How could Order of Souls voyages be improved?

  • OoS

    Ahoy there!

    As the title suggested, I wanted to collect suggestions to spice up Order of Souls voyages with new or altered voyage types or mechanisms. If you have any feedback or ideas, let me know in a post below and I'll try to update this (and give credit) accordingly.

    For suggestions on the other two factions check here:
    Merchant Alliance voyage suggestions
    Gold Hoarders voyage suggestions

    Following a cursed Compass (Voyage mechanism) (Suggestion by @Hynieth)

    After you accept a voyage your crews compasses will become cursed and the North arrow will point towards a location where you have to go for your voyage. At the specified location you'll have to fight skeletons, retrieve an object, sink a skeleton ship or retrieve an object from a skeleton ship :) Your ships compass will remain uncursed so you can still use that to navigate the waters.

    Research the unknown, banish the corruption (New enemy types) (Suggestion by @Admiral-RRRSole)

    While skeletons are to be found on almost any island, there are more threats that endanger this world. Pirate tales speak of crewmembers being pulled under by sirens, sightings of pirate ghosts that are not the friendly kind as those in the Pirate Legend Hideout, crazed pirates that have been dabbling too much in the old curses and corrupted natives that have emerged from their hiding spots. There's truth to these tales and this needs to be studied. It's doubtfull that these specimens will come willingly though, so the best way to research them is when they're dead, grab your weapons and go hunt!

    Skeletons 'o plenty (Loot/skeleton variations)

    Legendary Cursed Captain
    A true Captain will have loyalty even after death, so defeating a Legendary Cursed Captain will not stop his followers. After defeating him his skull will drop like normal, however picking it up will attracts his followers. While holding this skull skeletons will continue to spawn around you until you manage to get back on your ship.

    Golden Jackpot Skeleton (Suggestion by @FarthestSun)
    The Jackpot skeleton would be a special rare version of a gold skeleton captain with a slot machine reels in his chest. Every time you hit him, the reels will spin with soundfx and getting three of the same tokens will give a reward which can be beneficial for you, for him or for neither of you. Examples would be 3x Coin - The Captain will spew out some coins for you and your crew, 3x Banana - The Captain will heal up fully, 3x Gunpowder - The Captain will blow himself up with a loud bang.

    Retrieval of cursed objects

    Hidden on islands or in houses, you need to retrieve the object. While carrying the item, bad things will happen depending on the object. Somewhat similar to the cursed cannonballs, but at random intervals while you have the item in your possesion.

    Retrieving a cursed item from a skeleton ship (Suggestion by @KattTruewalker)
    The cursed compass is pointing you to the location of an item on a skeleton ship. It has to be retrieved, however the cursed object is very heavy and will not float to the surface. So you'll have to board the ship in order to retrieve the item from a unknown location in the ship, to make matters worse you'll be limping from the weight of the object while holding it. After you manage to retrieve the object and survive the trip back to your ship you can decide to either sink the ship or flee with the item.

    Guinea pig for special potions (Voyage-booster/Side-voyage)

    The OoS lady has been willing to try out some potions and offers you double the amount of gold (and rep) for the next mission you partake in if you drink one of her potions first. These will give you a negative effect for the remainder of the mission that will persist through death. Examples: reduced walking speed, sails only going half way, resources locked, unable to eat bananas, guns stop working.

    Call to Arms: Defender of the Order of Souls (Suggstion by @John-Hatter)

    Skeletons have found out that the Order of Souls has been collecting the skulls of their fallen comrades. Upon accepting this voyage you swear to defend the Order of Souls from skeletons, which will spawn in waves and head to the tent. The fighting will stop either by surviving all waves and defeating the captain or when the skeletons succeed in destroying a special "orb" in the tent.

    To make it a full on battle, they could even add a skeleton ship that fires upon the pirates that are trying to defend the tent. It would add difficulty and a strategic option as you could take out the ship, however it would risk the "orb" from being destroyed.

    Removing curses from NPC houses or taverns

    Voyage to sail to an island to remove a curse from someones house. To lift a curse a special cursed book has to be found and destroyed. The book is in a spot that's well hidden or normally unreachable. The curse modifies that state of the house and a soft purple glow will be visible when entering. The effects of the curse vary, examples could be: Unable to breathe inside the area, slowly lose health, have constant snake venom vision, be able to swim through the air, have low gravity, have 50 fake copies of the cursed book or any other weird or unexpected effect. Upon leaving the house the effect immediately stops.

    Hunting cursed ships

    With the addition of skeleton ships, it could be a nice voyage to just hunt down and sink a skeleton ship or retrieve a certain object from a skeleton ship. The cursed compass mechanic would be a nice way to find the ship in the random location.

    Exploration of skeleton tombs or forts with pirate lords boss fights

    You'll be given a direction towards a fort (that doesn't have the skull above it), a cave system or even a tomb. Once you arrive there won't be any waves, just active skeletons everywhere that will only come for you when you're within range. After battling through the entire structure the final room will have a pirate lord in it. The pirate lord will actually be a boss that'll have a special mechanic that will require teamwork / puzzle-solving to kill it. Killing it will reward a cosmetic item, commendation and his skull.

    Thank you for reading and again if you have any feedback or ideas, feel free to let me know in a post below and I'll try to update this (and give credit) accordingly.


    Captain FishSt1ck

  • 17
  • Yes please to the more to do then just killing skeletons over and over.

