RAREs 28 second load challenge

  • RARE has challenged people to see if they can beat their record of 28 seconds of loading into the game. i managed to get in at 15 seconds

  • 12
  • @hiyall1 Is this a joke? My load times are horrible and from dying mermaid or beginning and Rare is instead challenging people to load quicker?
    I love crossplay and play with PC gamers but hate that I have such a severe disparity with load times and now it's bragging rights?

  • @senilegold they just said that their best load time was 28 seconds and asked if you can do any better

  • I'm lucky if I can get into a session in under 2 minutes, lol!

  • @hiyall1 On twitter? I want to defend Rare and love the game but this is either a cruel joke I'm the butt of or just sad.

    Sorry I know I hijacked your thread and props to you with your load time, but on xbox I have 4 gb external and moved all apps and games besides SOT to it and did my best to turn my actual hard drive into a SSD type of situation but load at the pace of a snail, this just rubs me the wrong way to promote such an issue.

  • @oneeyed-w1lliam my actual average load time is about a minute and 15 seconds. i dont know what happen at this moment when i got in at 15 seconds. i was shocked.

  • This is one of the points I made in my crossplay post. Load times are a huge advantage. Especially when trying to load into your sinking ship.

    Crossplay needs to be an option.

  • @hiyall1 yea id say average is around 50 seconds to a min load time here

  • @eddythecaptain apparently the xbox one X has really fast load times also but I don't own one so I cant test that it would be nice to get a idea of load times on them though

  • The question is not how fast we can load into the game but how slow the game can be to load. Are we supposed to have some magical trick to reload us?

    I mean why send us back to the very start when we click "Leave Game"?
    It's no different to exiting to desktop minus the grey screen.
    That's where most of Rare's server struggles are. Not 5,000 unique players joining per minute" but rather half of that or far less trying to find a better crew / server with working mics.

    It takes me forever on PC too. But go ahead and check for fake coins, check the roster, open the ledger, etc... yet again and again and again......

    Some folks just couldn't organize a bloody chicken raffle.

  • Some footage of the load differences: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzbZSD_svrM

    The other player was on Xbox. Not sure if it was Xbox One X or not, but regardless, the difference is drastic.

  • @eddythecaptain I'm 49 48 47 and Pirate legend is not that thrilling for me to reach for this reason. I actually start to drown before I load into the hideout, I lose health and hear a gasp upon entering.
    This is the state of loading on a game designed by xbox? This isn't Elite Dangerous or Ark where PC comes first this is Rare/Xbox where PC comes first.

11 out of 12