
  • they fire cannon shot after cannon shot but hit almost nothing.
    make them stronger. give the ghosts the same cannon aim that the skelleton ships have. make them a real threat while approaching. might give each one a different curse ball as well.

    maybe even add more waves or ghost variants to make the rest harder as well. maybe a variant of the skeletton lord but as ghost. (can appear randomly while clearing out a fortress)
    increase the treasure of course to match the harder challenge

  • 9
  • I think they're fine. If they are tougher, they won't be worth the time and effort to complete and increasing the treasure to compensate makes them too powerful given their close proximity to outposts.

  • The fortresses were (if i heared correctly) also made for newer players to be able to get some loot and as a way to get some loot without having to play for a long time. Making those cannons have aimbot just destroys that purpose and probably just turns everybody away from them.

  • I have an idea.

    What if the phantoms that spawn on islands would have a chance to spawn a captain phantom, who would drop an orders (just like the skelly captain) voyage, that voyage would direct you to one of the forts throughout the map, the fort would be harder, maybe protected by extra 2-3 waves and an extra 1-2 captains, but you would also get better loot and maybe some new, only fort related kind of loot? just like the shrines have their own unique treasure at the end.

  • I've lost masts to them a few times. They're just there to pressure you to close the gap faster.

  • @zig-zag-ltu said in fortresses:

    I have an idea.

    What if the phantoms that spawn on islands would have a chance to spawn a captain phantom, who would drop an orders (just like the skelly captain) voyage, that voyage would direct you to one of the forts throughout the map, the fort would be harder, maybe protected by extra 2-3 waves and an extra 1-2 captains, but you would also get better loot and maybe some new, only fort related kind of loot? just like the shrines have their own unique treasure at the end.

    But the shrines don't get more difficult if someone grabs a coral message bottle. And there also lies a problem, because as soon as you grab that bottle, another crew could by coincidence go to that shrine/treasury and 'steal' that Breath of the Sea from you (i have a couple of times just seen my coral quest seen dissapear from my radial, once i was close and when i checked another crew was there). So if you suddenly make that fortress more difficult, another crew can suddenly face a more difficult fortress without knowing it. I don't think that is a good way to approach it.

    I do like the idea of having a chance of spawning a phantom captain on specific islands that drop a quest for special treasure in a fortress, just like you have with the treasuries/shrines. But it should not affect the difficulty, just like the treasuries/shrines.

  • @super87ghost Fair point, I just find them to be too easy and more annoying than difficult. The loot imo is only good for reapers or if you need a tad extra to reach level 5 in main factions

  • @zig-zag-ltu Fortresses where never intended to be a way to max out your emissary flag, it was intended to be a quick way to get some loot for people who aren't that skilled or don't have a lot of time to play but still want to do something. If you consider their purpose, they fill their role perfectly as they are now.

    Not everything should be time consuming and/or difficult, the lower skilled players and players with limited time deserve some content to.

  • @mudl4543 said in fortresses:

    they fire cannon shot after cannon shot but hit almost nothing.
    make them stronger. give the ghosts the same cannon aim that the skelleton ships have. make them a real threat while approaching. might give each one a different curse ball as well.

    maybe even add more waves or ghost variants to make the rest harder as well. maybe a variant of the skeletton lord but as ghost. (can appear randomly while clearing out a fortress)
    increase the treasure of course to match the harder challenge

    Fortresses were introduced as a way for pirates who don't have long play sessions (30-60 minutes) to be able to hope in and do something. Making them harder will make them take longer, which is against why they were introduced into the game in the first place.

    You want more time, treasure, and effort? Go do a world event.

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