  • @hynieth said in How could Order of Souls voyages be improved?:

    Yes please to the more to do then just killing skeletons over and over.

    I've always seen the Order of Souls as a bit more combat focused faction, however there's definitely more direction they could go with it while still having the same dark theme.

  • I don't know if it's a realistic suggestion but a cool idea to add variety/depth to the voyage system as far as OoS goes. You could almost skull fort it in a way. A voyage/call to action that informs you a skeleton crew is raiding an outposts(which would be fitting given Cursed Sails). Like a mini skull fort quest with your handful of waves before the skull droppers show up. Would be a fun spin on the voyages that drop 4 skulls.

  • @john-hatter said in How could Order of Souls voyages be improved?:

    I don't know if it's a realistic suggestion but a cool idea to add variety/depth to the voyage system as far as OoS goes. You could almost skull fort it in a way. A voyage/call to action that informs you a skeleton crew is raiding an outposts(which would be fitting given Cursed Sails). Like a mini skull fort quest with your handful of waves before the skull droppers show up. Would be a fun spin on the voyages that drop 4 skulls.

    Added, took some artistic freedom into altering the idea a bit. Also when coming up with ideas, you shouldn't limit yourself with striving for realistic suggestions. Software development is like magic, hardly anything is impossible... some things are just improbable :)

  • @fishst1ck

    I really like these ideas, particularly knowing the cursed ships will be in game after the event, being able to hunt these in order to retrieve a specific relic/item would really add some challenge, especially if the item didn't float to the surface after the ship was sunk. These would also make good variations for Legends quests?

    I'm intrigued to know what plans Rare have for the unused skellie forts, but some of them have excellent layouts for 'hunting' type OoS quests with a stronger Captain/Skellie Lord.

    I do also really like the idea of being able to utilise some of the other structures on the islands, maybe even the altars which are found dotted around or the strange statues, I know these are used for riddles but they might have several layers of interaction depending on quest levels, plus underwater......?

    Potions too.. with the tease of that barred and locked potion shop up above the OoS tent, who knows what potential items it might contain for us to experiment with?

  • @fishst1ck Fighting anything but skeletons would be a vast improvement.
    Native headhunters or cannibals.
    Native wild life.
    NPC marooned pirates.
    Pirate ghosts.

    Dang, even a fluffy kitten with a bad temper.

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in How could Order of Souls voyages be improved?:

    Dang, even a fluffy kitten with a bad temper.

  • @katttruewalker Yeah, that bully. It just projects terror. lol

    Dang you were fast with the pic.

  • @admiral-rrrsole Erm... I have a stock of pirate cat pictures... is that odd?

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in How could Order of Souls voyages be improved?:

    @fishst1ck Fighting anything but skeletons would be a vast improvement.
    Native headhunters or cannibals.
    Native wild life.
    NPC marooned pirates.
    Pirate ghosts.

    Dang, even a fluffy kitten with a bad temper.

    Added more enemy type, I don't think everything will fit the theme of the Order of Souls though so I modified it a bit and tagged your name on it ;)

  • Golden Jackpot Skeleton Captain Idea.

  • @katttruewalker said

    @admiral-rrrsole Erm... I have a stock of pirate cat pictures... is that odd?

    I won't judge you. :o)

  • @fishst1ck
    I always thought the OoS voyages have the most potential. Since they deal with the supernatural they could go really in any direction, so I hope Rare gets creative with them soon.

    A part of me suspects/hopes that the Pirate Lord "raids" will come in Forsaken Shores update. Since we already have raids in the form of skeleton forts, I hope these fights have a greater emphasis on the skeleton lords rather than the constant waves of generic skeletons. I also hope these skeleton lords have a unique array of abilities like elemental powers or stuff more supernatural. I don't want them to just be greater bullet sponges than the skeleton captains.

  • @fishst1ck hunting cursed ships would work really well after this event and I hope they do something like it to keep up the need to ally for these vessels.
    I also think finding cursed iron should now be a thing so that the stocks of cursed cannonballs makes sense.
    We all read Wanda's notes so we all know how to make them!

  • So I would imagine any of those ideas could be added and many more scripted quests/objectives. However it seems for the short and medium term the devs are currently spending all their resources on the newer content updates. So the idea of doing another pass of the core faction quests seems a ways off. It is far more likely that some more of these things may be added to the content expansions and updates planned for this year and beyond.

  • @xboxfanuk said in How could Order of Souls voyages be improved?:

    So I would imagine any of those ideas could be added and many more scripted quests/objectives. However it seems for the short and medium term the devs are currently spending all their resources on the newer content updates. So the idea of doing another pass of the core faction quests seems a ways off. It is far more likely that some more of these things may be added to the content expansions and updates planned for this year and beyond.

    Does that matter though? This isn't a topic of demands, I'm not expecting Rare to put any of this in the game especially not on short term. It's about thinking and discussing ways we could envision the current faction voyages to be improved so they offer more variety and/or enjoyment.

    We have no insight in Rare's resources, so making assumptions on what they can and cannot do is useless in my opinion. If you keep that in the back of your mind you're only limiting your creativity in a bad way.

    If you've watched the dev-videos you'll see that Rare is constantly surprised by the way the players use the tools that are given to them, I think we'll definitely be able to surprise them with some of our ideas and suggestions as well.

13 out of 17