Multiple Ships Party

  • So, I have a group of Like 15 friends or so, we are all getting this game.
    I mean, Maybe not Party, but can multiple ships just stay together?
    Thats a real deal breaker for us as a Clan. We've been thinking that we woudl just sail side by side. But if there is gonna be some system preventing us from that, It wouldnt be worth our time and effort of organizing our group. LIke we unfortunately already have.

    Any one have any ideas or similar worries?

    I have created a new post that I think better touches on this.

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  • Got meself a phew crew mates myself and I'm in the same 'boat'... But I can't see why I wouldn't be able to get 3/4 ships together to make one big crew.

    But can't see it being a deal breaker if we can't.

  • @kdm AS far as needing the game to provide a party mechanic, we aren't worried about. We will use Discord to all be together, the thing we are looking at, Is how to ensure, if we enter an "instance" that all the crews enter side by side. Does that make sense?

    Like when traveling the overworld, and cross into a PVE instance, we wouldn't want the game to separate us, or in the overworld and be separated at a server crossing.

    We would have no trouble not shooting each other lol.

  • @jdge439 Really though, We need to know this. I mean My group has grown 4 peeps since I made this post yesterday, all that wanna be ablt to be in a guild together

  • The only issue I could see coming from this is in PvP scenarios. There shouldn’t be an issue getting 3/4 ships together if there is a way to chose a server. I could see it being something that becomes a hot topic tho once ppl start PvPing single ships in groups. I’m

  • @keric0420 Well, Its a Pirate game. And I want people to have extreme fun in this game, I want this game to succeed. I think part of a successful game means long end game. Things that you can do together to better your group.

    I also, Want to feel the fear of being chased by more than one Boat. Sailing along and seeing a group of three boats that dont appear to be fighting. Do I assume they are friends? is the battle over and one crew has taken control of the enemy ship momentarily? or are they all headed my way? All these questions, what do I do. Making your decisions as a captain count more.

    Lets be honest, Solo players do not play a game long. Groups or friends, play a game longer because the friends make the game more fun. If you want a game to last you need those people.

  • @jdge439
    Oh I agree, it would make the game much more exciting not knowing whether or not multiple ships are coming for you or fighting with each other. My comment was referring to ppl that are in solo or duo (let be honest it’s not much of a solo game but you still have that option) that are just looking for the PVE aspect of it grinding out chests only to have the fleet of doom descend upon you lol. I like that about the game nothing has your blood pumping like having 10 chests and seeing a ship on your tail. The only thing I would be worried about is if it becomes a game of numbers, meaning if you don’t have a 8-10 man crew you’re basically just getting in game to get sunk and have your loot stolen. If the other players are skilled then running might not even work or they could just camp outposts. But we will see I have read that they aren’t going to have a “set” player number per server instead it will be a player per area in said server if that number gets too high they will move players to a new server.

  • @scheefinator depending on the in game sqkm per server that could be bad.

  • If there are 3 or more ships together not firing at each other I'd just assume they were friendly pirates.

  • @jdge439
    I can't see it happening as it causes more issues than it solves!!
    You can play with 3 friends at a time maximum, the same as pretty much any other online multiplayer game, and that is how it should be!

    If you were to have 4 or 5 ships all together on 1 instance, you could either bully the rest of the server or sail around collecting gold & rep without any fear of attack (as all the ships would be your clan!). So you would basically control 1 instance of the game & could do as you please. That sounds really fair to everyone else who wants to play the game as it should be.

    Yes, you could have a lot of fun, messing around with your mates & having some excellent adventures, but it wouldn't be like that most of the time. It would be bullies, trolls & griefers paradise!
    The negatives definitely outweigh the positives!!

  • @scheefinator But.... If you are with a friends boat... are you continuously in an "encounter"? Does your buddies boat register as an encounter ya know?

  • @jdge439 erm no! would be way to op 15 guys on 3 boats l**o as if

  • To answer the original question. There is currently know way to guarantee two multiple ships in the same server. There is now multi ship party system and there is no server browser. Your best bet is to try to join at the same time and sail to the same outpost to see if you're in the same world.

    I can see the appeal of this but I hope they don't implement it.

  • At launch there will be no option to play with more than 3 friends in 1 server. Like the other people are already saying: it is too OP and will feel like bullying for the other people in the server because they stand no chance. Rare has heard about this request a lot of times though and if I remember correctly they might be working/thinking about a balanced way to maybe implement it in the future :)

  • @niqsun thats a real shame. Excited about som real naval play here.
    Also, Like most online games, the longevity of these games is generally based on friends playing together. Solo players, always play a game, finish, get bored, move one quickly. The end game is having friends to enjoy the realm with. Like any online game, once you finsh stuff, and realize, you cant have the kinda random wckiness with out group, you move on. I mean, yes, you will enjoy it, by yourself, for, a month. If they are truely looking to create a game that has Lasting appeal, that can last longer than COD's yearly release, you need to incorporate the Larger play styles.

    Otherwise, it will truely be over in a years time.

  • @jdge439 I see your point, but it doesn't really apply here as you can play with 3 other friends. Sure you can't get your whole group together at once. But having a pool of players to fill out your crew is never a bad thing.

