What happens when you die, and your ship sinks!?

  • I have not played the game yet at all, super excited to play. I've been watching gameplay on it as well.

  • 8
  • When you die, you end up on the Ferry of the Damned, a ghost ship so to speak. After a short time waiting, a door on this ship opens and you have to go through it. You'll be among the living again. If your ship sunk, you'll get greeted by a mermaid who bring you back to your ship docked at an island, all repaired and shiny again. Otherwise, if your ship hasn't sunken yet, you simply respawn on your ship

  • @call-blocked

    If you're able to, sign up for the Xbox Insider programme as there's a Scale test going on at this very moment that you can take part in!


  • if that happens waiting on the mermaid- they normally have blue smoke coming from them, then interact with them to respawn on a new boat

  • @call-blocked Welcome aboard matey.

  • Thank you scalawags! Haha

  • @star-inferno22 what happens when your ship sinks and then you die??? I lost everything. 2 hours of game play went down the drain. This is not ok. People can just come and destroy your ship and then kill you and you lose all of your progress. I literally am rethinking this entire game if it is going to seriously waste my time and progression.

  • @call-blocked

    Ahoy there,

    If a crew ye be looking for, look no further.
    We be a friendly bunch of pirates. Come and check us out.

7 out of 8