Alternative Game modes

  • I think it would be cool if they added different game modes, there lots of possibilites. Boat racing is something i would love to see, then theres ovbious stuff like team death match.. just stick two teams of four on one of the big islands and youre good to go. You could have duels and see which is the fastest hand on the sea. Poker or drinking games would be also interesting. Or maybe even a horde mode against skellys. You could have target shooting with guns or cannons. What do you think? Any games modes youd like to see?

  • 103
  • @mopar-stoner

    I have been talking about this on reddit as well.

    I hope they get in on the battle royale genre and it may keep this game on the TOP 10 of twitch for more then the two weeks it will get after launch.

    I was thinking unlimited cannonballs but LIMITED planks. Sinking other ships grants you more planks.

    Powerups, such as increased turning radius for your boat, bigger speed bonus from the wind, tougher hull...etc.

    I really hope they explore into extra game modes.

    This games survival depends on it.

  • @sneakler play Skull & Bones, if u want that type of game

  • I would like some types of arena or battleground style games to go along with the open world. A game like skull and bones cant give each player the reigns over their own potential like a first person teamwork game like this can. It has a halo esque vibe to the teamwork and player skill and tactics mattering more than anything else when it comes to winning. These gametypes in this type of game would be way more fun and satisfying than playing skull and bones.

  • I'd rather play whatever Rare has been making for the last few years.

    The stuff you suggest doesn't sound like anything new.

  • This game doesn't need game modes. If you want your boat race, meet up with another crew in game and propose the idea. It's that simple. You can do it yourself. Team death match? Already in game. Battle royal? The whole map is already a free for all.

    I think everyone who thinks we need game modes is missing the point of this game. You're not limited to modes, anything in game is possible you just have to do it!

  • Nobody is suggesting they change the open world gameplay or stop being original, if you guys are all so afraid of these ideas and what they would do to the game why not say that instead of shooting them down with empty words, sure you can do all that if you spend hours hoping to meet a friendly crew and then not get interupted. You cant set skeletons not to spawn during your deathmatch, you cant reliably enforce game specific rules when you have to do it as a player. I dont want unoriginal copy and paste ideas and gametypes, but the ones suggested are a good place to learn and innovate from! Having this type of gameplay available in a controlled way could only be good for the open world too imo, would make pvp players less hungry for it if they have an outlet that isnt as unpredictable as the open world, which would still be fun and highly populated for that very same reason, aswell as being the place treasure and gold and all that is earned. They should add a tortuga style grouping area with no ships inside a walled city, instead of the matchmaking screen and this would be where gambling and cosmetic trading could occur, and have the gate to the open world and a battleground/arena/dueling matchmaking building. I really dont see why they shouldnt or why people would think this wouldt be fun and positive for the game.

  • @sneakler said in Alternative Game modes:


    I have been talking about this on reddit as well.

    I hope they get in on the battle royale genre and it may keep this game on the TOP 10 of twitch for more then the two weeks it will get after launch.

    Noooooooo. No. Noooo. No. No. No. And... No. We abso-f*cking-lutely do not need another battle royale game. We also do not need the player community being split up between various game modes. Any events should all take place in the same server. End of story.

  • @felid0r

    Noooooooo. No. Noooo. No. No. No. And... No. We abso-f*cking-lutely do not need another battle royale game. We also do not need the player community being split up between various game modes. Any events should all take place in the same server. End of story.

    The good old obnoxious reply...nothing like it.

    The good old community being split up argument as if we are all going to be in the same server, but you probably want there to only be one game world that everything happens within so I will move on.

    We are talking about game modes. The fact that this would be a mode means you don't have to play it. What part of the population is going to disappear do you not understand. Split the player base??? Instead of splitting the player base you would rather just half the player base move on to other games....okay got it!

    When this game launches, there will be hundreds of thousands of players. If you have any knowledge guided by experience in gaming then you know a game with no progression other then cosmetic with only one game mode will not survive. We can pretend you don't know that, but if you had a gun to your head, you would know it.

