[SUGGESTION] Mouse and keyboard support for Xbox

  • This may be a touchy topic as a lot of console gamers out there right now will jump to arms at even the mention of mouse and keyboard or m/k for short (just because ill be saying it a lot in this post) because they feel it gives pc players an unfair advantage over console players.

    While i dont entirely dissagree with that statement, as when using a m/k in combat it allows for faster turning, weapon switching, more stable movements, etc. BUT instead of saying that pc players should be punished or locked off on their own servers for having a pc be their system of choice, why not just add m/k support to the xbox version?

    It would level the playing field because that way, anyone who is concerned with the advantage pc players have could just go to the nearest electronics store, drop $20 or maybe even less and get a decent m/k combo.

    When i plugged in my old m/k into my xbox i noticed some functionality was there already, like being able to switch weapons, access my inventory wheels, walk (only while holding shift), but no response from my mouse. So clearly somethings already there, why not just copy the m/k functionality and keybindings directly from pc to the xbox version and call it good and even? (I know theres more work than that, but at its simplist that would be whats being accomplished) idk, just a random 4 in the morning thought. Though this is something i personally would LOVE to see happen.

  • 22
  • I'm a PC player myself, but I agree that it should go both ways. On PC we have the ability to just hook up our Xbox controller and play, so why should it be any different on the Xbox in regards to a mouse and keyboard.

  • I use the xim Apex on Xbox when I do play on it and it works pretty good for sot. Only if they would up the sensitivity now.

  • @rage-gator I appreciate the offer, but Rare said 'level playing field', but now i gotta buy more stuff to compete fairly? No thanks. I already bought an xbox and controller so i could compete fairly with all the other xboxes, so maybe make crossplay optional if a 'level playing field' isnt possible. Sorry to sound harsh. On a more positive note, i put forward a couple of ideas in the crossplay megathread, what do you think?

  • This is something that should have been in from the beginning.

    That said, keyboard/mouse functionality isn't the only sticking point and Crossplay should be made out on all too. Give people more options.

  • @rage-gator I'm happy using my controller, but I'm not against more options. Would like to at least give m/k a try.

  • @jmftgtav said in [SUGGESTION] Mouse and keyboard support for Xbox:

    @rage-gator Controller support for PC already exists so the easy solution to the imbalance is to eliminate keyboard and mouse support for PC.

    There you go. You can stop spamming your complaining all over the forums now.

  • I'm not sure what you mean by "spamming my complaining"

    But in response to your suggestion that Xbox offers fully integrated keyboard and mouse support you are mistaken.

    Xbox lead engineer acknowledges in an interview that keyboard and mouse provides an advantage over controller and that there has been many discussions about adding support to the Xbox console.

    The third party devices offer an inadequate patch. Also if and when Microsoft offers k&m for Xbox doesn't help with how Rare is ignoring the present unfair gaming experience they force on their Xbox players.

  • @braxkedren said in [SUGGESTION] Mouse and keyboard support for Xbox:

    @jmftgtav said in [SUGGESTION] Mouse and keyboard support for Xbox:

    @rage-gator Controller support for PC already exists so the easy solution to the imbalance is to eliminate keyboard and mouse support for PC.

    There you go. You can stop spamming your complaining all over the forums now.

    Players on Xbox are already on a level footing with other xboxes(roughly) and your suggestion is to buy extra stuff and unbalance that playing field too? I dont think so Tim. If i wanted to keep pouring money into upgrades, i would have bought a PC.

  • The gamepad is nice but it's still emulating the controller and is not equivalent to native support.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 so stop complaining then?

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  • I just want the ability to text chat on XBox for SOT, it could bring the community closer as both Xbox and PC players could communicate without switching to game chat when in discord or party.....?

  • I support op's proposition of kb/m support for xbox, therefore you gain my upvote. I have stated many times this was a necessary feature for xbox users on games that feature cross platform, sot should not be an exeption despite the fact that it isn't a competitive multiplayer game.

    [Mod edited]

  • @braxkedren said in [SUGGESTION] Mouse and keyboard support for Xbox:

    @pomalotacusmk3 so stop complaining then?

    Thats a well thought out idea and contributes alot to the crossplay discussion. Thanks?

  • @cptbartroberts said in [SUGGESTION] Mouse and keyboard support for Xbox:

    To everyone complaining about having to "buy extra stuff to compete with PC" just remember, we bought extra stuff too, namely a gaming pc. We spent prob around 600 to 1k to get a good rig, we paid for our faster turning, why shouldnt you have too as well?

    You seem to be missing my point...everyone that purchased an Xbox already purchased what was needed to play on an even playing field. The PC club might be the 'm*********e' due to a never ending list of possible upgrades, whereas the xbox club is the 'puritan race' as we all use the same equipment(mostly). This create an even playing field, where an individual's skill is what separates players (funny, that last sentence sounds very similar to what Rare said)

  • I don't want to play with mouse/keyboard and if they do this on xbox, i've even more players with an advantage against me...

    But i'd have a solution for this, or let's better say a thing to make it more even: quit the loading animation while jumping, like it's when you start running...sure they can still turn faster and aim better...but the stupid permanent jumping around will stop

  • @cptbartroberts We werent even talking about how crossplay was or wasnt advertised by Rare as forced/optional, but if you need to change the topic, sure...
    Of course Iwas aware of PC advantages over console. Of course I was aware the game would be crossplay. Being as the advantages are so well known and Rare didnt explicitly say 'forced crossplay', it would be safe to assume that OPTIONAL would be a choice. I assumed wrong, thats why im here giving input.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 said in [SUGGESTION] Mouse and keyboard support for Xbox:

    @braxkedren said in [SUGGESTION] Mouse and keyboard support for Xbox:

    @pomalotacusmk3 so stop complaining then?

    Thats a well thought out idea and contributes alot to the crossplay discussion. Thanks?

    You’re the one who jumped on my post, to another poster. They complained about not having keyboard/mouse options for the Cbox and I have them one.

    You’re the one who pulled my post out and started arguing just to contribute to your post count.

    Also, PC players CONSTANTLY buy upgrades/accessories to augment their gameplay with games. That same option is giving to console players with all the accessories options they have, while not as varied as PC players.

    So your complaint about having to buy additional equipment to play is mute. It’s an option both systems have. It’s not needed to play.

    Either learn to play with the equipment you have or get something else.

  • @UrihamRayne Please refrain from callouts on the forum, including against our staff members. It is a violation of our Forum rules, and your post has been edited accordingly.

11 out of 22