Entire Crew Marble Bearded During a fight.

  • I played with a crewmate I met on discord, and we were fighting another sloop in hourglass for a while. After both sides took lots of damage it seemed like nobody could sink each other. Then suddenly, we were broadsided by them, and as soon as we took the first holes my crewmate and I both disconnected at the same time with the error code "marble beard". I checked the other calls within this Discord group to confirm Sea of Thieves servers were still up; so only my crewmate and I got affected. Did we get Rared? Or did we get DDOS'd?

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  • Rared. My whole crew has been randomly disconnected many times over the years. Someone once explained to me why it happens but of course I’ve forgotten. Hopefully someone else can explain it. But it does happen.

  • In my experience Marblebeard usually means the server crashed, which means the other ship also got dumped, and you'll be unable to rejoin your session because it's on a server that no longer exists.

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