Pirate Poll #14 Servant of the Flame or Guardian of Fortune

  • Ahoy Mateys! Doc here! For Pirate Poll #14, are you a Servant of the Flame or a Guardian of Athena’s Fortune?

  • 12
  • @die-gute-doc well I have both curses but my allegiance level is 255 with guardians…tend to favor that one over servants.

    But it’s a hard call because you make so much more gold from the servants as grade v!

  • @vito1700 I side with the Servant of the Flame. Not yet at 100 for either of them but getting there. I have been to the new Servant’s Hideout and it is crazy! I had that feeling that I wasn’t supposed to be there (much like when I first got to go into the PL tavern before I became Pirate Legend) can’t wait to be able to visit the bone cosmetics man.

  • @die-gute-doc the bone customization of the skelly curse is amazing! It’s really fun to level up and/or complete tt or other adventure quests to unlock more items for the curse.

    I agree! The reapers lair is amazing! So fun to go down there.

    Maybe I’ll see you get that curse soon!

    Good luck!

  • @vito1700 Thanks Captain!

  • @die-gute-doc

    I am Guardians of Fortune all the way because I hate Reapers, and there is no difference between Reapers and Servants of the Flame, because they are highly toxic towards all, except maybe other Reapers and Servants of the Flame, and I attack them whenever I can, which is when I have backup because I'm not a god at the game and need to improve a lot to be on a sloop and fight a fully stocked and full crew galleon.

  • I find Reaper one to have inferior curse and a terrible name, so Guardian it is!

  • Only a fool would chose be around the likes of the pirate lord and merrick. Flameheart got the flaming hot cheetoos

  • @die-gute-doc

    I absolutely hate Reapers with a fiery passion and a half, so my allegiance is to the Guardians of Fortune. And I also do say "May the Pirate Lord guide you to fortune!" so yeah.

  • Guardians all the way, it matches a pirates life 4's cosmetics you get from the commendations and the season 8 weapons from the plunder pass. Killer combo

  • @dangerpog a pirates life tall tale 3*

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