs a bit easier and I honestley wouldnt want them adding to the wheel.

    The order of the tabs should be user configurable.

  • Just thought i would add my two cents since i seem to be on the other side of the spectrum in terms of my view on this change.

    This change needed to happen.

    With new resources being added to the game a UI to manage storing and looting these resources makes sense. Adding/using a barrel for each resource does not.

    People seem to ignore the fact there will probably be more food types, different ways to repair the ship (maybe you will have something to repair your sails in the future?) and of course cannonball types. Having a UI system to manage and store these is the way to go.

    I really like the barrels in the world change which allows anything and everything to spawn in the same barrel instead of being specific to one resource. This is an overall great change. It even gets me excited to loot cause im not sure what i will find.

    I do agree with most of the community on the fact that it is slow. It is also uninformative in terms of not knowing a barrel is empty or not.

    Here are a couple of suggestions -

    • Add a 'quick store' and 'quick loot' option
    • Add back 'Empty barrel' information
    • Add a 'cycle cannonballs' wheel when using a cannon to change cannonball types
    • Move new equipment tab to the back so the order will be - 'Resources,Rep,Voyages and Equipment'

    Continue to add features, reverting this is absolutely not an option for the future of the game. But there is much room for improvement which i think you all can agree on.

  • What if we revert the ships' barrels to the way they were but put a barrel on deck that can hold whatever just like a flotsam or land barrel. If you try peeking in another ships' barrel-of-holding you'll be in the clunky menu, an unmoving target, but you might make off with a good amount of balls.

    Since you could never 'store' anything in flotsam or land barrels, just use that button to access the bad menu on those, otherwise the 'take' button can just fill your inventory sequentially with supplies you still have pockets for.

  • I am sorry, while I love the game (and other than the barrel changes I have loved every change you have introduced) I absolutely loathe the new barrel interface. Having to interact with the barrels just feels wrong, like it breaks the immersion from the game and thrusts an unwanted barrier in the way from being my normal pirate self (I really don't feel that this break will fade, we just may learn to tolerate it). The previous system was simple, easy to use, and just felt right.

    There must be a better way than the current implementation, something that feels more natural and less 'computer game' like. I support rolling back the patch until a better approach is found.

  • @khaleesibot

    I'm excited to see what's in store for the new inventory system. Cursed cannonballs are only the beginning. However, I agree with many of the issues this change has presented. Here is my solution to fixing most of them.

    Suggestion for fixing Barrel 2.0 and the new inventory UX

    hold X - Pickup container/(chest, crate, etc)
    hold Y - Open Container (new Inventory UI)
    tap X - take resource from container
    tap Y - store resource in container

    • When tapping X to take resources, if there are multiple types of items (e.g. bananas & planks), they should be prioritized to be taken in this order: bananas, planks, cannonballs, cursed cannonballs.

    • If no resource is equipped when Y is tapped, draw weapon.

    • If a resource is equipped when Y is tapped, but no container is near, draw weapon.

    • If taking items within the inventory UI, any items that are 0x should disappear and the next item be selected. Don't leave a 0x ghost behind.

    • Tapping X/Y to take/store resources should trigger on button release, rather than button press. Tapping X or Y should have an auditory cue on both the button press and release, each being distinct, to help the player understand how the operation works.

    • The wait time for holding Y to trigger opening the container should be the same as holding X to trigger picking up the container.

    • All barrel/container labels should show how many items are in the barrel. (like the used to be before 1.2.4)

    • If there are no resources that can be taken, the barrel label should be greyed out.

    I think this will be a comfortable compromise between the new system (that will be necessary for new additions to the game) and the old system that was quick, responsive, and very fluid to use in the heat of battle (PVP & PVE).

  • Hello All

    Barrel 2.0 is a Joke.... please repatch it 2 Barrel 1.0 !!!!
    The full new overlay makes no Fun and its confused... plz give us the old overlay Back !!!

    mfg Stoke

  • Hi friends,
    what a joy to see the additions in the game, but short ... like many players.
    The new management of items in barrels ruins the fluidity of the game.
    there is a considerable loss of time for the selection of articles. especially during fights to select the boards and balls.
    It is absolutely necessary to rethink this function.


  • You can still spam to get items, and to drop off. The big difference is your unable to move while spamming, so no bunny hopping forever on a ship. But it makes it a bit more tactical, deciding when to go for someone's resources.

