[Mega Thread] - Cross Play (Part 1)

  • @karstenx1971 said in [Mega Thread] - Cross Play:

    i bet you "play" PC only right?

    nope, also own a ps4 pro and a switch, but i do prefer my pc.

    inb4 the neckbeard response / attack. Sorry, some of us prefer our high end pc's to consoles. But that doesn't mean we are going to hack you or smoke you with their "superior peripherals". God forbid we build a all inclusive community.

    and to @Captain-Surgee , yes you can opt out, but if you actually played it you would realise not many players do... especially recently with the population drop.

  • Hope that there will be a statement soon from Rare about beeing able to disable crossplay on Xbox or not. They have been real quiet about this. And so close to the game coming out. I would like to preorder this game, but with No option to disable crossplay, its pointless to buy a crossplay in a PvP world. Just hope that I can get an offical statement, so i can forget about this game or not

  • Does anyone know how to invite a pc player to your crew if ur on Xbox?

  • @shady-ox

    This is what i obviously got from official side, i found that answer 30 minutes ago.
    I think the only way really is to buy it, download it, look for the option and in case its not
    there insta-refund it.
    I hope refunding is easy possible, im investigating about this now, to see if i have to cancel my preorder beforehand.

  • @karstenx1971
    Thanks for that, recon ill wait a few days after lauch and see. So Sad that there has been so little news about this topic. I guess crossplay is a feature that xbox users will not be able to turn off.

  • @tougetuned sagte in [Mega Thread] - Cross Play:
    yes you can opt out, but if you actually played it you would realise not many players do... especially recently with the population drop.

    i am sure the strong population drop is because it was full of cheaters and most casual player people dont understand what even crossplay is, probably didnt even know the game has crossplay,playing crossplay on by default all the time, not even knowing it not to mention how to turn it off and therefore left the game like "i am too bad for this, very strange i am usually much better in such games, let's play some Battlefield 1".
    Exactly this is what happend i am 100% sure.

  • @karstenx1971
    That's what I plan to do. I don't want to go through frustration of losing battles and loot just because I'm handicapped against mouse&keyboard set up. Enabling m&k on consoles will just make it worse. Seriusly, Rare. If you're not gonna make cross-play optional don't you ever dare mention the level playing field. I never wanna hear "git gud" insults when playing SoT.

  • Holly Molly, the level of disinformation and trolling of some console users is outstanding. Get your facts right:

    1. Cheats happen on PC AND consoles, don't get me started on the Destiny Lag switchers (Destiny 1 was not released on PC, mind you), Mass Effect 3 coop infinite rocket launchers (this exploit was impossible on PC), etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, so get off your high horse to the real world.

    2. Sea of Thieves has not mechanics that give a huge advantage for k/m users, I have played the beta both with controller and mouse and the difference is nelligible, use whatever you feel more comfortable.

    Playing high skill games like Overwatch and others?, you would be wrecked by mouse users, indeed, SoT no big issue, this game is not about twitchy gameplay and quickscoping, strategy is more important.

    1. they must develope a strong anti-cheats suit, indeed, but this goes for any game, on console or PC.
  • @lobofh the major problem with PC is aimbots(they auto aim and shoot you in the head from wherever on the map) and wallhacks(they see you everywhere on the map,thru everything even concrete buildings and mountains up to maximal render range, know everything about you including your ammo state health everything) this exist only on PC , this are the fact to talk about (this is the real world) , not some lolable exploits on Console that can be fixed easy by the developer.
    personally for me you sound like a cheater who wants to be so hard playing vs console users with russian hacks installed on his PC, MAYBE you not , but my feelings are strong.

  • crossplay is essential for me. I sometimes buy XBOX Live for 1 month, most of the year I don't play online and no need to pay, with this possibility I can play at PC with my Friends without $$$ sporadically.

  • @knightx13 i played the open beta yesterday and was playing with two pc players everything went without a hitch i actually helped them figure out how to bring up a map. I was glad the crossplay was as smooth as it was.

  • I've played the closed alpha and a good bit of the scale tests with a fair number of xbox players I've met through the game. Really the only issue I've encountered is that it's a bit trickier to add players to your friends list via the xbox PC app.

    I recall one time when I was playing with a friend of mine, we docked at an outpost and another duo crew showed up and asked if we wanted to fleet up. I suggested we add each other, back out, and queue as a 4 man crew. Since they were on console, I had to ask them to add/invite us etc. to accomplish all this. It worked out quite well, actually, but I digress.

    I see guys debating the whole kb/m vs controller thing a lot, and really it all comes down to preference. I know a couple PC users who use their controller for some games, doesn't hamper them any. Just as well I know some pretty good console players who don't seem to be at any disadvantage only using a controller.

    Cross Play is fine for this game. I've not had any negative experiences that were really noteworthy come about because someone was or was not on console (aside from the aforementioned xbox app thing.. which is in itself a POS). Although, maybe I lucked out? Who knows. Regardless, separating the playerbase by offering a means to filter out either side of it would, in my opinion, hamper the game a bit. Nobody wants a huge divide in their game's players. Unless they add Ninjas or something, THEN it's time to take sides.

  • Pc players have a sword to sword combat advantage. Pretty irritating they can just flick their mouse and be looking a different way while us xbox players have to spin all the way around with our analog stick

  • Please provide a link for your proof of XBox hacks on Destiny. I play WoT and guys make accusations of hacking or cheating all the time, but it's because they're either not good at the game or don't understand how the physics work.

  • Cross-play is the future for Microsoft. It is their biggest advantage over Sony. There are many other games that use cross-play and unless someone else can show differently they all give the option to turn cross-play off. I would be shocked not to see that option on the final release. Most will never know it's there, but for some it's a big deal.
    On PC 3rd party mods are a common an accepted thing. Most are simply cosmetic. We're probably about 3 months from someone developing a mod to display the map while at the wheel. Maybe 5 months before a mod the automatically adjusts the sails for you.
    I'm not too worried about an aim-bot. Other PC games that those have been introduced to have been quick to act to have them removed.

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