Is the player base dying fast

  • So yesterday i joined a game with randoms on a Galleon. It put me in a game with one other guy it was just the two us for well over an hour.Is this because the player base is dying or is it a mm bug? This is the second or third time in the last few days.

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  • Would not surprise me.

  • @supremewizard72 14 hours playing this game with my son over last 2 days and we seen a total of 2 ships, 1 sloop one galleon.

    3 days ago i played solo in a sloop for 9 hours, seen 1 ship in first hour then was server changed 4 times after that and seen no more ships the rest of the day

  • Viewer base has died a lot of twitch/tube+passes have worn out. No one knows exactly how many copies of the game sold+got refunded, so it's hard to say. I'm sure there is enough to play, but you probably just got unlucky.

  • @kashaarafall dont mention game numbers on the reddit lol, they will hit you with the 2 millions players article, despite the fact the majority of that will be the 2 week trial pass users lol

  • I've been watching Twitch the last few days. Viewership is down about 30-40% over that time.(and massively since launch of course) Also, a few key streamers are close to pirate legend, so that won't help any. Still, viewership needs to drop by half from where it is now in order for SoT to fall off the first page and into oblivion, so there's that ray of hope.

  • @cavemancronch said in Is the player base dying fast:

    @kashaarafall dont mention game numbers on the reddit lol, they will hit you with the 2 millions players article, despite the fact the majority of that will be the 2 week trial pass users lol

    2 million players isn't 2 million sales though, that's what people fail to realize. If the pass wasn't free, it would actually have revenue to show, but it was free...soo, yeah. Someone actually did the math and was like "What'd you do with the money you made from the 2 million sales, Rare?!" I literally facepalmed.

  • @supremewizard72 I don't know the numbers but keep in mind that there are no many people in one server so also if a lot of people left will be still more then enough for a normal game experience. Both last night and this morning i had 3 ships in sight at once, 4 ships including ours. There are times that the server feel empty but then you go to an active fort and all the ships are there.

  • People need to remember also that rare can artifically control how many ships you see they said they wanted you to see one ship every 15-20 minutes. They may have changed this since all the feedback with people just wanting to be left alone and stuff.

  • @cr0n0d What i mean is it was just me and one other on our Galleon nobody was put in our game to fill the last two crew spots.

  • I just think you guys hit a low pop server, i have seen ships whenever i sail. (Eu time zone)

  • @kashaarafall It would not surprise me if most of the player base are using the game pass to play atm ( what i'm doing )

    My reason for using the game pass is i find the game lacking in content.

  • Swings and round about's mate, some people are just not pirate enough for this game lol. Some folk can't deal with the fair playing ground without level advantages etc. A lot of people pay to win these days and Sea Of Thieves Does not offer unfair advantage to its players over other players.

    They have created a hardcore game that looks like a Disney production on its surface lol. When or if economy and trade hits the game I imagine it will become even more complex and that will thin the herd out until they are left with their loyal fan base. Eventually people will be coming into a game that has evolved into something far more in depth than what we have currently and Rare will need to release a tutorial session to play in game to keep new players interested. That's just how these things go. Ripples to waves.

  • If it is it's going to make the PvE players happy.

  • @ryondk said in Is the player base dying fast:

    @kashaarafall It would not surprise me if most of the player base are using the game pass to play atm ( what i'm doing )

    My reason for using the game pass is i find the game lacking in content.

    I tried the pass as a request from a friend. I played the game around 18 hours and in those hours, actually around the 8 hour mark. I felt I'd done everything. Forts, PvP, random encounters and of course the voyages. It didn't say "Buy me Kash!" to me, so I didn't. Funny enough, around the time I stopped, I saw people asking for refunds, even those that were founders that played the Alpha tests. They got em too.

  • @zynthetikk86 said in Is the player base dying fast:

    If it is it's going to make the PvE players happy.

    LOL its the PVE players leaving

  • I too found out the same thing, i basically shelved the game until they add way more content, fix the alpha bugs, and combat the cheats.

