Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition on Nintendo switch - Release Spring 2018

  • Anyone else excited for this? I have both the original Hyrule Warriors on the Wii U and Hyrule Warrior Legends on 3DS. (I got them due to the collectors edition items) And as I am a big sucker for Zelda games I will probably be getting this one too!! :)

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  • I'm excited just for Sea Of Thieves. ;)

  • @stacky-a
    I really like the Zelda franchise, but am not a fan of Nintendo anymore!!
    Nintendo seem to have lost their way & are just rehashing, remastering & rereleasing the same old tired games!
    BOTW was really a breath of fresh air & shows what Ninty are capable of, but this was a one off & they have now gone back to the old ways of just releasing sequel after sequel!!
    I know you're a big Zelda fan @stacky-a so i won't bash the game ( i cant really coz they are amazing games!) but this is basically a port from the Wii U with some DLC & extra costumes!!
    Back to what Nintendo do best, re release a game, charge top dollar for it......they really are a top company for draining money from their customers, it's a shame thats now what they are known best for!!

  • @logansdadtoo Yeh, I do agree with you. I own quite a few remastered, re-released Nintendo games. (Most from the Zelda series)
    As a huge fan of the Zelda franchise, I am a real sucker when it comes to those games.
    It is definitely a hard call on this one too since I technically already own it (twice) just not on the Switch - I am hoping it will come out in a collector's edition to make it worth my while.

  • @stacky-a
    I'm sure there'll definitely be a collector's edition, Nintendo will want to milk the cash cow for all it's worth!!

  • @LogansDadToo You have to give a pioneer credit where it is do. Nintendo paved the way for what the gaming world is today. I am an Xbox fan myself but a child of the 80s. Actually, 1985 the year of Jordan!

    From a business standpoint, Nintendo has a fan base that wants the oldies but goodies. I get that it is rinse and repeat at a cost. However, how is that different than the micro-transactions that are leeching off the Xbox bunch?

    It is all a game of money. I see it as a businessman making organizations hundreds of thousands.

  • @stacky-a yeh i reckon i will get it. This 'Zelda' series sounds kind of cool ;)

  • @stacky-a Couldn't get the other one as I had given up on the WiiU by the time this had come out, will definitely be getting this one though!

  • @musicmee @SnrDelgado Already pre-ordered mine! The split screen co-op is an interesting addition too, hopefully it's able to do online co-op as well.

  • @stacky-a Online co-op would be good, they are going to need something to sell their online subscription soon. This would help!

  • @musicmee Yeh, they definately need to work on that. The chat feature through the nintendo switch online app is terrible, tried it out with Splatoon 2 and was just easier to chat with friends through facebook messenger. Now that they will be charging for the service I really hope they can up their game and make it worth it.

  • @stacky-a yep online co-op is a must. Still cannot believe I clocked up about 150 hrs on this one haha

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