FAO: Joe Neate.

  • @pure-rare said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    I have purchased plenty of games in the past that I don't enjoy.
    If you don't like it nobody is forcing you to play it. I dont understand what you hope to gain from ranting on the forum.
    In your eyes you wasted money on the game but in mine and many others we have more than had our monies worth.
    I think you should trade it in and try something else.

    I suspect he is reaching out for others who might feel the same to speak out...a group after all is louder than a single voice. He is every right to want to be heard if done in a non attacking way. Same as anyone else has a right to express the opposite view. Myself I think the game was released 1 yr to early, I think it has massive potential but it does not yet know what it wants to be, and instead is trying to be a little of everything...and not feeling complete because of it. Time will tell if this changes.

  • I personally love this game. The list of things you can do are endless! Be creative. Be friendly, slaughter everyone, sneak on board, espionage, sabotage, traps, armadas, buy ships, invite friends, scrums, 10 pace shootouts. Broadsides, boarding parties, fireside talks, sunsets, pig shooting, chicken shooting, ambushes, etc...... Name it and it's in the game except for "cliff diving"! I've killed and been killed and my hat goes off to everyone I've encountered regardless of the days result. Great game and great times ahead!

  • @dragonsire2016 said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    @pure-rare said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    I have purchased plenty of games in the past that I don't enjoy.
    If you don't like it nobody is forcing you to play it. I dont understand what you hope to gain from ranting on the forum.
    In your eyes you wasted money on the game but in mine and many others we have more than had our monies worth.
    I think you should trade it in and try something else.

    I suspect he is reaching out for others who might feel the same to speak out...a group after all is louder than a single voice. He is every right to want to be heard if done in a non attacking way. Same as anyone else has a right to express the opposite view. Myself I think the game was released 1 yr to early, I think it has massive potential but it does not yet know what it wants to be, and instead is trying to be a little of everything...and not feeling complete because of it. Time will tell if this changes.

    I have to disagree. If they waited a year, they would have followed their original plans, but releasing it when they did allowed for the game to be developed around actual player feedback.

    I think the way they've done it was the right call, because it was the only way they could build the game that their players want as opposed to building a game they think we want.

  • @rockinpodunk said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    @dragonsire2016 said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    @pure-rare said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    I have purchased plenty of games in the past that I don't enjoy.
    If you don't like it nobody is forcing you to play it. I dont understand what you hope to gain from ranting on the forum.
    In your eyes you wasted money on the game but in mine and many others we have more than had our monies worth.
    I think you should trade it in and try something else.

    I suspect he is reaching out for others who might feel the same to speak out...a group after all is louder than a single voice. He is every right to want to be heard if done in a non attacking way. Same as anyone else has a right to express the opposite view. Myself I think the game was released 1 yr to early, I think it has massive potential but it does not yet know what it wants to be, and instead is trying to be a little of everything...and not feeling complete because of it. Time will tell if this changes.

    I have to disagree. If they waited a year, they would have followed their original plans, but releasing it when they did allowed for the game to be developed around actual player feedback.

    I think the way they've done it was the right call, because it was the only way they could build the game that their players want as opposed to building a game they think we want.

    A lot could have changed in that year, and they still might have made decisions to bring out content like cursed sails after release, but the core might have been more complete.

  • @stratcat51 Sounds like you need to take a break and play something else while we players enjoy the game. At launch the game did suffer with major server issues which were addressed, this is because of the high amount of players that was not expected. More people played the game on release than in the beta, and because of a server issue people have moved along from the game.

    Games have issues and that is the point of having a forum and support team so you can report bugs and issues which affect gameplay.

    Once the dev team come up with a fix they address it asap to ensure the gameplay is smooth and as fun as possible.

  • @mrgrim67686

    You think it is okay to not wish others well because the game isn't what you thought it was.... You must be a gem of a person!

  • @x1-two said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    @sshteeve said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    How do you think achievements like Bring me that horizon aka set sail for the first time are sat below 65%??!
    You'd have to be REALLY unhappy with those first 5 minutes of the game to give up so soon and never raise anchor for the first time!

    The first ten minutes of a game make or break it. So it is absolutely possible that 1.3 million players (game pass users most likely) tested the game, didn't like the graphics or the characters or the camera and deleted it straight away.

    If someone hasn't played the game long enough to "Set Sail for the First Time," I wouldn't include that person in the subset of "Sea of Thieves players."

  • @markglow

    I never said anything to that effect. The game still has severe optimization issues and bugs. There is still a marked lack of things to do. Fetch don’t cut it.

    The leadership at Rare is directly responsible for these persistent issues, so to a point I am in agreement that they may be in the wrong business and should perhaps pursue other opportunities in the marketing field where their strengths lie and make way for some actual game development talent to get the ball rolling.

    For a game to have it’s lore locked behind 3rd party products is just utterly ridiculous, for example. It should be in the game. The obvious focus of this team is to hawk merchandise. It’s unfortunate.

  • @mrgrim67686 I think he just replied to the wrong guy. I think that was meant for OP.

  • @aod-fluid the world is not here serve your every need,sick of complaining about sot. Like sot is the first online game to launch with minimal content. I love all the details rare put in the game to make it real.

  • @trixster13

    I think you may have read him wrong...

  • @trixster13 said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    @aod-fluid the world is not here serve your every need,sick of complaining about sot. Like sot is the first online game to launch with minimal content. I love all the details rare put in the game to make it real.

    Okay, but I did not complain about SoT. More power to you I guess?

  • @sshteeve but.... free trial.... never playing again....people arnt playing the game lol

  • @aod-fluid the world is not here serve your every need,sick of complaining about sot. Like sot is the first online game to launch with minimal content. I love all t

  • @hailhypnotoad1 I laughed so hard at your comment, omg LOLOL!! "How's my typing?" xD

  • @mortarchelle Haha! Thank You! I can't stand these people :P

  • @trixster13 said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    @aod-fluid the world is not here serve your every need,sick of complaining about sot. Like sot is the first online game to launch with minimal content. I love all t

    Again, I did not complain about SoT. So again, more power to you I guess? Let's tag the deckhands and see if they can figure this out.


  • @aod-fluid

    Reading through the thread it seems that the reply to you was in error, perhaps a misclick or a wrong tag?

  • Regardless of what others think, I am personally and profoundly enjoying this game, and in the end that's all that really matters to me. If I see something that's amiss, I like that I can come here, talk about it in a constructive manner, and offer (and be offered) potential solutions to the issue. I just wish that more people argued their points logically using facts, observation, and evidence instead of arguing through their emotions using ignorance, lies, assumptions, and placing blame upon others.

  • My only complaint is the lack of life in the game, how the characters have no voice, no npc walking through the outposts and lack of marine diversity. However, the game is great and the constant updates make it better every time. It's becoming a better game than three months ago, so I do not need a complaint.

  • @stratcat51 said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    Snipped ranting and complaining

  • @lady-aijou

    First time I've been back since the post. The Mod Edits are the poor configuration of the forum filters so I reject 100% that I used any profanities or bypasses to try and insert them.

    As to the statement about targetting a person, I am afraid to say that Rare give no option to address the main manager who is in fact paid for what he does. Like it or not getting negative feedback as a manager goes with responsibility of that post and is not, in that context, targetting to malign, it is simply feedback. The fact that we don't get a valid reply to feedback from the team lead/manager which isn't dodging the issues is worse than anything.

  • I think there is legitimacy to this conplant.

    Its not isolated.

    It shows there is a flaw in the combat.

    Its either not enjoyable, or too unavoidable.

  • Why bump your own post a month later? Move on.

53 out of 60