Ahoy! Captain Hellbeard here!

  • Captain Hellbeard aka Hellblade Hero, here. New to the forums but not new to Sea of Thieves. Just looking to meet new people and see what kind of friends I make.

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  • @hellblade-hero Welcome! I hope you find it homey here! Get comfortable to the forums as it's got quite a charming community!

  • @hellblade-hero Welcome to the forums! You should check out the forum rules if you haven't already. There's a lot of friendly faces in the forums, I'm sure you'll get familiar with them. See ya around.

  • @hellblade-hero

    Welcome aboard, pirate! Hope the seas treat you well!

  • @hellblade-hero

    welcome aboard hero. word to the wise, avoid any safe zone talk and you will be friends with all 😉. lots of good tips and friendly pirates on this voyage

  • @norloc What is Safe Zone talk?

  • @hellblade-hero Safe zone talk refers to the topics and people who call for safe zones or PvE servers, even though it has been said by the Developers, since day 1, that they will not be in the game.

  • Welcome to the forums matey!

  • @hellblade-hero Aye, welcome aboard

  • @hellblade-hero Welcome!

  • @thewolfman321 said in Ahoy! Captain Hellbeard here!:

    @hellblade-hero Safe zone talk refers to the topics and people who call for safe zones or PvE servers, even though it has been said by the Developers, since day 1, that they will not be in the game.

    I'm glad the developers have made this clear. I'm 100% for keeping the servers open to any and all ships. Sea of Thieves just wouldn't be the same on a "Safe" server. We are supposed to be pirates after all.

  • AHOY!! Welcome!, Hope you have fun here, there's a lot of lovely people here.

    HAHA! @norloc I was going to mention about safe zones. But you beat me to it.
    Seems i need to be an earlier bird to catch that proverbial worm.

    @Hellblade-Hero Maybe steer clear of talking about stopping crossplay as well. haha!

    See you on the seas.

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