• ![alt text](image url)I am here today my fellow pirates to post that I am losing one of the best, loyalest, friendliest companions I have ever had; my German Shepherd, Apache 😢. I have had him 10 years since a baby and he has been by my side, even when I first started playing Sea of Thieves many a year ago. He loved to sit or lay by my feet as I sailed and battled monsters and foe across the waves. I have to put him down today at 1:30p.m. and lose his physical attributes and love forever but never his spirit. I immortalized him in The Sea of Thieves for all time through a virtual purchase and download in the game. The sweet pooch looks and acts just like him and my heart is lifted by this. Thank you Rare for incorporating pets into your game. They mean the 🌎 to alot of pirates wether known or unknown. I know this post is far left field from normalty but I had to express my sadness and gratitude to fellow pirates out there wether knowing you individually or not because you are still family to me and WE PIRATES stick together in the end even if we are plundering and sinking eachothers vessels for loot and supplies 😂. I hope I don't get in trouble for posting this but being very emotional today and down, I need more friends and support than I have needed in awhile. Thank you all if reading this post or not for you all are awesome anyway. Rare, your beautiful, gem of a game I think, is still my go to adventure on any day and in any way. I'm going to be sailing sometime after the sending off of my baby Apache to a better place today and as always, he will be right there by my side in spirit and even virtually.
    Cheers and Good Journey to you all and again, THANK YOU and GOOD JOURNEY.

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  • @fenris-ulf-76

  • I'm so sorry for your loss. That is a terribly hard thing to do. My cat Sheba is my sailing companion, always cuddling on my lap while I'm on the Seas.

    You have my deepest sympathies for losing such a dear friend and companion. Apache was lucky to have you.

    Fair sailing, pirate.

  • @maximusarael020 Thank you mate and I appreciate it very much. Cheers and God Bless.

  • May he reach the shores of bones on the ferry of the damned.

  • @zig-zag-ltu Aye and thank you matey. God Bless.

  • @maximusarael020 I am very sorry for your loss as well and good journey to you and all of us. Cheers.

  • as a kid, as an adult
    the lowest points of my existence, only one thing remained consistent
    the affection and acceptance gifted to me by my companions, dogs

    the stories become how much they meant to us
    you meant as much to him, undoubtedly

    words aren't as effective as time when it comes to healing
    we just try to be there for one another
    but I am glad you found each other and it's wonderful you have such a strong approach to how you are going to seize the day.

  • @wolfmanbush thank you so much matey. You are right and God Bless us all. Cheers and Good journey.

  • I am a broken pirate and will be for a long time. My baby pooch is gone to a better place but I am left here with a big void without him. 😢 😭. I love and miss you Soo much Apache. Forever loved and missed.💕 💕 😘 💕 😘 💕

  • @fenris-ulf-76 said in APACHE:

    I am a broken pirate and will be for a long time. My baby pooch is gone to a better place but I am left here with a big void without him. 😢 😭. I love and miss you Soo much Apache. Forever loved and missed.💕 💕 😘 💕 😘 💕

    something that helped me with the feeling of being broken in life, feeling a void, I let myself feel and I thought it out

    I decided that how I viewed loss was a choice
    sadness, feelings surrounding the harshness of life , not a choice
    but how I view it and carry it with me is

    rather than broken and void I view it as pieces
    not pieces taken away, pieces left with me

    I started life with no pieces, everything I ever cared about became a piece
    a permanent piece that cannot be taken way

    every day I carry those pieces and I try to create and offer more with support from the experiences I had with the pieces I carry

    right now and in the foreseeable future you will face the pain of missing something incredible that left you with a permanent piece of yourself influenced by love for another existence

    the missing part, that will always be there to some degree
    but you now carry that piece with you
    you get to use it as a resource to be kind to others, to yourself, to create some form of decency around you, an energy created by Apache and carried by you, always

  • I’m sorry for your loss. I’ve been in your shoes a couple times, like many I understand how deeply it hurts. Your sadness may feel like an insurmountable mountain now but you will climb it and on the other side will be all the good times and love you shared with Apache. His spirit will live on in your heart forever.

  • @sn0kanon thank you very much and you are right. Just hurts a lot right now. Cheers and Good journey.

  • @wolfmanbush thank you matey and I agree fully. You are right and it just hurts a lot right now but I will climb out of this void and bring new life to a life lost. Cheers and Good journey.

  • @mintharp184509 I have wept Soo much that my tear ducts are dry. Crazy sad day but thank you for all your kind words and it means a lot to me. All of you out there. Sincerely and cheers and Good journey.

  • @wolfmanbush thank you matey and they truly do. The memories will be great stories to tell to my nieces and nephews and everyone I meet. Thank you and cheers and Good journey.

  • I know how it feels. My parrot passed on a few years ago and it ain't any easier knowing he's not around to hide under my shirt or dance on my keyboard or poo on my desk.

    Probably one of the only reasons I'm still playing this game if I'll be honest. Wouldn't be around if I didn't have a ship named after him and a parrot that vaguely looks like him as a pet.

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