    A month in, if this game does not have a coming soon PVP mode such as battle royale or something else we did not see coming, it will begin its massive descent which is something I am not wanting to see happen. 3 factions isn't going to do it. Why do you think this has been such a massive topic of discussion. Whether its reddit/forums/seeing popular streamers with 5,000-50,000 viewers all being asked and giving their opinions because they are being asked by their chat...the number one thing I have heard people reply with when asked, this game has so much potential, but will this game hold a it will not. Not with what they have currently put out there.

    After a few marathon sessions of 4-6 hours with friends chasing quests how many days or weeks can someone just do the same thing? Battle Royale is the same thing but it is different every single time in the way that it plays out...which is why the genre has exploded...same game...but different every time.

    Sailing to an island and digging up a chest and/or catching some animals does not equal replayability...and you know're probably are just a terrible Fortnite/PUBG player which is okay...but like I said, you don't have to play the BR mode in this game because it will be added, or they will fade away into a wasted exclusive for Microsoft.

    Extra modes give people who were going to swap to another game...the ability to swap to another mode within the same game, and for some are afraid of that and I am not sure why.

  • @psych0-knightro said in Alternative Game modes:

    This game doesn't need game modes. If you want your boat race, meet up with another crew in game and propose the idea. It's that simple. You can do it yourself. Team death match? Already in game. Battle royal? The whole map is already a free for all.

    I think everyone who thinks we need game modes is missing the point of this game. You're not limited to modes, anything in game is possible you just have to do it!

    Gosh, you were respectful but you just don't get it. Do you wan't this game to be relevant 2 months from now or not? I sure do.

    Look at your last sentence. You suggest people are missing the point...while you sit there....MISSING THE POINT.

    You finish with "You're not limited to modes" which is funny, because you are. You are limited to ONE MODE....ONE MODE....It is like TWO MODES...but instead just ONE.

    This game has one mode, with 3 factions, 5 creatures, all also looks amazing and is incredibly fun.

    People are proposing ways to increase FUN...

    Replayability, for people who will grow tired of this ONE MODE, is going to be needed. Replayability comes in the shape of an alternate game mode with one mission, sink the enemy ships, in an alternate mode, where everyone in the match queued for said match.

    It is one thing to not want a battle royale mode for whatever your silly reasons, but to suggest that me or others "do not understand the point of this game" is just ridiculous. It makes me think you don't understand that we are lobbying for what we consider to be a few things:

    We consider these ideas:

    1. Fun

    2. Best move to keep this game relevant for longer

    3. A nice alternative to the games main mode which is also fun

  • @mopar-stoner GTA pirate mode......

  • @sneakler I dont't personally like any Battle Royal games (because i am bad in them), but I am TOTALLY with your idea! For the sake of this game's survival, it is a number one priority to offer MORE. To do this, a good way is to have more modes. I would be totally fine with the idea of PVE only modes, BR, TDM, PVP only, Sea Battle Arena etc. modes. I think there would be a lot bigger player base this way (and more likely the game survives for longer), and I don't think modes would die off because of the diversity of modes. I know personally more than 20 ppl who love PVE questing more than PVP. Also PVP only modes are all time popular modes in the gaming world.

  • @barnabas-seadog said in Alternative Game modes:

    I'd rather play whatever Rare has been making for the last few years.

    The stuff you suggest doesn't sound like anything new.

    We are not trying to take that away from you. I want to play that game too.

    The battle royale genre is not new, but when you pair it with the best water simulator I have ever saw, it takes the idea of battle royale somewhere it hasn't been. The Physics in this game are incredible. The amount of ways they could make it interesting would be greatness and they would not have to spend as much of their resources as people seem to think.

    Would require them to have more servers for a longer period of time due to massive population...that's for sure!

    25 Galleons, unlimited cannonballs, limited planks, map is getting smaller, each team has one explosive cannonball and could find more possibly. Winning crew gets something nice cosmetic item for their ships in the other mode.

    These are just ideas people.