    I can only imagine how many others are faced with the same disgust. Cost me 90 bucks and i shelled out another 96 for a USD friend... total shame, shame on me... its not happening ever again though. I am moving back to developed games like MMO's. There is too many ALPHA games out there now with little to no content rinse and repeat options. So boring after all these years in gaming.

  • @supremewizard72 Sorry my bad, readed again the OP, got it now. Sadly i don't know about that i play just with friends. What i can tell you is that if one of my friend disconnect for any reason a new random player will join in around five minutes.

    Did you check the "my crew" menù? I read here on the forum that someone stay afk on the ferry of the dammed, so meaby you had the full crew but they were afk there.

  • @cmm-solo It's a shallow game with bad combat and nice water. Stop trying to make this game sound hardcore because the gameplay is painfully simple.

  • @cr0n0d Yeah i checked the crew tab multiple times nobody joined the whole time we was playing.

  • @zynthetikk86
    I'm not trying to make the game sound hardcore, the ship requires co-ordination and to succeed you have to be outsmarting others and keep one step ahead, that is key. I'm saying that eventually it will evolve and it is hardcore relative to its look coz you have to be two steps ahead.. How long has the official game been out for?

    You expect too much too soon man.

  • @cmm-solo I expected a finnished game not early access and it seems like the playerbase agrees with this.

  • @zynthetikk86 I agree there should be more content and I am not defending the lack of it.

  • We cant even capture ships and crews for goodness sakes lol. we defo need more content lol

  • Would you, right now, recommend this game to a friend?
    Every game goes through attrition as people accomplish what they wanted to do. New players need to be coming in to fill the spots of those who have left.
    I enjoy the game quite a bit, but if it came down to telling someone else to purchase it I am not sure right now. The selling points are still there; looks spectacular, sailing mechanics are beautiful, immersion is great. Unfortunately I cant ignore the "If's" as they sit right now. You will have a lot of fun if you aren't dropped from the server after a hour of collecting chests, if you aren't immediately locked in the brig after trying to join a game, if the quest you are on spawns as it is supposed to...
    "Spend the $60. You might have fun" is tough to sell.

  • @cmm-solo That would be cool but i think it would push the pve players over the edge lol.

  • @supremewizard72

    Played 6hrs yesterday, saw 4 ships.

  • @cmm-solo or this game isn't enough pirate. The game is on life support (game pass) and there are just better pirate games out there like sid myers and black flag. I hope they fix it up, game looks great... just nothing to do

  • Sadly, yeah, it’s shrinking. I haven’t played in a week and neither have a most of my friends and a few other pioneers. I think what’s more depressing than anything else is the fact that some people who were not involved in the alpha, have this faith that Rare can shoot out meaningful content constantly. It didn’t work like that in the alpha, and as players, I don’t think we can or should expect rapid content delivery. I’d give the game 1-2 years before it no longer feels like the pre release dumpster fire that Microsoft so desperately pushed for.

  • @ryondk Don't worry. Rare almost has a plan!

  • @peapaw-z Would not recommend the game to anyone in is current state.

    @my-dirty-muffin Agree, apart from the game looking good ( that water .. =d ) is pretty empty.

  • @supremewizard72 said in Is the player base dying fast:

    @cmm-solo That would be cool but i think it would push the pve players over the edge lol.

    :) there already pushed over the edge

  • @ryondk lol yes. Never good when all you can really say is the water is pretty...

  • @zynthetikk86 Just because gameplay is simple doesn't mean it can't be a hardcore game. Im not saying that this game is hardcore , but hardcore doesn't mean complexity.

  • @cooliocam I dont think this was on microsoft though to be honest, Phil Spencer(the guy in charge now ) seems to understand the need to let a product bake in the oven instead of serving people a half cooked meal. I think rare didnt know what else to add or which way to take the game so they decided to launch now and get feedback on a bigger scale .

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