Penny Dreadfuls, the Perseverance Rover, and things that make you go Hmmm...

  • Sunday:

    Gonna let Willie do the talkin' today.

    alt text

  • 200 Captaincy krakens

    "Decide what to be and go be it"

    the potential that exists within people is overwhelming

    the possibilities that grow from a mind that believes in going beyond doubt are endless

    To the young pirates, don't let doubt chase off your dreams, don't let it discourage you from pursuing your goals, don't let it silence your expression. Today and tomorrow are just as important as the stars you chase, the destination. As you are is enough, what you will achieve is incredible, of that I have no doubt.

  • 100 captaincy hungering ones

  • wow, thats insane

  • The Tornado

  • Heart in the sky

    an experiment of passion, of the spirit
    can I keep at the end what I began with?
    through the changes
    through the frustrations
    constantly tested
    mistakes, failures
    pondering the possibility of maintaining wonderment, appreciation, dedication, discipline

    I look up and I see a heart in a cloud
    a reminder of a ride, a journey
    that gave more than it took
    a generous reality

  • Class 100 for crested queen

    Thus far 2x Class 100 megs

  • I think its the skelly ship that's bugged. Last night I was doing quick merchants lost shippment run, when I noticed a skelly sloop next to one of the islands I had to stop by in devils roar. He was a bit far but I hit him twice with my cannons, the skelly sloop started to sail against the wind :D, never happened like this before, the music would always start and they would always start fighting back, but then again I never engaged them from that far before just in case they would start their silly maneuvers and it would consume more time to sink them.

    P.S. Skelly sloop was probably doing athenas :D

  • A pirate of my own adventures
    but I do participate in the stories that others create
    this tale was one I enjoyed
    well crafted, designed wonderfully for a story driven experience

    I return to my own story, my own adventures but am thankful for the experience and hope others find enjoyment within their own attempts.

  • clip

    🎵I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings
    coming down is the hardest thing
    well the good ol' days may not return
    and the rocks might melt and the sea may burn🎵

  • Galleon clip
    Galleon clip 2

  • 300 Captaincy Krakens

  • Kraken keg clip

    Lol clip

    They kegged me during a kraken
    we fought during a galleon meg
    a skelly galleon
    a skelly sloop
    for the hunting ground

  • somethin' beautiful about the sea
    beyond when the sun rises and sets
    even beyond the moon, stars, and beasts

    I've been around the world through the immersion of conversation
    found randomly but existing as if it was always intended
    this ole country boy has seen the best in others

    to bring joy to others, warmth to their lives
    comfort in turmoil, reasons to smile
    kindness without obligation or expectation
    to me these are traits...actions of a legend

    Rest in peace to a legend in my mind
    Leslie Jordan

  • I was soloing a fleet and being watched by a sloop towards the end.

    As I finished the sloop sailed over to battle

    I don't have many supplies left and it's about time for me to harvest a meg so I want to save them for the spawn.

    We go around in combat for a bit. I can hear him talking on the mic throughout. Eventually I have to put more pressure because I don't want to end up without supplies or in a situation where I lose out on a meg so I put more pressure.

    I'm not gonna sink a pirate like this, someone so joyous, so I left the area and after putting some distance between us then I sent him a message.

    The game is stronger because of pirates like this. My experiences are more fortunate because of pirates like this. Something I am thankful for.

    Departure clip

  • The fight of my pirate life

    on Halloween

  • @wolfmanbush that meg gave your ship an impressive nudge. I wonder if you took away any learnings from this encounter?

  • @semelweisreflex said in Penny Dreadfuls, the Perseverance Rover, and things that make you go Hmmm...:

    @wolfmanbush that meg gave your ship an impressive nudge. I wonder if you took away any learnings from this encounter?

    When facing the world of randomness and rng spawning there isn't much I can do other than react in the moment. I am just thankful for when it works out. Takes me anywhere from an hour to a couple of hours for a meg and whether it's pvp or pve or odd situation like the one in the video I have a very limited window to get the kill.

    I've killed these spawns while fighting multiple player ships, while getting hit by skelly galleons and with tridents without a boat. When it works out I am just thankful, I always have an hour or two+ of time invested so that's what is on the line if I lose one.

    If anything I should have had tridents on me (which I do about 90% of the time)

    I've always played with relatively low supplies which isn't a wise decision but I like the challenge.

    This is my second shrouded hunt

    My first one took two years and 2,523 meg spawns

  • @wolfmanbush said in Penny Dreadfuls, the Perseverance Rover, and things that make you go Hmmm...:

    If anything I should have had tridents on me (which I do about 90% of the time)

    I've always played with relatively low supplies which isn't a wise decision but I like the challenge.

    I got lazy while working on the 100 veil completions... got into the habit of not bothering to pick up any supplies, as by the time I finished the veil mission I had enough supplies to last many hours of unstructured play beyond then.
    I am also an advocate of stopping by a treasury to pick up tridents. They are extremely versatile, although I can't say I have ever tried them against the meg...

  • Silly clip

  • I would have hit 100 a couple of weeks ago but unfortunately captaincy issues costs me confirmed kills randomly throughout my hunts.

    Class 100 for the shadowmaw

    3x class 100's for megs

    Some solo vs solo clips

    Fight 1 part 1
    Fight 1 part 2

    Fight 2 part 1
    Fight 2 part 2

  • I wanted to hit 1k confirmed kraken kills before the forums go offline in a few days in case access to the confirmed stats is removed/changed.

    I pirate alone
    I hunt alone
    but it's just numbers as a result of effort and efficiency
    the value of the experience has always been created by those around me
    a kind collection of words
    thoughtful encouragement
    showing kindness through genuine action

    Some day these numbers will be irrelevant to my journey
    these pictures will be lost to the sea
    the appreciation will remain
    for all of those that have added meaning and light to my adventure

  • Sunday

    A reaper 5 skilled brig portal'd in and attacked me
    I fought and after the battle I was defeated.

    A pirate on the victorious ship messaged me kind words
    something that no one is obligated to do and many choose not to
    but they did and for that I am thankful.

    Another pirate that makes this environment stronger
    A skilled pirate that understands how one wins is as important as how one loses.
    Going into season 8 I hope that pirates win and lose with the thoughtfulness that this pirate chose to share.

  • All of my fights so far have been against skilled solos

    I didn't upload anything from some of my favorite fights because they went on so long and I don't like to share long videos of stuff.

    My favorite fight was against someone named Just Epsy. Very skilled and friendly. Fight went over an hour. Really enjoyed it and am thankful for the experience.

    I appreciate all the competition and experiences against skilled solos.

    Here are some clips of a meg hunter trying out the new content.

    3 cannonballs to the mast
    random action

  • Clips

    Some fun in a fleet


    Stationary play

    Roll Tide

  • A few action clips from my adventures

  • Thank you, adventurer
    without you, my adventures would be filled with empty sea and bare horizons
    my priority has always been spontaneity within piratical adventure
    appreciation for encounters
    and those that make them memorable
    none of it possible without you

    along the way, pages are filled with more than gold and glory
    more than good times and glory days
    there are times of struggle and loss
    something we all have in common
    I wish you peace, kindness, and love
    shown to you, and by you

    I'm grateful that you exist
    an important part of this adventure
    that we, in some way share

  • I hope your day is filled with warmth
    love and appreciation
    if the day feels empty
    adventure is always there
    always willing to offer opportunity
    to the one that seeks

    Kindness is treasure
    I hope you find it
    I hope you cherish it
    I hope you share it
    and I hope you never lose it

    Merry adventures

screenshotjust for fun
287 out of 392