ghost curse help

  • so unsure where to put this, i want to achieve the ghost curse for the athena's but im not great at pvp often out numbered and usually subject to advanced (and almost unfair) tricks and last time i sailed as a guardian my game crashed before the battle i was in finished so what im asking here is is there away to build guardian rep even when your not good at pvp?

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  • @blackout5328 said in ghost curse help:

    build guardian rep even when your not good at pvp?

    Yes, it's just time consuming.

    1. Try to play during bonus rep events
    2. Don't burn out. Burn out is HG's #1 cause of not reaching goals
    3. Play to fight and level, not to win, not for ego, not to drag on fights. Shoot cannonballs and practice and give the opponents a fight but don't turn fights into 30 minute matches. If you win, cool. If you don't, cool. There are too many things outside of your control to attach to winning or frustrations about losing.
    4. Try to have fun with it, try to maintain optimism

    Lots of people have the curse that struggle with pvp. That's completely alright, it's a time investment more than a skill requirement.

    This is not your job, you don't have a boss here. Play to enjoy the journey as you chase goals. Even if it takes 3 years, that's alright. You'll get there. You have what it takes to get there.

  • @wolfmanbush awesome info, i heard you still get rep if you lose just less of it but the few times ive tried it i ether never find a match or like today my game glitches and kicks me out before ether of us win, congratulated them anyway, thanks

  • @blackout5328 said in ghost curse help:

    @wolfmanbush awesome info, i heard you still get rep if you lose just less of it but the few times ive tried it i ether never find a match or like today my game glitches and kicks me out before ether of us win, congratulated them anyway, thanks

    Just keep in mind that a lot of people were in your situation in recent seasons. You aren't alone, and just like many others you also can and will do this if you stick with it.

    Some take many months, some will take even longer, what matters is that you are doing it and you will reach your goal. The success of your time is your effort, you are already winning by showing up. Showing up consistently is everything. As long as you do that you are going to be just fine.

    Right now you are creating an example and someday you will see someone else going through what you went through and you will have the experience to genuinely encourage them and to say "I did this and so can you".

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