  • @syrnevar said in Alternative Game modes:

    @sneakler I dont't personally like any Battle Royal games (because i am bad in them), but I am TOTALLY with your idea! For the sake of this game's survival, it is a number one priority to offer MORE. To do this, a good way is to have more modes. I would be totally fine with the idea of PVE only modes, BR, TDM, PVP only, Sea Battle Arena etc. modes. I think there would be a lot bigger player base this way (and more likely the game survives for longer), and I don't think modes would die off because of the diversity of modes. I know personally more than 20 ppl who love PVE questing more than PVP. Also PVP only modes are all time popular modes in the gaming world.

    100% agree.

    I myself love the traditional style that will be in this game at launch.

    I also know my friends very well. I will end up having to play with new people which is fine when they get sick of just sailing and doing quests.

    I just want options. Each side of the arguments playerbase will hold. I am not worried in the slightest bit about splitting the playerbase being something that damages the game.

    I am not here to be rude to people who disagree with me I just find it disturbing that the suggestion of more things to do for different types of people is being shot down as if it is a bad idea. It is one thing to say you wouldn't play it. I respect that, but people are just treating it like it wouldn't be a success which is just false.

    Would send this game into the stratosphere.

  • if you want such gamemodes then play fortnite or pubg no offend but splitting the community is horseshit but its just my opinion you guys are expecting so much but dont think about problems which could happen ....

  • What intrigues me is where people think the game will be irrelevant a couple of months after release. This game at its bare bones has had alpha players entertained for over a year. At release there will be more than there was during the beta. Itll retain a playerbase after launch based purely on it being different, let alone various updates itll recieve. Players move on, thats a given, because many do not have a long attention span for games (hence many Devs saying story based games arent worth it anymore) or need gratification from match games like cod. Those people I fully expect to come and go and thats understandable. Itll be unlikely there will be a mode like deathmatch with ships etc because Skull and Bones is coming and its sole purpose is pvp, thats it. Ultimately this game revolves around the adventure aspect with pvp available at all times.

    Im by no means ruling out there could be some form of modes in the future but you need to keep in mind the design of the game - shared world adventure - Having BR, deathmatch, FFA modes etc removes the core design aspect of adventure, whilst all of those are incredibly likely in skull and bones a game thats developed to be pvp on water.

    I dont see the modes splitting the playerbase up in respect that if players are only sticking around because of a BR mode then they would never have stuck around without it. So that doesnt make a difference to me at least. But this game needs to be looked at from more of an mmo style that a cod style, its not for everyone and thats ok.

  • @sneakler but that 'ONE MODE' is what this game is. that's the genre. it's more of a rpg than a pvp or fps. there are plenty of other games that focus more on pvp/battle royale aspects, and when you feel like playing that type of game then you'll play them. if i feel like playing a strategy game, i can play civ. if i feel like playing an fps, i can play battlefield, cod, counter strike, etc... But when i wanna go on an adventure as a pirate, i play Sea of Thieves, and it shouldn't pretend like it's anything more.

  • @aprovoked-mango said in Alternative Game modes:

    What intrigues me is where people think the game will be irrelevant a couple of months after release. This game at its bare bones has had alpha players entertained for over a year. At release there will be more than there was during the beta. Itll retain a playerbase after launch based purely on it being different, let alone various updates itll recieve. Players move on, thats a given, because many do not have a long attention span for games (hence many Devs saying story based games arent worth it anymore) or need gratification from match games like cod. Those people I fully expect to come and go and thats understandable. Itll be unlikely there will be a mode like deathmatch with ships etc because Skull and Bones is coming and its sole purpose is pvp, thats it. Ultimately this game revolves around the adventure aspect with pvp available at all times.

    Im by no means ruling out there could be some form of modes in the future but you need to keep in mind the design of the game - shared world adventure - Having BR, deathmatch, FFA modes etc removes the core design aspect of adventure, whilst all of those are incredibly likely in skull and bones a game thats developed to be pvp on water.

