Cheaters in Hourglass PvP

  • Day 1 pirate here.. probably a minority for completionists out there, but the cheating in PvP has made the game unplayable for me.

    Barring the Shrouded Ghost, I've done everything the regular game has to offer and I loved every minute of it. Trying to play hourglass PvP is like pulling teeth.. West coast, East coast, EU, I have a discord server with friends all over. And cheaters are all over as well. Reporting them doesn't solve anything.

    Cheats include auto cannon aim, auto sniper/blunderbuss aim, teleporting, ship flipping, keg spawning, auto ship repair, and more. My friends and I have reported and sent clips to Xbox support, but it feels like every other match has some form of cheating.

    Haven't found other forum threads recently detailing this, so I figured I'd start one. I wouldn't post on a forum if I didn't love the game sincerely. Has anyone else been seeing how bad hourglass PvP has gotten? Hopefully a better anticheat can be implemented soon.

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  • @meroviel said in Do not let the cheating discussion become taboo:


    As stated previously, the best way players can bring these bad actors to our attention is by raising a support request here. This helps us assess numbers, categorise issues and develop solutions accordingly.

    Rallying people on the Forums does not do this. While sentiment can get fed back, reports help us assess player impact and numbers, this is what we need to support us in our work against those spoiling the experience of others on the seas.

    Threads are not being locked to stifle the conversation or turn a blind eye. We are under no illusion as to the issues our players are facing, and monitoring these conversations, sentiment and reports is part of our day-to-day task as the Community Team, but leaving these threads up leads to witch-hunting as people post Gamertags or videos 'exposing' others. It can lead to false accusations. All of these are better sent to our Support Team who have the tools and training to assess the evidence and take appropriate action.

    We addressed this several months ago in our podcast and we are actively working to mitigate the issues people are seeing. We can not go into detail on our work in this area but rest assured, we are committed to doing our best to give all players the best experience possible.

    When reporting players please make sure to include as much detail as possible as well as video evidence to help us find solutions.

    As links have been provided to both our support site where these problems can be reported, and to our response as a studio to the problems we know our players are facing, I will be dropping anchor here.

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