Sinking etiquette (IMO)

    1. If somebody is on a tall tale do not sink them unless they have loot on board besides tale items
    2. If somebody is solo and there is other prosperity around do not sink them unless they have loot on board
    3. Sink somebody if they disrupt you in your ventures or are following you pre-combat
    4. Sink somebody if they are doing a world event
    5. Only attempt to reason with breakers of this guideline if they are
      -Not reapers
      -Not being toxic in VC or text chat
      -Seem like newer players who can be reasoned with
      -Are below your level
    6. Sink people who are toxic to others or break any of the aforementioned guidelines

    This is my opinion you are justified in your own but one common thing I hope we can agree on is sinking people on a tall tale is not a rational person move.

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  • There are three important parts on the topic of ships that haven't opted into extra risk

    providing support for lower risk play
    providing support for lore content
    maintaining low to no incentivizes to sink boats that haven't opted into more risk

    They have largely succeeded in addressing all of these, with a hiccup of barrel dropping

    Many lower risk options for pve play now, quick selling, soon to be quick gathering.

    checkpoints are huge for tall tales

    and outside of specific situations of supply shortages there are low incentivizes to sink random boats

    A player has the freedom to immerse in piracy, it's not on them to abide by social pressures about sinking. Piracy is what a person decides it is in this game.

  • The main thing I keep to:

    Is the ship on a legitimate Tall Tale run? if so then I will leave them be unless attacked.

    Anything else is open game on the seas especially if a ship has a Reaper Mark Flag as they are hunting game for me at that point and a matter of principle as that flag is saying they want to be in a battle.

    I have approached ships with sails half up as a sloop to try find out what they are doing and if they are willing to ally depending how they react since solo I am less interested in general combat and would prefer to let others do the work for me when it comes to earning gold and doubloons when they hand in as such I go into a mercenary protection mode for those ships.

  • @birdwithagun789

    Tools not rules. If you wanna sink someone, go for it.

  • I won't sink somebody on a Tall Tale - That is story mode they should be allowed to progress in peace
    I won't sink a new player - The game needs new players to fall in love with it. Sinking them would most likely make them uninstall

    Faction ship fight - once your ship has sunk, the fight is over. I pull out an instrument and start playing.

    Everything else is on a case by case basis. I once loaded into a galleon to start a faction dive and there was a pirate in a loot stacked rowboat next to the Sovereign tent.
    He asked me not to kill him and offered me some of the loot. I took the stocked storage crate he had instead, let him sell and we sailed out to sea to dive. We figured he had enough bad luck already. He didn't need us sending him to the ferry.

  • I sink everything and everyone, but if I see that it's a beginner or someone who is legitimately doing a Tall Tale, I fix the ship and move on. Unless this person is toxic to me, for example, insulting me via text or microphone.

  • @birdwithagun789 said in Sinking etiquette (IMO):

    1. If somebody is on a tall tale do not sink them unless they have loot on board besides tale items
    2. If somebody is solo and there is other prosperity around do not sink them unless they have loot on board
    3. Sink somebody if they disrupt you in your ventures or are following you pre-combat
    4. Sink somebody if they are doing a world event
    5. Only attempt to reason with breakers of this guideline if they are
      -Not reapers
      -Not being toxic in VC or text chat
      -Seem like newer players who can be reasoned with
      -Are below your level
    6. Sink people who are toxic to others or break any of the aforementioned guidelines

    This is my opinion you are justified in your own but one common thing I hope we can agree on is sinking people on a tall tale is not a rational person move.

    Sink all people who make up rules, repeatedly.

  • Reasons I sank you:

    1. You had loot
    2. I thought you had loot
    3. You attacked me
    4. I thought you might attack me
    5. You're at the outpost I want to use
    6. You're at the island I want to use
    7. You steered at me funny
    8. I didn't like your ship cosmetics
    9. I felt like it
    10. I'm a pirate
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