Whats everyones favorite/least favorite island?

  • Im shocked i havent seen a thread like this yet. But yeah, pretty straight forward title. Whats everyone’s favorite and least favorite island? Not including outposts. I’ll start. My favorite is probably smugglers bay and my least favorite is definitely old faithful

  • 23
  • Favorite: Thieves Haven for GH or MA.

    Least Favorite: Thieves Haven for OoS 😂

  • Favorites:
    Thieves Haven (except OoS)
    Smugglers Bay

    Least Favorites:
    Shipwreck Bay
    Sunken Grove

    Also I'll confess, I'm almost lvl 40 in all factions and I don't think I've ever set foot on Krakens Fall...

  • Favorite: Crooked Masts because its the best chicken catching island in the game, and I always find a little extra on the cliff sides when I go there. It is also right between two fairly close outposts making merchant grinding that much easier.

    Least Favorite: Sunken Grove because order of souls there when the skeletons are at the bottom is a nightmare.

  • Favourite: Mermaids hideaway. It always seems to have items on the beach and love the little underwater grove,

    Least favourite : Crooked Mast, Skellies always sneak up on me and the treasure maps always seem to be a nightmare to locate

  • Fav: any small island
    Least fav: old faithful

  • Favorite - Cannon Cove, Thieves Haven (my go-to when being chased.)
    Least Favorite - Old Faithful

  • Favorite - Snek Island because I like the design

    Least Favorite - Crooked mast (way to many voyages seem to go there, it gets so dark I can't play)

  • Favourite: Wanderer’s Refuge

    Large island, with snakes and chickens, very picturesque. It’s also the name of my Sea of Thieves Xbox club 😎🙂

    Least Favourite: Old Faithful

  • Favorite: Mermaids Hideaway
    Least: Old Faithful

  • I have no favourite, but least favourite by a large margin is Old Faithful Isle.

  • Can I say I like all the islands. Its neat how they are all so different and i feel like u could hit legendary and still not have really explored some of them.

  • Favorite- Sailors Bounty
    Why? There are mysteries to be revealed from this island. The "barricaded" cave runs long a deep to the SOUTH/ Southeast of the island! I followed the music once on a broken OOS mission where the skellies spawned inside the barricaded cave. I swam the ocean floor into the 2nd grid South of the island 🏝before losing the music. This island holds some secrets that RARE is going to reveal at some point! Great island for trapping and has some nice wash ups.
    Least Favorite- Plunder Valley
    Reason- The island sits inner SW on the map and is neighbored by Discovery and Wanderers. For a sloop (Or any ship) there's no safe place to hide and the island is humongous which makes for some long drawn out quests. It's a cool island to scuttle at after a voyage though. It allows you to investigate it a little bit.

  • This is a good question and you got my wheels turning so to speak. I like galleons grave because I love sitting by the fire and listening to the waves. Also its nice sitting at the front of the galleon at the top. My least I chose because of difficulty when fighting OOS not because of the look. I love all islands on SOT. Mermaids hideaway is my least fav.

  • @howdoishoot926 Favorite: Cannon cove. First island I ever did a voyage on. Least favorite: Thieves Haven. Lags like crazy and whenever I need pigs or chickens none are there. Whenever I don't need them they are bountiful.

    Favorite outpost is Ancient Spire because it's the first place I loaded into the game.

  • I don't really have a favorite.. but my least fav is Crooked Masts.. because I always end up being there in the dark and falling off the peaks.. and also the way onto the island is horrible and only two spots.. it also makes parking very difficult.

    Only positive about it is that it is the most reliable chicken and snake spot...

    I hate that place..

    I also dislike Ancient Spire as my worst outpost.. having the tavern all the way up on top is annoying.

  • Only one that cursed Thieves Haven. God I hate that island. It should be destroyed.

  • There's a lot of hate for old faithful here, and I understand why, I can't even find the words to describe why or how much I hate that island, but I avoid it like a syphilitic w***e. As for my favourite? Damn that's a hard question... possibly Crooks Hollow? I really don't know, I love them all (except old faithful). I really like the layout and reliability of Crooks Hollow, I seem to get good quests in easy to find locations. I spend a lot of time on the two Ridges (devils and discovery), I like Sailors Bounty too. Picking a favourite is genuinely quite difficult for me...

  • @hammy-hamstar I hate old faithful as well just blocked it out so well I did not remember in my initial post. This should also be destroyed.

  • @reedski There is alot of hate for Old Faithful isn't there!? The reason I chose plunder over Old Faithful was location.
    You can tuck a ship into the Northern side of Old Faithful nicely so at least there's a little cover. Plunder is wide open!

  • Thieves Haven is cool because it's fun to navigate into it and can hide an entire Galleon! Not to mention the joy of jumping off cliffs into the water to get back to the ship.
    Surprisingly, very few pirates know about sailor's bounty's underground terrain - very cool!
    Old Faithful needs to have an earthquake to split it into smaller islands.

  • Sailors Bounty all the way.

    I love the cave system and think of it as my unofficial home island in the game.

  • Favourites: Thieves Haven, Smuggler's Bay, and Mermaid's Hideaway.
    Favourite outpost: Golden Sands.
    Least Favourite: Kraken's Fall.

14 out of 23