    It also takes an extra keystroke/button to select my inventory for drop off. And an extra button press to enter / leave. Minor but it could be better.

    Overall I like the pacing changes to combat.

    QOL is really needed though.

    Additional keys to navigate on PC, like wsad so I don't need to use the mouse or take my hand off the mouse. Spamming still works fine though.

    Instead of "slots" maybe we should be able to hold 500 of anything, and up/down to select the type of item. Reducing the amount of navigation we'd need to do. It took a while to collect 500 cannon balls so I don't think we'd need much more... And since your just selecting the item... then you can drop/take keys like we are used to.

    Also don't leave a 0 item in the menu, remove it so spamming will work for gathering all supplies, if you can't collect any more move it out of the way to the bottom and grey it out, so you'll move onto the next thing you can take automatically.

    Fallout 4's mini menu would be a good start for seeing whats in a container without entering it.
    alt text
    This works with both the dpad/arrow keys on PC without "entering" the container.

    Reddit mentioned a cannon 2.0 which also might be nice.

    I can't think of anything else I really dislike about the system though.

    edit: I lied, maybe r (the button to enter the menu on a crate) should be consistent with how barrels works, so replace F to enter with R, and get rid of the terrible store/take menu for the crate. Allow a "dump crate" option if your holding a crate at a barrel.

  • I dont really like the new system as is but i see the necessity, feedback i would like to add:

    • add a take all button (incl shortkey)

    • inform player base that they can use “F” to quickly transport items wilst hovering over the item wished moved with the mouse

    • Also inform the playerbase on the console mechanism for the above

    • empty barrels should show “empty”

    • selecting/loading cursed balls should be easier whilst on cannon

    • amount of supplies possible in barrel (on ship) should be SEVERELY nerfed:
      Every ship is now capable of storing 1188 of any item type in its barrel so... that means 1188 bananas and wood and up to 3564 cannonballs thats just waay over the top

  • Me and my husband are both PL Athena 4 players. Been playing since release.

    This game is the only FPS that I have thoroughly enjoyed. The update broke multiple things that I considered to be very very right about the game.

    The resource barrels (wood, planks, nanas) should be in their dedicated barrels with the OLD load/unload options. If you want to add more items types to the game, great. But keep the combat-related ones as they are. Use the new menus on all the other barrels on the boats for all the other items you're planning to release. Cursed cannonballs SHOULD have been physical items like powder kegs anyway. Loadable in your cannons, with AoE affecting boarders AND crew members. That way you can't just chain hit ships with 100 cursed cannons and auto-win every time you get the first shot on someone.

    As it stands, I can't help feeling pretty ripped off. The game I liked and paid money for has been taken away, and I have no way to get it back.

    Just wanted to add our two votes in to the 400+ "no" votes already on here. We aren't planning to play this weekend, for probably the first weekend in three months. I'm willing to "vote with my feet" and take one myself out of Rare's player count, since seeing a mass exodus is probably the only way to convince them to give me my game back.

  • Its boycott time folks.

    There needs to be hastily made youtube video explaining how this is all going to be fixed or your playing count is going to plummet.

  • Feel that the barrels, while a good idea, are currently rough around the edges. Need to bring back the Empty indicator from the old barrels to show that a barrel has already been exhausted of it's resources. Can also add a "Loot All" option when searching a barrel, maybe even a quick stack/quick deposit.

    A more drastic change can be something that was proposed before, that being a quick search menu in the vain of Fallout 4. That's my two cents anyways.

  • Ok so my 5 coins in here.
    Yesterday when i read topic i was like "OMG really they did it !? Whole forum crying about it must be awfull" then i come home from work lunch game and ....
    What i saw was just a normal RPG box with loot, yeah you can't loot it whyle moving and there is no "empty" text on barrels but new interface and amount of supplyes you can store are just awesome !

    • you can realy fast fill barrels or take items from it by simpy holding button (for PC its F)
      Probably need a patch to fix litthe issues but all new Barrel 2.0 are good for me :) and cursed canonballs ... mmm just perfect :3

    One thing should be changed in my opinion:

    • When you opening barrel and grabing supplies from it IF it has multiple supply and after your character grab one of supplies to maximum interface should automaticly switch to other supply :)
401 out of 578