    I dont see the modes splitting the playerbase up in respect that if players are only sticking around because of a BR mode then they would never have stuck around without it. So that doesnt make a difference to me at least. But this game needs to be looked at from more of an mmo style that a cod style, its not for everyone and thats ok.

    Most mmos offer various modes within the open world, WoW comes to mind when i think of this games potential and how it can still be casual and hardcore at the same time. Rather than both in the same world making winning less satisfying for the winner if the loser is just trying to play casually. Let the “ego” style pvp dominance happen in a controlled instanced mode, and then i can almost guarantee it would make the open world generally less kill on sight. Sure the actual few trolls out there can try, but its not like Wow in the sense that a lvl 110 played by a 13 year old or whatever can troll based on stats. In this game i dare trolls to try and troll me lol. But my point is that the type of modes may seem more like cod, because of the weapon set and 1st person gameplay, but if they implement them like wow as basically just a side attraction, how could that be bad?

    I dont fully support a BR mode but i can see why people would want it, though at this point is a bit to much to ask for as a gamemode like that requires higher population and a lot of world designing. The other modes could be added pretty simply. Instance off an island And add ctf chests and turn ins, or tdm kill counters. Your done. Lol

  • @mistavanvleck said in Alternative Game modes:

    @sneakler but that 'ONE MODE' is what this game is. that's the genre. it's more of a rpg than a pvp or fps. there are plenty of other games that focus more on pvp/battle royale aspects, and when you feel like playing that type of game then you'll play them. if i feel like playing a strategy game, i can play civ. if i feel like playing an fps, i can play battlefield, cod, counter strike, etc... But when i wanna go on an adventure as a pirate, i play Sea of Thieves, and it shouldn't pretend like it's anything more.

    A new genre called "one mode" lol

    Sounds amazing.

    Seriously though, the developers have never came out and said they will NEVER add other modes so when you say things like this it's just funny.

    This game would be top 5 on twitch for 6 months straight if it had a BR mode and the reason is because they have built an amazing game. Even if you would not play the mode, to be a cheerleader for LESS CONTENT baffles me. All of you that are against this are holding onto what exactly?

    If they gave you guys control of the game you would play offline probably in your own private big giant safe zone.

    Nobody is trying to take away or change the initial shared world treasure hunt questing version of this game. I love it's main mode. But there will be other modes, whether you guys like it or not. So get behind one and start throwing some ideas out there instead of saying it will split the playerbase and cause problems.

    We all know that the people that would switch to BR are people who would be hopping on another game. Would you rather lose players to another game or another mode within your game.

  • Just say NO!

    Click here to see!

  • @sneakler I just believe that this game will thrive with the strong community it has already. Won't need to piggyback off of other genres. i'll leave it at that because i can tell we both have strong opinions.

  • @sneakler I think that's a little unfair. We know that time, money and resources are limited - if any developer could add into game everything they wanted (and I'm sure Rare's list is infinite), then we would all most likely be fairly happy.

    I, and others, would prefer that Rare concentrate their resources on the unique Shared World Adventure Game they've been describing since 2015, if not before, and make that the best possible experience they can.

    That doesn't stop us speculating, of course, or creating a wishlist of things we'd love to see.

  • @sneakler This game's survival depends on "the flavor of the month"? I respectively disagree. This game's survival depends on being different (which it is) and standing out from the crowd. I don't believe this game needs "modes". It certainly does not need to devolve into a battle royale environment. PUBg and Fortnite (as well as others in development) have that pretty well covered.

    @Sneakler said "When this game launches, there will be hundreds of thousands of players. If you have any knowledge guided by experience in gaming then you know a game with no progression other then cosmetic with only one game mode will not survive. We can pretend you don't know that, but if you had a gun to your head, you would know it."

    So...How much longer does PUBg have left (One game mode, horizontal progression, etc.)

  • @katttruewalker Very well said. this is basically what i was trying to say, but i was having a hard time putting it in words. 👍

  • @apocacide Not sure i see your point here. Unless you are simply saying what I just said.