    Myself, I have about 6 or 7 friends who play so we can usually get two galleons filled at peak times. Honestly I wouldn't want to voice chat with more than 3 others as it just gets too messy.

  • @im-axis-rahl Thats the thing, games like pubg, and borderlands, and such force friends into a place where they have to. Im not saying that right now, 15 people should be able to run a server, Im saying, if a 5th friend gets online, you shouldnt have to split your friends up. a reasonable amount of friends should be able to play together. 4 - 8 is reasonable.

    I mean, we are constanly seeing it happen in pubg when we get off work in the afternoons. squads splitting in to groups of 3 and 2 until someone else shows up.. ya know?

    and in game.... Honestly, you can out run a boat. If you are caught with your pants down, it shouldnt matter if it was one boat or two. your pants were down and they shot ya for it.

    Otherise, you should easily be able to out run a boat.

  • Yep that's one of the things I would like most.
    The possibility to join friend's session. Since it's an open world, should not be a.problem.

    The crew could stay 4 at max. But we could be able to join our friends session. Even if we're not partners in crime by the game's mechanics.
    The rest we would use our imagination and will to improvise that.

    It's very frustrating when we have 5 friends on our list and we want to play with and you can only play with 4 of.them..

  • @nunoazuldimeter I guess with the scale test going on we will see. already got 3 online this morning... and they are the ones who work at home.

  • @jdge439 Actually, we just had another question in Discord pop up.. How do we orchestrate a friendly PVP? that would also be a benefit to being able to find your friends boats.

  • @jdge439 Just got a group of four and stole some boats

  • @im-axis-rahl yup
    If the beta is anything to go by. There is indeed no way to “fleet up” with more than 3 friends.
    Top tip. “Set sail” at the same time and when in game. Check your pocket watches if guys from different boats have the same time. You could well be on the same server!

  • I have my doubts. I have about 10 friends as well and we keep discussing this. Recently I saw something about how ships will migrate to new servers if they're too close to several ships for x amount of time. So even if you do find each other, chances are one of you will be migrated to a new server after so long.

  • Would just like to add a vote in favor of implementing some way to group up with more than 4 friends. If I've got a group of 7 or 8, it's not really a big deal to just split into two teams. Even splitting a group of 6 might not be so bad, though 3-man galleons are a little rough to work with. But splitting up a group of 5 is c****y any way you look at it. Playing with 3 of your friends is a lot more fun than playing with 1, which somebody gets stuck doing if you've got a group of 5. Even if you're limited to a maximum of one galleon and one sloop to a party, I think that's enough to appease those of us who've got a bigger group of friends all picking up this game.

    I get that people are worried about imbalance, but if you allow for partying up mid-game, it gives anybody the ability to team up with another ship and have just as much firepower. Also I kind of like the idea of having to face the odd 2-ship opposition now and again. Could make for some great stories!

  • Ive created a better post, thats more along the lines of keeping the balance about this, take a look.

  • I think that is point of game. They don't want GTA5 style of 31 VS 1. so they make every ship out for itself. If you get loney, yell out to other ships that are nice like me... then i will join aside ;-)

  • @Jdge439 The issue is with server limits, if you and 2 other ships are side by side, thats 16 players of the total server limit of like 24? (I am basing that on previous estimates of 6 ships per server with 4 people) It basically makes it so you will never find PvP worth getting 3 ships together for. If they increase server sizes to like 20 or 30 ships, I think having the ability to "Fleet Queue" would be great.

  • @solysdayga I adressed then in another post, I edited my post to reflect

  • @a-sinner-7ds I have created a better thread to discuss that very issue, and edited the original post with that

  • @kdm how are you planning to join the same server. As far as i know there is know way to choose server or see in which instance you are in.

  • @Jdge439 Your thread isn't automatically "better" just because it's yours :P
    I'm also not seeing how an event system is really related to the issue raised in this thread. Events would be, by definition, special occasions, and while that could certainly be entertaining, it doesn't do anything to solve the problem of "I have a group of 5 people that want to play together" on any given Tuesday. I'm not saying your idea's a bad one, just that it sounds to me like an idea that's completely separate from the topic addressed in this thread.

  • @jdge439 pretty much all you're saying is "I like to group up and cheat and wreak the game for everyone

  • The only way it would be fun if you could do a double sloop instead of a gallion

  • Maby 2 or more ships is not far if you in your onw. And the is a big fleet.
    But maby ther is on the galion more place for more people than only 4 player?

  • First off you wouldnt have guilds bc that would put you on the level of the merchants and such. They would have to be fleets. There is a lot of room to do things with fleets in this game such as having a 'clan' battle where 2 clans form their own fleets and have a sort of war. you could do something simple as make it like an alliance but able to stay connected to each other between sessions (i.e. not leaving once you close the game for the day) and maybe even be able to select your own alliance name (either from a list and just not random or even custom) OR they could make a fleet limited to like 1 of each ship: Galleon being the admiral/leader bc its the biggest and brig and sloop below it. A very interesting concept that will probably get fleshed out by a team of writers/devs some day. (but if Rare/MS studios are willing to hire an amateur programmer/designer with a dream hmu i will literally fly across the world if i have to)

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