Hungering Deep Voyage Help!

  • Well.... sitting at T26 waiting for others to show up.....

  • @lion-pharaoh itzs there, just have to play together for a min and then the battle will be on.

  • 3 Journal l14 haut des navires coulés (navire merricks)

    Isle or outpost?

  • @lion-pharaoh said in Hungering Deep Voyage Help!:

    Well.... sitting at T26 waiting for others to show up.....

    Same, here waiting for others. Can't see anyone else though.

  • @tagerung said in Hungering Deep Voyage Help!:

    You need the drums, wait at Devils ridge T 24 for 5 people, then play it in T24 - 27 and see if he shows

    Are you sure this is correct? Im waiting with my crew at these coordinates now!

  • Just summoned him, definitely t26

  • You need to carry the song from Merrick to T26

  • @mad-ragga-luke Confirmed by a guy on a reddit thread 8 mins ago, you have to carry the shanty all the way from shark bait cove, and then at T26 the shark will be summoned.

  • @lion-pharaoh this is a flaw. Rodl waiting for others...

  • 3 Journal l14 haut des navires coulés (navire merricks)????

    HELP ME isle or outpost?

  • Succesful kill - though battle with 1 galleon - exciting

  • Nice and easy really. No spoilers. Find the stone on Devils Ridge that looks like what you are being asked to do... Just make sure all 5 of you are standing on get ready to rumble :)

  • Sitting at T26 and just got approached by a two man sloop who had no idea what to do. Sent them on the journey in hopes that they will make it back at some point.

    Any truth to this continuing to play the song from Shark Bait? That sounds insanely difficult.

  • For now, it is true, 1 man should keep the song up, and at T26 he spawns, best is to anchor then

  • I just watched a live stream of a crew taking on "Meg". Just make sure you have a LOT of planks before taking it on.

  • got 8 of us at T26.. just read here we need the shanty carried from merrick.. that sucks.

    Should be able to learn and keep the shanty once you've killed him once.

  • I believe you all just have to play the song on one boat at t26, no need to play it from sharbait.

  • Waiting at Devil's Ridge with one other sloop, waiting for another crew to arrive. So far, everyone has been friendly in this server.

  • Bring planks!!!! Lots of planks!!!!

  • It's so hard to keep the song going! We've been at T26 for ages and eventually it just turned off so...

  • @arcx Oh that sucks. We've been sitting here awhile and no one else has shown up. I just taped my trigger down to keep the song going.

  • @the-texorcist I'm on PC and it's a lot harder to do that to my mouse. Nobody has shown up, so we've given up and we're going to do a raid.

  • @arcx Ah, yeah that would be difficult. Sorry to hear that matey. Hope your luck be turning soon.

  • Are there any achievements to any of this and if you are the 5th wheel do you get the achievement if you are the odd pirate out of the group?

  • Edited to add we now have 5 ships (1 galleon and 4 sloops). It is chaos....

  • some one here who wants to finish marricks mission with us?

  • @theredonkulous6 said in Hungering Deep Voyage Help!:

    Edited to add we now have 5 ships (1 galleon and 4 sloops). It is chaos....

    The more ships the better since you can hop from one to another as ships go down.

    We did defeat it.

  • okay... I underestimated the amount of planks you need.....

    Battle-strategy: Focus repairs of lower deck, save planks for lower deck ONLY! - You will run out

  • @rivyer

    That's what we did. Quite an easy boss all things considered. Get some planks.

  • @chitownsace3 T26 worked for us

  • That's it? 3 - 4 hours and all the new content is done and dusted... quite sad :((

  • T26 and carry the tune with 5 people. Must wear the tattoos. They glow once you have successfully summoned the beast under the sea...Good luck fellow pirates!

  • We managed it with just the one galleon and 5 amazing crew :D

  • @mcdoll

    Interesting because I am solo and there is another solo plus a galleon working together.

  • Best thing about this event was how friendly the people in the server were, all sailing together and helping eachother out. I love pvp but this was a pleasant change. The monster was pretty funny amd tougb when we finally summoned it, turns out we were doing everything right apart from having someone play the song the entire journey to the area it spawns at rather than just having a new song.

    Speaking trumpet is funny, can't wait to dish out some light hearted taunting to people from distance with it.

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