  • I offer you an endless no to this. I don't WANT this game to be another Twitch fad. ***k Fortnite, ***k PUBG. the combat in this game is deliberately slow and tense. leave it that way. if you want c****y tier, griefy games like those mentioned above, play them. this whole "Battle Royale" thing is just DOTA all over again. the glorification of a game mode.

  • Third time lucky No no no no no no no no no ......... No.
    Can we move on from this repeated request now and play the game that Rare have been working to deliver rather than trying to make it something it's not.

  • @cwarrick66 said in Alternative Game modes:

    I offer you an endless no to this. I don't WANT this game to be another Twitch fad. ***k Fortnite, ***k PUBG. the combat in this game is deliberately slow and tense. leave it that way. if you want c****y tier, griefy games like those mentioned above, play them. this whole "Battle Royale" thing is just DOTA all over again. the glorification of a game mode.

    Nice low effort post filled with a bunch of nothing.

    So FORTNITE and PUBG are "twitch fads" lol...can you possibly be more inaccurate in your would be tough.

    Last time I checked I fad was a "craze" and something that is "short-lived" so let's be serious for a minute here. This genre has been exploding and continuing to grow for how long now? Long enough to not be a fad or short-lived. Fortnite isn't even a completed game at this point and has a giant future.

    But to call it a glorification of a game mode is just silly. It is the downfall of standard TEAM DEATHMATCH modes in games and is being replaced by the new BATTLE ROYALE style. It allows your regular/average player a chance to "win" even if there are players in the lobby with more skill then them if everything works out in their favor. It is a nice system to be honest...whether you like it or not. Anyone can win.

    Oh gosh, I just realized you want safe zones (post history), I knew I was talking to a snowflake pirate l**o.

    Hates fortnite, pubg, wants safe zones.

    I can't wait for you to unlock every cosmetic and then think wow I wish there was more...there is no convincing someone that wants safe zones in the game that other modes could possibly grow the playerbase and have SoT be a place for all types of gamers, not just your type.

    I like SoT traditional mode, but would also like many other options since this game has the potential to bring in so many people who like different understand what options are right?

    What are you afraid of?

  • @sneakler said in Alternative Game modes:

    Last time I checked I fad was a "craze" and something that is "short-lived" so let's be serious for a minute here. This genre has been exploding and continuing to grow for how long now?

    About a year? I realize this an new era, but you'd have to be 5 to think a year is a long time.

    But to call it a glorification of a game mode is just silly. It is the downfall of standard TEAM DEATHMATCH modes in games and is being replaced by the new BATTLE ROYALE style.

    That's pretty much what fads do: replace established things temporarily until they themselves are replaced by the next fad. Very few things end up being classic. Could battle royal become a classic? Sure. A classic mode, just like deathmatch.

  • @hammy-hamstar said in Alternative Game modes:

    Third time lucky No no no no no no no no no ......... No.
    Can we move on from this repeated request now and play the game that Rare have been working to deliver rather than trying to make it something it's not.

    No we can't...because who are you to say what SoT is and what is isn't...? Maybe it has been their goal from day one to pull what Fortnite did and develop their "main" game and then quietly develop an amazing player vs player experience and pair it with the best sailing experience ever made in a game.

    Can you 100% guarantee that RARE has ZERO INTEREST or AMBITIONS of adding other modes? They could be working on one right now am I right or wrong? We don't when you say things like that its just you trying to convince yourself there is some sort of concrete statement that this game will NEVER EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE have an additional mode.

    Don't just say stuff unless you have a source saying what you claimed. Why ask people to move on from this discussion.

    This discussion should be a bunch of people throwing out ideas of future modes and is filled with people who are literally here to be negative and spread falsehoods. I might have to make a thread called "If you want new game modes, what would they be" and maybe you naysayers would stay away like you are meant to. Nobody asked if you didn't want new me...we get it. We people who want this game to have a massive population get it.

  • SoT doesn't need game modes. it's an open world game. not battle royal or a shooter. i like to classify it as a open world PVP story telling game where you have your own story. just no loot boxes please or anything that you have to spend gold on to "gamble" on getting something.

