50M coins event still active?

  • Is the 50M coins event still active?

  • 9
  • Yup, until we get notified that it is no longer active.

  • yeah as of right now according to their twitter

    Some have done alright, many are not seeing much luck

    It wasn't panning out well for me so I went back to sea. Doesn't appear to be as worth the time investment as it was last time, based off feedback and my own anecdotal testing.

    If someone already spends a lot of time on land and already plays a lot then it works out fine

    Even the fort stackers have been giving feedback that they aren't seeing many, with a few exceptions

  • hanging around on the island for some time by now and....
    YES. I "see a notable increase in these Ancient Coin-dropping creatures scurrying around our shores"

    It´s 13246533% more than the usual zero that makes still ZERO unfortunately :-(

  • @gooru72 said in 50M coins event still active?:

    hanging around on the island for some time by now and....
    YES. I "see a notable increase in these Ancient Coin-dropping creatures scurrying around our shores"

    It´s 13246533% more than the usual zero that makes still ZERO unfortunately :-(

    I would definitely multitask, might as well work on commendation goals

    The first time around it was clear that just chilling on an island was gonna end up with a good chance of some coin

    this time around I think multitasking makes more sense and if you don't like being on land for long I would just avoid it.

  • @triheadedmonkey said in 50M coins event still active?:

    I find it funny but i never had any real issue finding them before, but i can thank this event for giving me my first one of the season!

    I will try to cash in again today if there are still some left when i get on, but if i get no more then i have probably had enough ancient skeles total to make up for any lost profits. I hope some day they make an ancient skele counter that tells us how many we have killed, because im curious what my count is at.

  • ANNNNNNND that's a wrap folks!

    alt text

  • two ancient skeles earlier, 310 and 530 coins. Both at regular forts.

3 out of 9