  • @lucid-stew said in Alternative Game modes:

    @sneakler said in Alternative Game modes:

    Last time I checked I fad was a "craze" and something that is "short-lived" so let's be serious for a minute here. This genre has been exploding and continuing to grow for how long now?

    About a year? I realize this an new era, but you'd have to be 5 to think a year is a long time.

    But to call it a glorification of a game mode is just silly. It is the downfall of standard TEAM DEATHMATCH modes in games and is being replaced by the new BATTLE ROYALE style.

    That's pretty much what fads do: replace established things temporarily until they themselves are replaced by the next fad. Very few things end up being classic. Could battle royal become a classic? Sure. A classic mode, just like deathmatch.

    The point was, saying something is short-lived while it is still alive and well and growing is inaccurate. It is pure speculation to call it just a fad. It could be the future for 30 years of everyone might get sick of it within the next 2 years. It is unknown to all. More signs point to it becoming a main-stay then a fad.

  • @hc-king-luis said in Alternative Game modes:

    SoT doesn't need game modes. it's an open world game. not battle royal or a shooter. i like to classify it as a open world PVP story telling game where you have your own story. just no loot boxes please or anything that you have to spend gold on to "gamble" on getting something.

    Low effort post.

    "SoT doesn't need game modes"

    Followed up by saying it's an open world game, and then saying WHAT IT IS NOT.

    Who are you to say to people who are just making suggestions what this game is or isn't. As I said before, for all you know they may have intentions of adding other modes, even if it's not battle of the other 50 suggestions people have made. RARE might like some of these ideas. Nobody referred to this game as a "shooter" as you said so I am not sure where you got that one. Then you go on talking about loot boxes and gambling which nobody here has ever said.

    You like to classify this game as an open world PVP story telling game where you have your own story. Okay fine, the initial mode that will launch with this game will be that. What does that have to do with the possibility of other modes that may come later? We are not talking about the initial mode. Everyone is excited about that mode, we are here discussing other things to be excited about moving forward so that there can be other ways to have fun outside of the standard mode.

  • @sneakler I think you are missing the point. I can't speak for everyone, but reading through this thread, and several duplicate discussions, no one is asking for a watered down PvP experience. What they are saying is don't change what is already here and good. I will be honest, I am in the camp that says "no" to a battle royale mode. I love Pubg, and just started playing a bit of Fortnite as well. They are both good games in their own rights. They are both horizontal progression (cosmetic only) and Pubg offers ONE mode. So, as I read through your comments, I really don't get your argument. Why are you afraid of a game being successful based on something other than battle royale?

  • I really do fail to see why these game modes cant be one of the many attractions of this shared world adventure game. I would be on board with the whole “they need to focus on the original concept and put their resources into that” if the game was actually going to be what we all thought 2 years ago. A persistent world with an actual economy and decently high player population etc. maybe those were just assumptions based on their vague and perhaps to ambitious quotes about us all getting the pirate game we always wanted etc. (and the 1-99 player thing on the store 🤬) having seen games like archage and WoW exist 10 years ago i was hoping for more from a console game for once, and i hope im still not wrong totally. But it isnt going to be a persistent world its looking like its going to stay a matchmade style game. Session based progression combined with cosmetic progression. This is why i dont see any reason not to have game modes. As described already the game right now is basically just one game mode. Sure you have freedom. So does WoW. They also have like 30 different crafting skills arena battlegrounds dungeons raids minigames etc. they have pokemon style pets and battling. They do also pay 15$ a month. I realize this but the point is the game as it is, is suited to having other game modes. Nobody is expecting them at launch or on the scale of a game like WoW for no subscription.

    I feel like a lot of the negativity about this idea is because we all wanted this game to be more, to be new, and it is, but not so definitively so that people are ready to be like “add some new game modes? Sure why not”.

    We are still concerned they have more work to do first. But i do want minigames and game modes like this eventually and i really havnt seen a good reason why not. It wont change the open world game negatively imo. Most likely positively.

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